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PDFs of all journal papers available on request

101 Rapid, Label-free, contactless measurement of membrane potential in excitable H9c2 cardiomyoblasts using ζ-potential

S Chacar, MK Catacutan, S Albakr, H Al Safar, S Babiker, S Ahmed, AA Albizreh, AZ Alshehhi, S Lee, M Nader, MP Hughes

Measurement Science and Technology 2024 in press Link (open access)


100. The cellular zeta potential: cell electrophysiology beyond the membrane   

MP Hughes

Integrative Biology 2024 16 zyae003 Link (open access)

99. On the low-frequency dispersion observed in dielectrophoresis spectra

MP Hughes, KSP Clarke, R Hoque, OV Griffiths, EJ Kruchek, F Bertagna, K Jeevaratnam, R Lewis, FH Labeed.

Electrophoresis 2024 (in press) Link (open access)

98. Bionanotechnology and BioMEMS (BNM): state-of-the art applications, opportunities, and challenges

J Borenstein, G Cummins, A Dutta, E Hamad, MP Hughes, X Jiang, H Lee, KF Lei, S Tang, Y Zheng, J Chen

Lab on a Chip 2023 23 4928-4949 Link


97. Low-cost, high-throughput, rapid-prototyped 3D integrated dielectrophoretic channels for continuous cell enrichment and separation

SA Faraghat, HO Fatoyinbo, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2023 44 947-955 Link (open access)

96. The surface conductance of red blood cells is altered by the cell membrane potential

MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2023 44 845-853 Link

95. Point-of-care Analysis for Non-invasive Diagnosis of Oral cancer (PANDORA): a technology-development proof of concept diagnostic accuracy study of dielectrophoresis in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma and dysplasia.

MP Hughes, FH Labeed, KF Hoettges, S Porter, V Mercadante, N Kalavrezos, C Liew, JA McCaul, R Kulkarni, J Cymerman, C Kerawala, J Barber, MP Lewis, S Fedele

Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine 2023 52 305-314 Link (open access)

94. Cytoplasmic anion/cation imbalances applied across the membrane capacitance may form a significant component of the resting membrane potential of red blood cells

MP Hughes, CH Fry, FH Labeed

Scientific Reports 2022 12 15005 Link (open access)

93. The platelet electrome: evidence for a role in regulation of function and surface interaction

MP Hughes, EJ Kruchek, JM Gibbins, OV Griffiths, B Abdal, FH Labeed

Bioelectricity 2022 4 153-159 Link

92. An algorithm for tracking the position and velocity of multiple neuronal signals using implantable microelectrodes in vivo

LM Broche, KD Bustamante, MP Hughes

Micromachines 2021 12 1346 Link (open access)

91. Vm-related extracellular potentials observed in red blood cells

MP Hughes, EJ Kruchek, AD Beale, SJ Kitcatt, S Qureshi, ZP Trott, O Charbonnel, PA Agbaje, EA Henslee, RA Dorey, R Lewis, FH Labeed

Scientific Reports 2021 11 19446 Link (open access)

90. Transcriptome-based screening of ion channels and transporters in a migratory chondroprogenitor cell line isolated from late-stage osteoarthritic cartilage

C Matta, R Lewis, C Fellows, G Diszhazi, J Almassy, N Miosge, J Dixon, MC Uribe, S May, S Poliska, R Barrett-Jolley, E Henslee, FH Labeed, MP Hughes, A Mobasheri

Journal of Cellular Physiology 2021 236 7421-7439 Link (open access)

89. Rapid, low-cost dielectrophoretic diagnosis of bladder cancer in a clinical setting

R Hoque, H Mostafid, MP Hughes

IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 2020 8 4300405 (1-5)  Link (open access)


88. Ten–Second Electrophysiology: Evaluation of the 3DEP Platform for high-speed, high-accuracy cell analysis

KF Hoettges, EA Henslee, RM Torcal Serrano, RI Jabr, RG Abdallat, AD Beale, A Waheed, P Camelliti, CH Fry, DR van der Veen, FH Labeed, MP Hughes

Scientific Reports 2019 9 19153 Link (open access)


87. Complexity changes in brain activity in healthy ageing: a permutation Lempel-Ziv complexity study of magnetoencephalograms

E Shumbayawonda, PD Tosun, A Fernandez, MP Hughes, D Abasolo

Entropy 2018 20 506 (1-16) Link (open access)


