Mehmet Katri. Part 4
The Çuffo, Dirimo & Koca-İsmail form part of this family group.
Mehmet Katri Part 4. Continued from page 3
VELİ İSMAİL 'Gaççari was the 2nd son of İSMAİL MEHMET 'Gaççari'. VELİ became better known as 'Çuffo'. [85]
The Çuffo, Dirimo & Koca-İsmail form part of this family group.
VELİ İSMAİL 'Çuffo/Gaççari' born 1821 married AYŞE İBRAHİM 'Paça' born 1835 they married in 1858. [86]
their children
1 İsmail Veli 'Çuffo/Gaççari' born 1862 married Emine Mehmet ’Kihhi’
2 Emine Veli 'Çuffo/Gaççari' born 1864 died unmarried
İSMAİL VELİ 'Gaççari, (Çuffo) born 1862 married EMİNE MEHMET 'Kihhi'
their children
1 Veli İsmail 'Çuffo' born 11,08,1890 married Emine İbrahim ’Çuffu/Htisti-Yapıcı’
2 Bekir İsmail 'Tikkiro/Çuffo' born 1896 died young
3 Ayşe İsmail ’Şelukka/Çuffo' married İbrahim Arif 'Mulla'.1886-1973
4 Mehmet Ismail ’Çuffo’ born 02,11,1893-1897 died as a child
VELİ İSMAİL 'Çuffo' born 11,08,1890 married EMİNE İBRAHİM ’Çuffu/Htisti-Yapıcı’ 1888 -1991? [87]
his children
1 İsmail Veli Erener 'İsmailcık/Çuffo' 1913-1986-7 married Emine Osman 'Minua/Osman Usta'.
2 İbrahım Veli Çuffoğlu 'Gorovyali/Çuffo' born 1919 -2012 married Fatma Yusuf 'Yeniçeri'. Born 1928
3 Bekir Veli Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' 1922-2010 married Bahire Süleyman ’Skordalli’
4 Mehmet Veli Çuffoğlu 'Rafti/Çuffo' 1926-2012. married Meyrem Seyfi from Galatya/Mehmetcik
5 Seyfi Veli Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' born 1933 married Gülcen Mustafa ’Cangi’
6 Şerife Veli Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' 1916-2010 married Veli İsmail Koca-İsmail born 05.05.1899
7 Ayşe Veli Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' 1929-1987 married Veli Bekir 'Gutsoveli/Gaççari' 1922-2008
8 Jale Veli Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' born 1936-1987 married İrfan Ahmet Gazi ‘Hacali’ 1930-2015
İSMAİL VELİ 'İsmaılcık/Çuffo' 1913-1986-7? married EMİNE OSMAN 'Minua/Osman Usta'. [88]
his children
1 Veli Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’ born in 1940 married Ülkü Kadir from Paphos
2 Osman Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’ born in 1949 married Fatma Salahi Birini ’Buzzomani’
3 Sultan Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’ born in 1951 married İsmet from Topcuköy village
4 Şerife Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’ born in 1945 married Metin Mustafa 'Gordonbihti'
5 Melek-Cennet Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’ born in 1947 married Göksen Mehmet from Galatya village
6 Jale Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’ born in 1953 married Mustafa Salih from Famagusta
VELİ İSMAİL ERENER ’İsmailcık’ born 1940 married ÜLKÜ KADİR from Paphos
their children
1 Ümit Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’
2 Nüvit Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’
3 Mehmet Veli Erener ’İsmailcık’
OSMAN İSMAİL ERENER ’İsmailcık’ born 1949 married FATMA SALAHI BİRİNİ ’Buzzoman’
their children
1 İsmail Osman Erener ’İsmailcık’
2 Salahi Osman Erener ’İsmailcık’
3 Eren Osman Erener ’İsmailcık’
SULTAN İSMAİL ERENER ’İsmailcık’ born 1951 married İSMET from Topçuköy
their children
1 Özan Sultan Erener ’İsmailcık’
2 Erol Sultan Erener ’İsmailcık’
3 Nazan Sultan Erener ’İsmailcık’
4 Samet Sultan Erener ’İsmailcık’
5 Levent Sultan Erener ’İsmailcık’
ŞERİFE İSMAİL ’İsmailcık’ born 1945 married METİN MUSTAFA ’Gordonbihti’
their children
1 Rabia Metin ‘Semani/Gordonbihti’ in the UK
2 Emine Metin ‘Semani/Gordonbihti’ in the UK
3 Cem Metin ‘Semani/Gordonbihti’ in the UK
MELEK-CENNET İSMAİL ’İsmailcık’ born 1947 married GÖKSEN MEHMET from Galatya
their children
1 Mehmet Göksen Mehmet
2 Ercan Göksen Mehmet
3 Birol Göksen Mehmet
JALE İSMAIL ’İsmailcık’ born 1953 married MUSTAFA SALİH from Famagusta
