Mustafa 'Çıkırıkcı'
The lakab/nickname 'Çıkırıkcı' is reputed by some old timers to refer to a person's trade which was the 'snapping' of dislocated bones into position. Whether this applies to Mustafa 'Çıkırıkcı' is unclear. We have to remember that lakabs were often given for a reason, some were because of people's trade. Often that lakab was passed to younger family members.
The Çarta's, Nihda's, Garibi's & Golomustaho's form part of this family group
MUSTAFA SÜLEYMAN 'Çıkırıkcı born 1803-1872 married DUDU MUSTAFA born 1819. They married in 1830. [1]
their children
1 Murat Mustafa 'Çıkırıkcı'. [2]
2 Süleyman Mustafa 'Savaris' had no children born 1835 (3)
3 Yusuf Mustafa 'Hopyaz' Died young. Had no children 1850-1872
4 Fatma Mustafa 'Çıkırıkcı'
5 Rebyeli Mustafa 'Çıkırıkcı' born 1848 married Ramadi
6 İsmail Mustafa 'Çıkırıkcı' born 1845 (see Important note below, and footnote 5)
MURAT MUSTAFA 'Çıkırıkcı' married
their children
1 Mustafa Murat 'Golomustafo’ died in 1973 married Fatma Yusuf 'Viddini' (on the Uşi page)
2 Süleyman Murat 'Çarta' died in 1973 married Şerife Mustafa 'Lurto,Çartu'
3 Dudu Murat 'Kufina ' married Yusuf Mustafa 'Kuf/Badudi' born 1878
4 Razgeli Murat 'Geli' born 1874-1958 married Mehmet Karagözlu 'Mavromaddi' born
Important Note.
the 1889-1906 Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 150, family No; 51 lists an İsmail 'Çıkırıkcı' Mustafa as 49 years old, In addition he had 2 sons Mustafa İsmail aged 8, and Suleyman İsmail aged 6. No İsmail exists on any records of İbrahim Tahsildar. Strangely there has been no record of an İsmail on this family tree. In addition to the Ottoman census of 1879 Doc No; 156-a-2. Page 311. İsmail Mustafa born in 1843 married Emine Hasan. Their family would read as follows
İSMAIL MUSTAFA born 1843 was married in 1861 after the death of his 1st wife he married EMINE HASSAN born 1843. They married in 1866.
their children
1 Ayşe Süleyman (from Emine's 1st marriage) born 1864.
2 Süleyman Süleyman (from Emine's 1st marriage) born 1866.
İsmail’s children
3 Süleyman İsmail born 1886
4 Mustafa İsmail born 1888. (5]
MUSTAFA MURAT. [6] 'Golomustafo’ died in 1973 married FATMA YUSUF ’Viddini’
their children
1 Dudu Mustafa married Ramadan 'Veci' (Tahuredi)
2 Emine Mustafa 1910-1994 2nd wife of Mustafa 'Şubi'
3 Murat Mustafa 18.03/1924 married Nermin Mehmet 'Bondigo' in Dizdar 'village 14.01.1924
4 Yusuf Mustafa 'Nihda' 1918-1977 married Emine Nasib 'Nasibu' born 1929
EMİNE MUSTAFA 1910-1994 married MUSTAFA VELİ 'Şubi' 'Tuna' born 1892
their children
1 Hasan Mustafa Tuna 'Şubi/Tuna' married Beraet İbrahim ’Aspri’
2 Hulusi Mustafa Tuna 'Şubi/Tuna' married Fatma Mehmet from Esenköy
