10/11 generations of this sites creator, Ismail Veli 'Kirlapo'.
Researching into the family tree is often painstaking, emotional and exciting. Most of us have a desire to know our roots. In the case of Cyprus with so little written evidence available it seems an impossible task. Its not until one embarks on this venture that one realises how many people are prepared to offer help. The 2 years research started with the aim of just my own family, with Luricinali's however things tend to take on a different dimension. One thing leads to another and soon the burning desire to find out whos who completely takes over in a way only Luricinali's understand. Clearly one cannot achieve much unless people are forthcoming with the information. The original concern turns to elation when everybody suddenly chips in and assist in a way that completely surpassed my expectations. A massive thanks to Hussein Selim abi, Tina Kemran, Hayal Mehmet Kavaz, Ramadan Ismail 'fesa' Leman Bekir aba, Bekir Mehmet abi, Furiye & Zuhtu Ramadan, Sheri and Mehmet 'Carta', Kemal 'ado', Soner Karagozlu 'taii' and many that i simply cannot mention.
ALPER MEHMET who unselfishly offered me records of the late, IBRAHIM TAHSILDAR who's family was kind enough to offer his work that helped bring this research to a much more advanced level. My parents Fatma and Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' who provided the base to build on. Their memory of families names and knowledge of our village never cease to amaze me. Everyones support has been truly awesome. Inevitably there may be some mistakes and gaps in the lists. The hope is that people will come forward with names and dates to expand the information at our disposal. If at some future date someone offers a translation from English to Turkish we will all be eternally grateful. My Turkish is simply not good enough to do a professional job. Again a big thank you to all who helped. My sincere apologies for any mistakes I may have done. I stand ready to be corrected at all times. I hope everyone enjoys and help us to add to our knowledge of our past so that our children and future generations will know who and where we came from. Last but not least our ancestors who are buried in the four corners of the world. From Australia, Canada, Turkey, the UK to the war cemeteries of Ancona Italy and Cyprus, may they all rest in peace in the sound knowledge that they are and will always be remembered.
Ismail Veli 'Kirlapo'.
For the benefit of readers who may be interested to know the family of the creator of this site I have listed the direct ancestral line from the paternal and Maternal sides. In addition I have indicated which page the family tree is listed
Fathers paternal family tree of ISMAIL MEHMET VELI
From the Hasan 'Arap' Mustafa 'Lurto' & Veli 'Kirlapo' pages
Yusuf Mustafa 'Siliono' was the first member of this family who came to Lurucina from the village of Pirga.
1 Mustafa ?
2 Yusuf Mustafa 'Siliono' (from Pirga village)
3 Hasan Yusuf 'Arab' born 1800 1879 census. (1819 according to the 1831 census) 1st wife Şerife Yusuf Karaoli they married in 1839 (daughter of Yusuf İbrahım 'Garaoli). 2nd Şerife İbrahım 'Paça' born 1829 they married in 1845
4 Mustafa Hasan 'Lurto' born 1868. married Emine Kavaz (Lurtena)
5 Veli Mustafa 'Kirlapo' 14 July 1900 or 1901- 1970 married Serife Mehmet Kavaz 'Kirlapu' 20.01.1905 - 05-02.10.1985
6 Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' (Bedi) born 1929 married Fatma Yusuf 'Phsillo' (Galaba) born 1935
7 Ismail Mehmet Veli (creator) born 1956 married Cavidan Mehmet-Salih Ali born 1958
8 Mehmet & Turan Ismail Veli born 1981 & 1983 respectively (Ismail & Cavidan's children)
9 Haydar Turan Veli ( Grandchild) born 2006
Fathers maternal family from the Mehmet Katri 1 & Mehmet Katri Kavaz pages
1 Mehmet Ismail Katri (From Manisa, Turkey? to Dali then Lurucina)
2 Ismail Mehmet 'Gacari' 1789-91 according to the 1831 Ottoman census
3 Mehmet Ismail Kavaz 1810-1873 married Ayse Yusuf 'Silioni' born 1819
4 Ismail Mehmet Kavaz 'Ismailo' born 1844
5 Mehmet Ismail Kavaz 'Ganu' 1878-1951 married Hatice Mehmet 'Gatsura'
6 Serife Mehmet Kavaz 'Kirlapu' born 1904-5 -1985 as above
7 Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' (Bedi) born 1929 as 7 above
8 Ismail Mehmet Veli born 1956 as 8 above
9 Mehmet & Turan Ismail Veli born 1981 & 1983 respectively (Ismail & Cavidan's children)
10 Haydar Turan Veli ( Grandchild) born 2006
Mothers paternal family. Kara-Mustafa 'Hrisafi' was the brother of Ismail Mehmet 'Gacari'. Therefore the early descendants of my mother and father were from the origins of the Katri's or Katrinies as they were better known.