their children
1 Seray Mustafa Salih
2 Seran Mustafa Salih
İBRAHİM VELİ ÇUFFOĞLU ’Gorovyali’ 1919 -2012 married FATMA YUSUF ’Gorovyalina/Yannitsaro/Şiradi’ born 1928. [89]
their children
1 Emine İbrahim Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ 25.10.1950 married Aytekin Reis born 15.05.1949
2 Veli İbrahim Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ 29.03.1956 married Arzu Kemal Akınlı ’Deliyo’ 12.11.1960
3 Yusuf İbrahim Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ 18.11.1961 married Sevilay İbrahim from Paramali village
4 Ramadan İbrahim Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ 17.12.1969 married Tülay born 08.12.1974
EMİNE İBRAHİM born 25.10.1950 married AYTEKİN REİS born 15.05.1949
no children
VELİ İBRAHİM ÇUFFOĞLU ’Gorovyali’ born 29.03.1956 married ARZU KEMAL AKINLI ’Deliyo’ born 12.11.1960. [90]
their children
1 Ayşe Veli Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ 05.04.1982
2 Fatma Veli Çuffoğlu 'Fatoş/Gorovyali’ 18.11.1984
3 İsmail Veli Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ (twins/ikiz) 26.02.1994
4 Kemal Veli Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ (twins/ikiz) 26.02.1994
YUSUF İBRAHİM ÇUFFOĞLU ’Gorovyali’ born 18.11.1961 married SEVİLAY İBRAHİM from Paramali village born 1966. [91]
their children
1 İbrahim Yusuf Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ born 15.08.1989
2 Ayten Yusuf Çuffolğu ’Gorovyali’ born 19.02.1993
RAMADAN İBRAHİM ÇUFFOĞLU ’Gorovyali’ born 17.12.1969 married TÜLAY born 08.12.1974
his children
1 Talia Ramadan Çuffoğlu ’Gorovyali’ born 21.07.2003
BEKİR VELİ ÇUFFOĞLU 'Çuffo' 1922-2010 married BAHİRE SÜLEYMAN ’Skordalli’
their children
1 Eren Bekir Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' migrated to the UK
2 Emel Bekir Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' migrated to the UK died young
3 Işın Bekir Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' migrated to the UK
MEHMET VELİ ÇUFFOĞLU 'Rafti/Çuffo' 1926-2010 married MERYEM SEYFİ from Galatya
their children
1 Berin Mehmet Çuffoğlu ’Rafti’
2 Senol Mehmet Çuffoğlu ’Rafti’
SEYFİ VELİ ÇUFFOĞLU 'Çuffo' born 1933 married GÜLÇEN MUSTAFA ’Cangi’
their children children
1 Jale Seyfi Çuffoğlu 'Çuffo' migrated to the UK
ŞERİFE VELİ 'Çuffo' 1916-2010 married VELİ İSMAİL 'Koca-İsmail' born 05,05,1899
their children
1 Adem Veli ''Binyao/Koca-İsmail' migrated to the UK
2 Veysiye Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' migrated to the UK
3 Raziye Veli ''Binyao/Koca-İsmail' migrated to the UK
4 Emine Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' migrated to the UK
5 Nazife Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' migrated to the UK
6 Ayşe Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' migrated to the UK
7 Perihan Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' migrated to the UK
AYŞE VELİ 'Çuffo' 1929-1987 married VELİ BEKİR 'Gutsovelo/Gaççari' 1922-2008
their children
1 Ramadan Veli 'Gutsovelo/Gaççari' migrated to the UK
2 Bekir Veli 'Gutsovelo/Gaççari' migrated to the UK
3 Ahmet Veli 'Gutsovelo/Gaççari' migrated to the UK
4 Ayşe Veli 'Gutsovelo/Gaççari' migrated to the UK
JALE VELİ 'Çuffo' 1936-1987 married İRFAN AHMET 'Zavli' 1930-2015
their children
1 Veli İrfan Gazi 'Zavli'
2 Ergün İrfan Gazi 'Zavli'
3 Ahmet İrfan Gazi 'Zavli'
AYŞE İSMAİL ’Şelluka/Çuffo’ married İBRAHİM ARİF ’Mulla Dayı/Tsuro 1886-1973
no children
YUSUF was the (3rd son listed at the start of this family) of İSMAIL MEHMET 'Gaççari'. His future grandchildren became better known as the KOCA-İSMAIL family
YUSUF İSMAİL 'Dirimo/ Gaççari' born 1837 married DUDU OSMAN born 1844 they married in 1854 (when she was only 10 years old). [92]
his children
1 İsmail Yusuf 'Koca-İsmail' born 1865. [93]