86. Effects of anterior compartment fasciotomy on intramuscular compartment pressure in patients with

chronic exertional compartment syndrome

D Roscoe, AJ Roberts, D Hulse, AF Shaheen, MP Hughes, AN Bennett

Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 2018 164 338-342 Link


85. Barefoot plantar pressure measurement in chronic exertional compartment syndrome

D Roscoe, AJ Roberts, D Hulse, A Shaheen, MP Hughes, A Bennett

Gait and Posture 2018, 63, 10-16 Link


84. Technological developments in dielectrophoresis and its path to commercialisation

MP Hughes

Cell and Gene Therapy Insights 2018 81-88 Link (open access) 


83. Dielectrophoretic analysis of treated cancer cells for rapid assessment of treatment efficacy

S Mahabadi, FH Labeed, MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2018 39 1104-1110 Link 


82. High-Throughput, Low-Loss, Low-Cost and Label-Free Cell Separation using Electrophysiology Activated Cell Enrichment

SA Faraghat, KF Hoettges, MK Steinbach, D van der Veen, WJ Brackenbury, EA Henslee, FH Labeed and MP Hughes

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 2017 114 4591-4596 Link (open access)


81. Permutation entropy for the characterisation of brain activity recorded with magnetoencaphalograms in healthy ageing

E Shumbawayonda, A Fernandez, MP Hughes and D Abasolo

Entropy 2017 19 141 (1-17) Link (open access)


80. Rapid determination of nanowire electrical properties using a dielectrophoresis-well based system.

M Constantinou, KF Hoettges, S Krylyuk, A Davydov, GP Rigas, MP Hughes, M Shkunov

Applied Physics Letters 2017 110 133103 (1-5) Link (open access)


79. A Dielectrophoresis-Impedance Method for Protein Detection and Analysis

AS Mohamad, R Hamzah, KF Hoettges and MP Hughes

AIP Advances 2017 7 015202 (1-7) Link (open access)


78. Accurate quantification of apoptosis progression and toxicity using a dielectrophoretic approach

EA Henslee, RM Torcal Serrano, FH Labeed, RI Jabr, CH Fry, MP Hughes and KF Hoettges

Analyst 2016 141 4608-4615 Link (open access)


77.  Fifty years of dielectrophoretic cell separation technology

MP Hughes

Biomicrofluidics 2016 10 032701 (1-9) Link (open access)


76. Simultaneous tunable selection and self-assembly of SI nanowires from heterogeneous feedstock

M Constantinou, G Panagiotis Rigas, F Castro, V Stolojan, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes, E Adkin, BA Korgel, M Shkunov

ACS Nano 2016 10 4384–4394 Link


75. Apoptosis Progression Studied using Parallel Dielectrophoresis Electrophysiological Analysis and Flow Cytometry

HJ Mulhall, A Cardnell, KF Hoettges, FH Labeed and MP Hughes

Integrative Biology 2015 7 1396-1401 Link


74. A dielectrophoretic method of discrimination between normal oral epithelium, and oral and oropharyngeal cancer in a clinical setting

KA Graham, HJ Mulhall, FH Labeed, MP Lewis, KF Hoettges, N Kalavrezos, J McCaul, C Liew, S Porter, S Fedele, and MP Hughes

Analyst 2015 140 5198-5204 Link (open access)


73. Effects of cell detachment methods on the dielectric properties of adherent and suspension cells

S Mahabadi, FH Labeed, MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2015 36 1493–1498 Link


72. Characterization of human skeletal stem and bone cell populations using dielectrophoresis

A Ismail, MP Hughes, HJ Mulhall, ROC Oreffo, FH Labeed

Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2015 9 162-168 Link


71. Dielectrophoretic sample preparation for environmental monitoring of microorganisms: soil particle removal

HO Fatoyinbo, MC McDonnell, MP Hughes

Biomicrofluidics 2014 8 044115 (1-10) Link (open access)


70. Dielectrophoretic response of DNA shows different conduction mechanisms for poly(dG)-poly(dC) and poly(dA)-poly(dT) in solution

AS Muhamad, JC Jeynes, MP Hughes

IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 2014 13 51-54 Link


69. Continuous flow nanoparticle concentration using alternating current-electroosmotic flow

KF Hoettges, MB McDonnell, MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2014 35 467-473 Link


