2004- 2021 English
Unashamedly Bible Believing, Timely,
Gracious, Truthful
About us
This website is an archive of 2004 to February 2021 of the English Churchman, when the newspaper was edited by Rev Peter Ratcliff, a minister of the Church of Engalnd Continuing.
Not surprisingly during this period the newspaper warned against remaining within the Church of England.
This archive was long available free of charge and we wish it to continue to be available for those wanting to research and understand the perils of the Church of England as well as the glorious hope given to those who will "come out from among her" as the Apostle Paul commanded in 2 Corinthians 6, We wish to continue to make this archive available
My aim as Editor was to supply news and comment from a discerning Reformed Protestant perspective. Our basis of faith is the 39 Articles of Religion from which was derived the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Rev Peter John Ratcliff. June 2020

Joining Us
Rev Peter Ratcliff is continuing as minister of St Johns, Church of England Continuing Congregation in Wimbledon, London, and can be contacted via www.wimbledonchurch.com