2 Osman Yusuf 'Varda/Dirimo' born 1873-1945
3 Rahme Yusuf 'Dirimo' (Rahmeli) born 1858 married Yusuf 'Layuzarda
4 Hatice Yusuf 'Tsalina/Dirimo' married Hasan (Turlumbi or Mudaho??) and then 'Tsali'
5 Fatma Yusuf 'Dirimo' born 1865 married Yusuf Azgın.
İSMAİL YUSUF 'Koca-İsmail/Dirimo’ [94] born 1865 married RAZGELİ HÜSEYİN ’Eşeo’
their children
1 Yusuf İsmail 'Koca-İsmail' 25,10,1892 died as a child in 1895
2 Osman İsmail 'Koca- İsmail' born 20,09,1895. [95]
3 Hüseyin İsmail 'Koca-İsmail/Dirimo'
4 Veli İsmail 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' born 05,05,1899 married Şerife Veli 'Cuffo'
5 Ali İsmail 'Koca-İsmail' born 10,10,1901 married Hatem Ali 'Gingi'
6 Yusuf İsmail 'Sokrati/Koca-İsmail' born 10,04,1900 -1974
7 Şerife İsmail 'Koca-İsmail' married Hasan Osman 'Gunduro'
8 Dudu İsmail 'Tsayerina/Koca-İsmail' married Arif 'Bedasi'
9 Rebgeli İsmail 'Mehmetçina/Koca-İsmail' 1909-1993 married Mehmet Mustafa 'Gatsura'.
their children
1 İsmail Hüseyin Koca-İsmail married Melek Yusuf Gazi ’Mudra
2 Mehmet Hüseyin 'Botsi/Koca-İsmail 1933-1989
3 Necat Hüseyin 'Koca-İsmail married Raziye Veli Cambulat
4 Yusuf Hüseyin Öğretmenoğlu 'Koca-İsmail married Hamide İsmail Özyol
5 Cemaliye Hüseyin 'Koca-İsmail 1921-2011 married Mehmet Seid-Ali 'Şarmatta' 1918-2010
6 Razge Hüseyin 'Koca-İsmail married İsmail İbrahim Aktuna 'Tanu/Aza' moved to Dali
7 Şerife Hüseyin 'Koca-İsmail married Hikmet Mehmet 'Bedasi' 1925-2007
İSMAİL HÜSEYİN 'Koca-İsmail' married MELEK YUSUF 'Mudra' (Gazi)
their children
1 Emel İsmail 'Koca-İsmail' born in the UK 28.08.1955 married Güner Yusuf 'Lala' born 21.01.1950 born in Lurucina lives in the UK.
2 Yusuf İsmail 'Koca-İsmail' born 1963 married Suzan Yusuf ’Paşo’ in the UK
3 Bülent İsmail 'Koca-İsmail' born 1964 married Sibel in the UK
EMEL İSMAİL 'Koca-İsmail' born 28.08.1955 married GÜNER YUSUF 'Lala' born 21.01.1950
Their children
1 Aran Güner Yusuf ’Lala’ born 1982
2 Melin Güner Yusuf ’Lala’ born 1976 married Tanver Tarafdar born 1975
MELIN YUSUF born 1976 married TANVEER TARAFDAR born 1975.