68. Factors affecting particle collection by electro-osmosis in microfluidic systems

MN Mohtar, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2014 35 345-351 Link


67. Efficient dielectrophoretic cell enrichment using a dielectrophoresis-well based system

MA Abdul Razak, KF Hoettges, HO Fatoyinbo, FH Labeed, MP Hughes

Biomicrofluidics 2013 7, 064110 (1-10) Link


66. Solution processable multi-channel ZnO nanowire field-effect transistors with organic gate dielectric

C Opoku, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes, SRP Silva, M Shkunov

Nanotechnology 2013 24 405203 (1-7) Link


65. Epithelial cancer cells exhibit different electrical properties when cultured in 2D and 3D environments

HJ Mulhall, MP Hughes, B Kazmi, MP Lewis, FH Labeed

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2013 1830 5136-5141 Link


64. Process development for cell aggregate arrays encapsulated in a synthetic hydrogel using negative dielectrophoresis

RG Abdallat, AS Ahmad Tajuddin, DH Gould, MP Hughes, HO Fatoyinbo, FH Labeed

Electrophoresis 2013 34 1059-1067 Link


63. Determination of the thermal and physical properties of black tattoo ink using compound analysis

A Humphries, TS Lister, PA Wright, MP Hughes

Lasers in Medical Science 2013 28 1107-1112 Link (open access)


62. Biosensors

HO Fatoyinbo, MP Hughes

Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, ed. B Bhushan, Springer-Verlag 2012 Link


61. Finite Element Analysis of thermal and acoustic processes during laser tattoo removal

A Humphries, MP Hughes, TS Lister, PA Wright

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2012 45 108-115  Link


60. Cell Membrane Analysis using Modulated Dielectrophoresis

MMM Elnasharty, AM Ghoneim, GM Turky, M Kamal, FH Labeed, MP Hughes, KF Hoettges

Romanian Journal of Biophysics 2012 22 221-234 Link (open access)


59. Cytoplasm resistivity of mammalian atrial myocardium determined by dielectrophoresis and impedance methods

CH Fry, SC Salvage, A Manazza, E Dupont, FH Labeed, MP Hughes, RI Jabr

Biophysical Journal 2012 103 2287-2294 Link (open access)


58. Cancer, pre-cancer and normal oral cells distinguished by dielectrophoresis

HJ Mulhall, FH Labeed, B Kazmi, DE Costea, MP Hughes, MP Lewis

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2011 401 2455-2463 Link (open access)


57. Rapid, automated measurement of dielectrophoretic forces using DEP-activated microwells

LM Broche, KF Hoettges, SL Ogin, GEN Kass, MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2011 32 2393-2399 Link 


56. Biophysical characteristics reveal neural stem cell differentiation potential

FH Labeed, JT Lu, HJ Mulhall, SA Marachenko, KF Hoettges, LC Estrada, AP Lee, MP Hughes, L Flanagan

PLoS One 2011 6e25458 Link (open access)


55. Particle concentration in a liquid flow

KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Patent filed 29th September 2009


54. Microengineering in Biotechnology

KF Hoettges, MP Hughes (Editors)

Published by Springer/Humana Press, November 2009; 252 pages

ISBN: 1588293815


53. Action potential recording from dielectrophoretically positioned neurons inside micro-wells of a planar microelectrode array

FT Jaber, FH Labeed, MP Hughes

Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2009 182. 225-235


52. Bacterial concentration, separation and analysis by dielectrophoresis

MP Hughes, KF Hoettges

Principles of Bacterial Detection (Transducers, Recognition Elements, and Microsystems), ed. M. Zourob and P.F. Turner, Elsevier 2008


51. Dielectrophoresis-activated multiwell Plate for label-free high-throughput Drug Assessment

KF Hoettges Y Hübner, LM Broche, SL Ogin, GEN Kass, MP Hughes

Analytical Chemistry 2008 80 2063-2068


50. Protein adsorption on materials for recording sites on implantable microelectrodes

J Selvakumaran, J Keddie, DJ Ewins, MP Hughes

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 2008 19 143-151


49. Rapid on-chip determination of dielectric properties of biological cells using imaging techniques in a dielectrophoresis dot microsystem

HO Fatoyinbo, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2008 29 3-10


48. Dielectrophoretic analysis of changes in cytoplasmic ion levels due to ion channel blocker action reveals underlying differences between drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistance leukaemic cells