1 Mehmet Katri (From Manisa, Turkey? to Dali then Lurucina)
2 Kara-Mustafa Mehmet 'Hrisafi' 1789-91 (1831 Ottoman census)
3 Ramadan Kara-Mustafa 'Zorno' born 1834 married Rabia Osman born 1842. They married in 1855
4 Ismail Ramadan 'Galaba' born 1862 died around 1905-8?
5 Yusuf Ismail 'Galaba' (Phsillo) born 1904-5 married Melek (Rahme) Yusuf 'Phsillu'
6 Fatma Yusuf 'Phsillo' born 1935 married Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' ( Lurto) married 1951
7 Ismail Mehmet Veli born 1956 married Cavidan Ali
8 Mehmet & Turan Ismail Veli born 1981 & 1983 respectively (Ismail & Cavidan's children)
9 Haydar Turan Veli ( Grandchild) born 2006
Mothers maternal family.
Mustafa Ismail 'Sari' was the first of this family member to come to Lurucina from an undetermined part of Turkey.
1 Ismail
2 Mustafa Ismail 'Sari, Tahura' married Emine (from an undetermined part of Turkey)
3 Ismail Mustafa 'Tahura' 1810-1872 married Ayse Yusuf born 1819 they married in 1829. Its possible that she was betrothed and married later as they had their 1st child Mustafa in 1847 when Ayse was 28 years old.
4 Ali Ismail 'Tahuredi' Ali İsmail 'Tahuredi' born 1863 married Melek ?
5 Ismail Ali 'Gicco' (Tahuredi) born 1892 married Fatma 'Giccu' (Gadina, Gutsulli)
6 Melek Ismail 'Phsillu' 1908-9 married Yusuf Ismail 'Phsillo' (Galaba) 1904-5
7 Fatma Yusuf 'Phsillo' born 03.02.1935 married Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' born 12.08.1929 (Lurto) they married in 1951
8 Ismail Mehmet Veli 1956 married Cavidan Ali 1958
9 Mehmet & Turan Ismail Veli born 1981 & 1983 respectively (Ismail & Cavidan's children)
10 Haydar Turan Veli ( Grandchild) born 2006
Fathers maternal family
1 Said
2 Mehmet Said
3 Mustafa Mehmet 'Kazmalevri' born 1813-1885 married Dudu Bayram born 1798? they married in 1829
4 Mehmet Mustafa 'Gatsura' born 1835 married Dudu Mustafa 'Gigeo' born 1844 they married in 1856
5 Hatice Mehmet 'Gatsura'
6 Serife Mehmet Kavaz 'Kirlapu'
7 Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' born 1929 married Fatma Yusuf 'Galaba' (Phsillo) born 3.2.1935 they married in 1951
8 Ismail Mehmet Veli 5.2.1956 married Cavidan Ali 17.9.1958. They married on 5.2.1977
9 Mehmet & Turan Ismail Veli born 1981 & 1983 respectively (Ismail & Cavidan's children)
10 Haydar Turan Veli ( Grandchild) born 2006
Mother's maternal family tree
1 Mustafa 'Uşi'
2 Hüseyin Mustafa 'Uşi' married Yasemin Abdullah born 1790.
3 Mustafa Hüseyin 'Uşi' born 1834 married Fatma Mustafa born 1839 they married in 1858
4 Hüseyin Mustafa 'Gutsullo' born 1858 married Emine Seid-Ali 'Kilinciri'
5 Fatma Hüseyin 'Gadina' (Giççu) 1890?-1976 married İsmail Ali 'Tahuredi' (Giçço) 1892-1965
6 Rahme-Melek Ismail 'Phsilu' 1908- 14.12.1988 married Yusuf İsmail 'Galaba' (Phsillo)
7 Fatma Yusuf 'Phsillo' born 03.02.1935 married Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' born 12.08.1929 (Lurto) they married in 1951
8 Ismail Mehmet Veli 1956 married Cavidan Ali 1958
9 Mehmet & Turan Ismail Veli born 1981 & 1983 (Ismail & Cavidan's children)
10 Haydar Turan Veli (Grandchild) born 13.10. 2006 Juneyit Turan Veli 24.011.2011