1 Caspian born 2009
2 Serafina born 2011
ARAN YUSUF born 1982 not married at time of research
YUSUF İSMAİL 'Koca-İsmail' born 1963 married SUZAN YUSUF ’Paşo’
their children
1 Ediz-Joseph İsmail
2 Adam ismail Engaged to Yasmin
BÜLENT İSMAİL 'Koca-İsmail' married SIBEL
no information on children
MEHMET HÜSEYİN 'Botsi/Koca-İsmail' 1933-1989 married GÜLTEN ARİF ’Kafa’ 1937-2014
their children
1 Hüseyin Mehmet 'Botsi/Koca-İsmail'
2 Eşgül Mehmet 'Botsi/Koca-İsmail'
3 Emine Mehmet 'Botsi/Koca-İsmail'
EŞGÜL MEHMET 'Botsi/Koca-İsmail' married ÖNEL YUSUF VURAL ’Musko’
their children
1 Şerife Vural ’Musko’
2 Gülten Vural ’Musko’
their children
1 Korman Necat 'Koca-İsmail'
2 Veli Necat 'Koca-İsmail'
3 Hüseyin Necat 'Koca-İsmail'
their children
1 Güneş Yusuf Öğretmenoğlu 'Koca-İsmail'
2 Gülşen Yusuf Öğretmenoğlu 'Koca -İsmail'
CEMALİYE HÜSEYİN ’Koca İsmail’ 1921-2011 married MEHMET SEİD-ALİ ŞARMAN ’Şarmatta/Gafgari' 1918-2010 [96].
their children
1 Seval Mehmet Şarman ’Şarmatta’ married Tezcan İbrahim Özturna ’Durno’
2 Hüseyin Mehmet Şarman ’Şarmatta’ married Zühre Kazım from Goşi
3 Süleyman Mehmet Şarman ’Şarmatta’ had no children
4 İsmail Mehmet Şarman ’Şarmatta’ married Emete Ramadan 'Yakula' 'Gocagaro' (Armağan)
5 Fetile Mehmet Şarman ’Şarmatta’ born 1951 married Ramadan Lala
6 Emine Mehmet Şarman ’Şarmatta’ married Ahmet Veli 'Hacali'
7 Selcan Mehmet Şarman ’Şarmatta’ married Ali Kardan from Stavrogonno village
their children
1 İbrahim İsmail Aktuna ’Tanu’
2 Hüseyin İsmail Aktuna ’Tanu’
3 Sevgi İsmail Aktuna ’Tanu’
4 Şenel İsmail Aktuna ’Tanu’
5 Alper İsmail Aktuna ’Tanu’
ŞERİFE HÜSEYİN ’Koca İsmail’ married HİKMET MEHMET ’Bedasi’ 1925-2007
their children
1 Aynur Hikmet ’Bedasi’ married Esen
2 Belgin Hikmet ’Bedasi’
3 Mehmet Hikmet ’Bedasi’
VELİ İSMAİL 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' born 05,05,1899 married ŞERİFE VELİ 'Çuffo' 1916-2010
their children
1 Adem Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' married İnci Yusuf ’Çamuri’
2 Veysiye Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' married Mehmet Mustafa ’Manna’
3 Raziye Veli 'Binyao’Koca-İsmail' married Vasif Mehmet Gazi ’Mudra/Babiro’
4 Emine Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' married Hasan Mustafa Çağataylı ’Bitordo’
5 Nazife Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' married Erol Atamtürk from Nicosia
6 Ayşe Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail' married
7 Perihan Veli 'Binyao/Koca-İsmail'
This family migrated to the UK
ADEM VELİ ’Binyao’ married İNCİ YUSUF ’Çamuri’
their children
1 Şerife Adem ’Binyao’ married Erkan Mehmet Kansel ’Gatsura’
ŞERİFE ADEM ’Binyao’ married ERKAN MEHMET KANSEL ’Gatsura’ 1960-2016
their children
1 Gülden Erkan Kansel
2 Gökan Erkan Kansel
3 İnci Erkan Kansel
VEYSİYE VELİ ’Binyao’ married MEHMET MUSTAFA 'Medo/Manna' born 1932
their children
1 Veli Mehmet 'Medo/Manna’
2 Naran Mehmet 'Medo/Manna'
3 Erol Mehmet 'Medo/Manna'
RAZİYE VELİ ’Binyao’ married VASIF MEHMET GAZİ 'Mudra/Babiro'
their children
1 Veli Vasıf Gazi 'Mudra/Babiro'
2 Kemal Vasıf Gazi 'Mudra/Babiro'
3 Mehmet Vasıf Gazi 'Mudra/Babiro'
their children
1 Mustafa Hasan Çağataylı ’Bitordo’
2 Engin Hasan Çağataylı ’Bitordo’
NAZİFE VELİ ’Binyao’ married EROL ATAMTÜRK from Nicosia
their children
1 Gürtan Erol Atamtürk
ALİ İSMAİL 'Koca-Ismail' born 10,10,1901 married married HATEM ALİ 'Gingi'
their children
1 İsmail Ali Koca İsmail died young.