L Duncan, H Shelmerdine, MP Hughes, HM Coley, Y Hübner, FH Labeed

Physics in Medicine and Biology 2008 53 N1-N7


47. Applications of Dielectrophoretic / electro-hydrodynamic “zipper” electrodes for detection of biological nanoparticles

Y Hübner, KF Hoettges, MB McDonnell, MJ Carter, MP Hughes

International Journal of Nanomedicine 2007 2 427-431


46. Rapid determination of antibiotic resistance in E. coli using dielectrophoresis

KF Hoettges, JW Dale, MP Hughes

Physics in Medicine and Biology 2007 52 6001-6009 


45. An Integrated Dielectrophoretic Quartz Crystal Microbalance (DEP-QCM) Device for Rapid Biosensing Applications

HO Fatoyinbo, KF Hoettges, SM Reddy, MP Hughes

Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2007 23 225-232


44. Biophysical characterization of MDR breast cancer cell lines reveals the cytoplasm is critical in determining drug sensitivity

H Coley, FH Labeed, H Thomas, MP Hughes

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2007 1770 601-608


43. Early detection of oral cancer – is dielectrophoresis the answer?

LM Broche, N Bhadal, MP Lewis, S Porter, MP Hughes, FH Labeed

Oral Oncology 2007 43 199-203


42. Dielectrophoretic Separation of Bacillus Subtilis spores from environmental diesel particles

HO Fatoyinbo, S Martin, P Pashby, MP Hughes, FH Labeed

Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2007 9 87-90


41. Rapid assessment of early biophysical changes in K562 cells during apoptosis determined using dielectrophoresis

S Chin, MP Hughes, HM Coley, FH Labeed

International Journal of Nanomedicine 2006 1 333-337


40. In situ and real time determination of metallic and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes in suspension via dielectrophoresis

N Mureau, E Mendoza, SRP Silva, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Applied Physics Letters 2006 88 243109 (1-3)


39. Differences in the biophysical properties of membrane and cytoplasm of apoptotic cells revealed using dielectrophoresis

FH Labeed, HM Coley, MP Hughes

Biophysica et Biochimica Acta 2006 1760 922-929


38. Microelectrode device for dielectrophoretic characterisation of particles

HO Fatoyinbo, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Patent. Filed 16th August 2005, granted 2009


37. Parallel measurements of drug actions on Erythrocytes by dielectrophoresis, using a three-dimensional electrode design

Y Hübner, KF Hoettges, GEN Kass, SL Ogin, MP Hughes

IEE Proceedings on Bionanotechnology 2005 4 21-25


36. A high-throughput 3D composite dielectrophoretic separator

HO Fatoyinbo, D Kamchis, R Whattingham, SL Ogin, MP Hughes

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2005 52 1347-1349


35. Extraction of dielectric properties for multiple populations from dielectrophoretic collection spectrum data

L Broche, FH Labeed, MP Hughes

Physics in Medicine and Biology 2005 50 2267-2274


34. Action potential velocity detection using an implantable microprobe

MP Hughes, DJ Banks, DJ Ewins

Measurement Science and Technology 2005 16 N7- N10


33. AC Electrokinetics of particles

MP Hughes, K. Hoettges, FH Labeed, HO Fatoyinbo

Chapter in: Handbook of Engineering, ed. RC Dorf, CRC Press, 2004.


32. Numerical simulation of dielectrophoretic ratchet structures

MP Hughes

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2004 37 1275-1280

31. Apparatus for Detecting Particles

KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Patent filed 9th February 2003


30. Apparatus for Collecting Particles

KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Patent filed 12th February 2003


29. Device for Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Particles

MP Hughes, KF Hoettges, SL Ogin, R Wattingham.