3 Veleddin Mustafa Tuna 'Şubi/Tuna' 1941-2017 married Gülen Faik ’Yakulla/Sistilli’
4 Fatma Mustafa 'Şubi/Tuna' married Yusuf 'Kiduri'
MURAT MUSTAFA 18.03.1914 ‘Golomustafo’married NERMİN MEHMET 'Bondigo' Born 14.01.1924 in Dizdar village
their children
1 Oral Murat 06.03.1941
2 Güray Murat 20.11.1944 married
3 Gülay Murat 17.03.1948
ORAL MURAT ‘Golomustafo’ 06.03.1941 married LAURA
their children
1 Aslan Oral. 25.09.1978
2 Demir Oral. 24.11.1980
GÜRAY MURAT ’Golomustafo’ 20.11.1944 married ŞANER BAKAY from Dikmen/Dikomo
their children
1 Elif Bakayi. 21.17.1977
2 Ceyhan Bakayi. 30.06.1978
GÜLAY MURAT 17.03.1948 married ALİ ŞEFİK İDRİS. [7]
their children
1 Murat Şefik Idris 05.07.1975
2 Nermin Şefik Idris 25.04.1978
YUSUF MUSTAFA 'Nihda' 1918-1977 married EMİNE NASİB 'Nasibu' born 1929
their children
1 Şermin Yusuf ‘Nihda’ born 25.12.1950 married Önder
2 Kemal Yusuf ‘Nihda’ 13.02.1949-2017 married Tülay Hüseyin
3 Nasib Yusuf ‘Nihda’ born 08.01.1953
4 Şener Yusuf ‘Nihda’born 15.06.1954
ŞERMİN YUSUF ‘Nihda’ born 25.12.1950 married ÖNDER
their children
KEMAL YUSUF ‘Nihda’ born 13.02.1949-2017 married TÜLAY HÜSEYİN
their children
1 Hüseyin Yusuf
2 Mine Yusuf
NASİB YUSUF ‘Nihda’ born 08.01.1953married
their children
ŞENER YUSUF ‘Nihda’ born 15.06.1954
their children
DUDU MUSTAFA ‘Vecina’ ‘Çıkrıkçı/Golomustaho’ married RAMADAN ALİ 'Veci' married
their children
1 Hatice Ramadan Ali 'Veci' married Yusuf Veli Pekri
2 Emine Ramadan Ali 'Veci' married Kemal İsmail Fesa
3 Nermin Ramadan Ali 'Veci' married Hasan İsmaileda
4 Taşkent Ramadan Ali 'Veci' married Evdimli Tahsin
5 Necla Ramadan Ali 'Veci' married Recep Galliga
SÜLEYMAN MURAT 'Çarta died 1973 married ŞERİFE MUSTAFA 'Lurto, Çartu'.died 1973 [8]
their children
1 Emine Süleyman 'Çarta' 1910-1974 married Mustafa 'Fesa/Mudahu' 25,12,1899-1968
2 Naciye Süleyman 'Çarta' 1914-2004 married İbrahim 'Mudra'
3 Murat Süleyman 'Çarta' 10.02.1919-2002 married Hatice Mehmet 'Mehmetça' 29.11.1923.
4 Mustafa Süleyman 'Çarta' married Emine Yusuf 'Bodiri'
EMİNE SÜLEYMAN 'Mudahu' 1910-1974 married Mustafa Mehmet ‘Fesa/Mudahu' 25,12,1899-1968
their children
1 Tahir Mustafa 'Mudahu' born 1929 children, İlkay, Mustafa
2 Şerife Mustafa 'Mudahu' children Emel,Serpil
3 Gülay Mustafa 'Mudahu' children Uvriye, Mustafa
NACİYE SÜLEYMAN 'Garip' 1914-2004 married İBRAHIM 'Garip' 1904-2000
their children
1 Mustafa İbrahim Garip 'Garip'married Nebile Mehmet ’Noço’ 1934-2013
2 Süleyman İbrahim Gazi 'Aksippa/Garip' 1938-2015 married Melek İbrahim born 1940 'Gavleş/Karagözlü'
3 Şerife İbrahim 'Garip' married Selahattin Bozkurt from Turkey
4 Sevilay İbrahim 'Garip' married Mehmet Murat 'Çarta' (Mehmet Çarman)
5 Sevgi İbrahim 'Garip' Selim Emir Ali Bedeoğlu ‘Bede’