2 Zekiye Ali 'Koca-İsmail'
3 Hidayet Ali 'Koca-İsmail'
4 Münevver Ali 'Koca-İsmail' (Emine according to one record?). [97]
5 Nesrin Ali 'Koca-İsmail' ( Perihan according to one record?)
HİDAYET ALİ 'Koca-Ismail' married AHMET OSMAN 'Gondozi'
their children
1 Osman Ahmet Gondozi in the UK
2 Filiz Ahmet Gondozi in the UK
ZEKİYE ALİ 'Koca-Ismail' married HÜSEYİN KABAKCI from Ortaköy
their children
1 Alican Hüseyin Kabakcı
2 Ürkiye Hüseyin Kabakcı ’Roket
3 Munevver Hüseyin Kabakcı
NESRİN ALİ ’Koca İsmail’ 1949-2004 married İBRAHİM ABDULLAH PAÇA 'Aftulla’ born 1950
their children
1 İsmail İbrahim Paça ‘Aftulla’
2 Ali İbrahim Paça. ‘Aftulla’
their children
1 Erdal İbrahim Parıldak ’Suruki’
2 İsmail İbrahim Parıldak ’Suruki’ married Oya İbrahım ’Babutsa’
ŞERİFE İSMAİL ‘Koca-İsmail’ married HASAN OSMAN 'Gunduro/Gutsugudi' born 1883
their children
1 Osman Hasan Karaböcek 'Gutsugudi’ married Pembe
2 Yusuf Hasan (Avezer) 1917-2014 married İlmiye from Dali
3 İsmail Hasan Karaböcek
4 Hüseyin Hasan Karaböcek 'Gutsugudi’ 1928-2015
5 Mehmet Hasan Karaböcek D.O.B 1931/32? (Avezer)
6 Ziliha Hasan 1924-2015 married Veli Ramadan Cambulat
ARİF YUSUF YUSUF AĞA 'Tsayera/Bedasi' married DUDU İSMAİL ’Tsayerina/Koca İsmail’
their children
1 Yusuf Arif 'Sogradi/Tsayera/Bedasi' 1921-2011 married Emine Hasan 'Cangi'
2 Cemal Arif 'Tsayera/Bedasi' married siddiga Yusuf ’Kuşi’ migrated to the UK
3 İsmail Arif 'Galeci/Bedasi' was killed in 1959 by TMT. was engaged at time of death [98]
4 Ramadan Arif ’Tsayera/Bedasi’ married Gülten Kâmil ’Kâmilcik
5 Hatice Arif 'Tsayera/Bedasi' married Ramadan Süleyman 'Bedevino/Skordalli'
6 Razge Arif 'Tsayera/Bedasi' 1st wife of Ahmet Süleyman 'Ganulli'
7 Beria Arif 'Tsayera/Bedasi' married Mehmet Arif 'Habi'
Note this family is the same as on the Mehmet Katri Page 2
REBYELİ İSMAİL KOCAİSMAİL born 1909-1993 married MEHMET MUSTAFA 'Gatsura'/Mehmetça’ born 1894-1961
their children
1 Kemal Mehmet 'Gatsura' born 1933-2015 married Melek 'Mandai' born 1939
2 İsmail Mehmet 'Gatsura'
3 Zalihe Mehmet 'Gatsura' born 1927-1994 married Yusuf 'Gondozi'
4 Razge Mehmet 'Gatsura' married Hüseyin 'Manna'
5 Fatma Mehmet 'Gatsura' born 1937 married Celal 'Kiduri'
6 Şöhret Mehmet 'Gatsura' married Yusuf 'Sistilli' (Gaşaoli)
OSMAN YUSUF 'Dirimo' (Varda) born 1873 married NERGİZ MEHMET ’Karaca’
their children
1 Şerife Osman Yusuf 'Varda/Dirimo' married İbrahim 'Zimbriko'
2 Yusuf Osman Yusuf 'Varda/Dirimo' 1900-1902
2 Mehmet Osman Yusuf ’Varda’ born 1900? died young. [99]
ŞERİFE OSMAN ’Varda’ married İBRAHİM RIZVAN ’Zimbrikko’ 1901-1979
their children
1 Mehmet İbrahim Zümrüt ’Zimbrikko’ born 1935 - 2001
RAHME YUSUF ’Dirimo’ born 1858 married YUSUF BAİRAM 'Lauzarda/Cidari’ born 1859
their children
1 İsmail Yusuf 'Lauzarda' born 1885
HATİCE YUSUF 'Tsalina/Dirimo' 1st marriage HASAN MUSTAFA ’Turlumbi/Kulea/Mudaho’ born 1865. 2nd marriage MEHMET YUSUF ’Tsali/Çavuş’ born 1876