Patent filed 28th February 2003, granted 2014


28. Optimising particle collection for enhanced surface-based biosensors

KF Hoettges, MP Hughes A Cotton, NAE Hopkins, MB McDonnell

Engineering in Medicine and Biology 2003 22(6) 68-74


27. Water quality test based on dielectrophoretic measurements of fresh water algae Selenastrum capricornutum

Y Hübner, KF Hoettges, MP Hughes

Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2003 5 861-864


26. Use of combined dielectrophoretic/electrohydrodynamic forces for biosensor enhancement

KF Hoettges, MB McDonnell, MP Hughes

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2003 36 L101-L104


25. Assessment of multidrug resistance reversal using dielectrophoresis and flow cytometry

FH Labeed, HM Coley, H Thomas, MP Hughes

Biophysical Journal 2003 85 2028-2034


24. Dielectrophoretic assay of bacterial resistance to antibiotics

J Johari, Y Hübner, J Hull, JW Dale, MP Hughes

Physics in Medicine and Biology 2003 48 N193-N196


23. Nanoparticle manipulation by electrostatic forces

MP Hughes

Chapter in: Nanoscience, Engineering and Technology Handbook, ed. W. Goddard, D. Brenner, S. Lyshevski, G. Iafrate, ISBN 0049312000. CRC Press 2002, updated for the second edition in 2007 and third edition in 2011.


22. Nanoelectromechanics in Engineering and Biology

MP Hughes

Published by CRC press, October 2002; 322 pages

ISBN 0849311837


21. Strategies for dielectrophoretic separation in laboratory-on-a-chip systems (invited review)

MP Hughes

Electrophoresis 2002 23 2569-2582


20. Dielectrophoretic behaviour of latex nanospheres: low-frequency dispersion

MP Hughes

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2002 250 291-294


19. The influence of Stern layer conductance on the dielectrophoretic behaviour of latex nanospheres

MP Hughes, NG Green

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2002 250 266-268


18. Measuring the dielectric properties of herpes simplex virus type 1 virions with dielectrophoresis.

MP Hughes, H Morgan, FJ Rixon

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2002 1571 1-8


17. Theoretical evaluation of asynchronous AC dielectric nanomotors

MP Hughes

Nanotechnology 2002 13 157-162


16. Dielectrophoretic manipulation and characterisation of herpes simplex virus-1 capsids

MP Hughes, H Morgan, FJ Rixon

European Biophysics Journal 2001 30 268-272


15. AC electrokinetics: applications for nanotechnology

MP Hughes

Nanotechnology 2000 11 124-132


14. The dielectrophoretic behavior of submicron latex spheres: influence of surface conductance

MP Hughes, H Morgan, MF Flynn

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 1999 220 454-457


13. Dielectrophoretic characterization and separation of antibody-coated submicrometer latex spheres

MP Hughes, H Morgan

Analytical Chemistry 1999 71 3441-3445


12. An evanescent-field technique for dielectrophoresis studies of colloidal particles

MP Hughes, H Morgan

Measurement Science Technology 1999 10 759-762


11. Mapping the electrorotational torque in planar microelectrodes

MP Hughes, S Archer, H Morgan

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1999 32 1548-1552


10. Separation of submicron bioparticles by dielectrophoresis

H Morgan, MP Hughes, NG Green

Biophysical Journal 1999 77 516-525


9. Measurement of bacterial flagellar thrust by negative dielectrophoresis

MP Hughes, H Morgan

Biotechnology Progress 1999 15 245-249


8. Computer-aided analysis of conditions for optimizing practical electrorotation

MP Hughes

Physics in Medicine and Biology 1998 12 3639-3648


7. Manipulation of herpes simplex virus type 1 by dielectrophoresis

MP. Hughes, H Morgan, FJ Rixon, JPH Burt, R Pethig

Biochima et Biophysica Acta 1998 1425 119-126


6. Dielectrophoretic trapping of single sub-micrometre scale bioparticles

MP. Hughes, H Morgan

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1998 31 2205-2210


5. Large-area travelling-wave dielectrophoresis particle separator

H Morgan, NG Green, MP Hughes, W Monaghan, TC Tan

Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 1997 7 65-70


4. Large area multilayered arrays for dielectrophoretic fractionation

NG Green, MP Hughes, W Monaghan, H Morgan

Microelectronic Engineering 1997 35 421-424


3. Dielectrophoretic forces on particles in travelling electric fields

MP Hughes, R Pethig, X-B Wang

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1996 29 474-482


2. Non-uniform spatial distributions of both the magnitude and phase of AC electric fields determine dielectrophoretic forces

X-B Wang, MP Hughes, Y Huang, FF Becker, PRC Gascoyne

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1995 1243 185-194


1. Computer-aided analyses of electric fields used in electrorotation studies

MP Hughes, X-B Wang, FF Becker, PRC Gascoyne, R Pethig

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1994 27 1564-1570

"You don't really understand something if you only understand it one way"

-Marvin Minsky, scientist and polymath

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