6 Melek İbrahim 'Garip' married Mahmut Mustafa Cannur ’Karanfil-Monofilli’
MUSTAFA İBRAHİM GARİP 'Garip’ married NEBİLE MEHMET ’Noço’ 1934-2013
their children
1 İbrahim Mustafa Garip 'Garip' married Elif Alaeddin Şahin
2 Naciye Mustafa Garip 'Garip' born 1963 married Erol Çağaloğlu from Gönyeli
3 Hatem Mustafa Garip 'Garip' married Hüseyin Osman Eğmez ’Çatan/Halilaza’
their children
1 Mustafa İbrahim Garip 'Garip'
2 Buğra İbrahim Garip 'Garip'
NACİYE MUSTAFA GARİP 'Garip' born 1963 married EROL ÇAĞALOĞLU from Gönyeli
their children
1 Didem Erol Çağaloğlu
2 Gızem Erol Çağaloğlu
HATEM MUSTAFA 'Garip' married HÜSEYİN OSMAN EĞMEZ 'Çatan/Halilaza' born 1957
their children
1 Osman Hüseyin Eğmez 'Halilaza'
2 Nebile Hüseyin Eğmez 'Halilaza'
3 Mustafa Hüseyin Eğmez 'Halilaza'
SÜLEYMAN İBRAHİM GAZİ ’Aksippa/Garip’ 1938-2015 married MELEK İBRAHİM 'Gavleş/Mavromadi’ born 1940
their children
1 İbrahim Süleyman Gazi ’Aksippa/Garip’ married Funda from Turkey
2 Aynur Süleyman Gazi ’Aksippa/Garip’ married Fehim Dören from Bodamya
İBRAHİM SÜLEYMAN GAZİ ’Aksippa/Garip’ married FUNDA from Turkey
their children
1 Melek İbrahim Gazi ’Aksippa/Garip’
2 Efe İbrahim Gazi ’Aksippa/Garip’
AYNUR SÜLEYMAN GAZİ ’Aksippa/Garip’ married FEHİM DÖREN from Bodamya
their children
1 Melek Fehim Dören
their children
1 Yasin Selahattin Bozkurt
their children
1 Sunay Selahattin Bozkurt
SEVİLAY İBRAHİM ’Garip’ married MEHMET MURAT ÇARMAN ’Çarta’ born 12.12.1950
their children
1 Murat Mehmet Çarman 'Çarta'
2 Şebnem Mehmet Çarman 'Çarta'
their children
1 Evren Selim Bedeoğlu ‘Bede’
2 Gülseven Selim Bedeoğlu ‘Bede’
MELEK İBRAHİM ’Garip’ married MAHMUT MUSTAFA CANNUR 'Karanfil/Monofili’
their children
1 Kemal Mahmut Cannur 'Karanfil/Monofili’ migrated to the UK
2 İbrahim Mahmut Cannur 'Karanfil/Monofili’ migrated to the UK
3 Emel Mahmut Cannur 'Karanfil/Monofili’ migrated to the UK
MURAT SÜLEYMAN 10.02.1919 married HATİCE born 29.11.1923. [9]
their children
1 Mehmet Murat (Çarman) 'Çarta' born 12.12.1950 married Sevilay İbrahim 'Garip'
2 Şerife Murat 'Çarta' born 22.01.1953 married Hasan Yusuf born 10.07.1950
3 Dervişe Murat 'Çarta' born 16.04.1954 married Ahmet Mehmet.
4 Süleyman Murat 'Çarta' born 12 05.1960
MEHMET MURAT ÇARMAN ’Çarta’ born 12.12.1950 married SEVİLAY İBRAHİM ’Garip’ married
their children
1 Murat Mehmet Çarman 'Çarta'
2 Şebnem Mehmet Çarman 'Çarta'
ŞERİFE MURAT ’Çarta’ born 22.01.1953 married HASAN YUSUF born 10.07.1950 from Dali
their children
1 Yusuf Hasan Yusuf born 19.05.1982
2 Tijen Hasan Yusuf born 26.07.1986
DERVİŞE MURAT ’Çarta’ born 16.04.1954 married AHMET MEHMET
their children
1 Mehmet Ahmet Mehmet
2 Tarık Ahmet Mehmet
SÜLEYMAN MURAT ’Çarta’ born 12 05.1960 partner?