children from 1st marriage
1 Dudu Hasan 'Mannina/Bitordo' 1895-1977 married Mustafa 'Manna' 1890-1958-9?
2 Mustafa Hasan 'Bitordo/Turlumbi' born early 1890’s?-1973 married Razgeli
children from 2nd marriage
3 Yusuf Hasan 'Tsali' 1904-1976 married Ayşe 'Malaga'
YUSUF EMİR-ALİ 'Azgıni born 1868.(100) married FATMA YUSUF ’Dirimo’ born 1865
his children
1 Emir-Ali Yusuf 'Azgıni' born 1889 1st marriage Keziban from Polemitya. 2nd marriage Şerife Mahmut ’Cannuri
2 İbrahım Yusuf 'Mulli/Azgıni' married Hayriye Mustafa ’Tari’
3 Osman Yusuf ’Azgıni’ married Dervişe Emir Ali ’Çakkena/Azgıni’
ŞERİFE İSMAİL 'Gaççari’ born 1815.They married in 1835 married İBRAHİM YUSUF 'Karaoli' born 1810 [101]
their children
1 Yusuf İbrahim 'Turko/Garaoli' born in 1840 married Fatma Mustafa ‘Turçena/Öküz Mustafa’
2 İsmail İbrahim 'İsmailo/Garaoli' born in 1843
3 Mustafa İbrahim 'Mustafuri/Garaoli' born in 1845
4 Fatma İbrahim Garaoli’ born in 1850 married Arif Hüseyin 'Sarı'
[85] Records of Hüseyin Kocaismail (Kadriler sulalesi/The Kadri family) page 1
[86] Ottoman census 1879. Doc No; 166-a-1 page 331.
[87] Details of dates from Emine İbrahım 'Cuffo' via facebook messages
[88] Details of dates from Emine İbrahım 'Cuffo' via facebook messages
[89] Details of dates from personal interview with Veli Cufoğlu.
[90] Details of dates from personal interview with Veli Cufoğlu.
[91] Details of dates from personal interview with Veli Cufoğlu.
[92] Ottoman census 1879. Doc No; 160-a-3 page 319.
[93] The dates of this family's records are very confusing and contradictory. ismail is written as being 27 years old (28 years younger than his father) his son Yusuf is recorded as being born on 25,10, 1892 which means his father should have been 27 when he was born, however the records state that he was only 3 years old which is a difference of 3 years. The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 158, family No; 73.
[94] Records of Hüseyin Kocaismail (email 18,11, 2011.pages 18-19) & Veli Cufoğlu in personal interviews.
[95] Osman & Yusuf were not found on any record except for Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 172, family No; 109
[96] Personal interview with Veli Cufoğlu
[97] There is a difference between the records of İbrahım Tahsildar & the records of Hüseyin Kocaismail. The writing on Ibrahım's records are very faded on these 2 names.
[98] Records of Ibrahım Tahsildar. Mehmet Katri family page 54.
[99] Yusuf and Mehmet tragically burned and died during a fire when they were infants Information during a personal interview with Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo'.
[100] The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 168, family No; 97. Yusuf Emir Ali was also recorded in the 1879 census as being born in 1868. Doc No; 164-b-1 (328) person number 5711
[101] Ottoman census 1879, Doc 155-a-3 page 309. Ref No's; 5417 & 5418