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How it works...

​Step 1: Browse our Sample page and the images to the right to discover what type of information is contained with the Standard RaceCard that we provide. If happy with content jump straight to Step 3.


Step 2: If you wish to enhance your RaceCard with some extra information, enhanced statistics then please email us at to begin the process for the personalised RaceCard where you can tailor the racecard with information/statistics to suit your needs.


Step 3: Choose what format you wish to receive your RaceCard in. Options are currently: Excel (Long), Excel (Wide). In the pipeline is a HTML version.


Step 4: Decide over how long you wish to receive the RaceCards for. Options are MONTHLY or BI-ANNUALLY.  The latter working out as circa 11p a day.


Step 5: Make it official! Get on our mailing list by Buying RaceCards choosing the options determined in Step 3 and 4 as you make your way to the Checkout. The email address you use to pay with will be used to communicate initially to determine mailing preferences.


Step 6: You'll begin to receive your daily emails within 24 hours of payment being received and email preferences being confirmed. Each email will contain an attachment - being your RaceCard - and also a tally of your Remaining Credits so you know when it's a good idea to top up. The email will be sent around 2145-2215hrs each evening.


We also offer a comprehensive results service as well for those interested.

Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved. No part of any publication or product may be reproduced in any form (including the forwarding on of purchased informational products) without the express prior written permission from the owners of The data contained in these reports are collected for informational purposes and we cannot give any warranty as to its suitability for any other purpose. We have sought to ensure the information is accurate and complete, but we accept no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions or for any damage or loss arising to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of it. If doing so, please gamble responsibly.

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