1 Emma Süleyman Murat 'Çarta'
Their children
1 Şerife Mustafa Süleyman D.O.B 16.09.1953
2 Süleyman Mustafa Süleyman D.O.B 17.04.1955 children Emma born 1984
3 Yusuf Mustafa Süleyman D.O.B 15.04.1957
4 Murat Mustafa Süleyman D.O.B 03.09.1958
5 Dudu Mustafa Süleyman D.O.B 12.05.1963 " Aydın 2004 & Aimee 2008
YUSUF MUSTAFA 'Küfi/Badudi' born 1878 married DUDU MURAT ’Gufina/Çıkırıkçı’
their children
1 Ali Yusuf 'Küfi' born 1900? died during infancy
2 İzzet Yusuf 'Küfi' 1900-1982 1st marriage Şerife Yusuf ’Babui’. 2nd marriage Emine Hasan ‘İzzetu/Hasan Ağa’ 1901-1990
3 Cemil Yusuf 'Küfi
4 Emine Yusuf 'Küfi' 1897-1975 married Hüdaverdi Bairam
5 Rebgeli Yusuf 'Küfi' married İbrahim Kara İsmail 'Topal'
6 Dudu/Ayşe Yusuf 'Küfi' married Hüseyin Ömer 'Gugo'
MEHMET MUSTAFA 'Mavromadi, Karagözlü' 1873-1916 (1874 in another document) married RAZİYE MURAT 'Geli' 1876-1958
their children
1 Mustafa Mehmet 'Mavromadi/Tay' born 1903-1973 married Ayşe Hasan 'Mirmikko' 'Tayna'.1909-1999
2 İbrahım Mehmet 'Gavleş' born 1909-1999 Sultan 'Badina'.
3 Murat Mehmet 'Geli' 1916-1987 married Cemaliye Hasan 'Lordo'. [11]
RABİA MUSTAFA ’Çıkırıkçi born 1848 (12) RAMADAN MUSTAFA MEHMET 'Ramadi/Kazmalevri’ born 1842
their children
1 Mustafa Ramadan 'Kara-Mustafa/Ramadi’ 1877-1967
2 Süleyman Ramadan ’Skordalli’ 1878- 1961
3 Arif Ramadan 'Hostra' 1885-
4 Şerife Ramadan 2nd wife of Yusuf Mustafa 'Çavuş/Zavli' born 1869. No children
DUDU MURAT ’Küfina/Çıkırıkçı’ married YUSUF MUSTAFA 'Küfi/Badudi' born 1878
their children
1 Ali Yusuf 'Küfi' born 1900? died during infancy
2 İzzet Yusuf 'Küfi' 1900-1982 1st marriage Şerife Yusuf ’Babui’. 2nd marriage Emine Hasan
’İzzetu/Hasan Ağa’ 1901-1990
3 Cemil Yusuf 'Küfi
4 Emine Yusuf 'Küfi' 1897-1975 married Hüdaverdi Bairam
5 Rebgeli Yusuf 'Küfi' married İbrahım Kara İsmail 'Topal'
6 Dudu/Ayşe Yusuf 'Küfi' married Hüseyin Ömer 'Gugo'
RAZGELİ MURAT 'Geli' 1876-1958 married MEHMET MUSTAFA 'Mavrommadi, Karagözlü' 1873-1916 (1874 in another document)
their children
1 Mustafa Mehmet 'Mavrommadi/Tay' born 1903-1973 married Ayşe Hasan 'Mirmikko' 'Tayna'.1909-1999
2 İbrahım Mehmet 'Gavleş' born 1909-1999 Sultan 'Badina'.
3 Murat Mehmet 'Geli' 1916-1987 married Cemaliye Hasan 'Lordo'.
(1) Ottoman census Doc No; 161-a-3 page 321.Person Ref No’s 5622 & 5623
(2) Murat seems to be the only male that survived in this family . Records of İbrahim Tahsildar pages 190-191
(3) Records of İbrahim Tahsildar page 190
(4) Dates added during an interview with Soner Karagözlu 'Mavromaddi'
(5) The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 150 family, No; 51. Due to the 2 marriages and step children . There is clearly a confusion on the history of this particular family'
(6) Details for this family added by Nermin Şhefik İdris
(7) Details for this family added by Nermin Şhefik İdris
(8) Additional Details added in personal interviews with Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo'.
(9) Details of this family added by Şerife Murat 'Çarta' (Sheri Yusuf) in a personal interview
(10) Details of this family added by Şerife Mustafa Süleyman in a personal interview
(11) The dates of this family were given by Soner Karagözlü (Mavromadi) in a personal interview.
(12) Ottoman census 1879.Doc No; 161-a-3 (321)
[13] The dates of this family were given by Soner Karagözlü (Mavromadi) in a personal interview
Additional note;
A depth of Gratitude to Nermin Şhefik İdris, Şerife Murat 'Çarta' (Sheri Yusuf) & Şerife Mustafa Süleyman the date of births of this family have been covered much more comprehensively than many other family trees.