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Symptômes des troubles neurologiques fonctionnels et de conversion :

un guide pour les patients - Français




Tous les liens et les informations à télécharger sur une seule page de ce site:    

*majoritairement en anglais



Brochures ou dépliants sur les symptômes


Brochures sur les symptômes psychologiques


With grateful thanks to Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust for permission

These booklets are also from Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Trust and may be helpful depending on circumstances. Please scroll down to find the correct booklet

If you cannot open these files (pdf files) then you will need Acrobat Reader. 


Click on the picture below to download it





If you would like to print a poster advertising the website for your clinic room, waiting room or ward area then you can download an A4 poster here

Forums et Blogs


Non-Epileptic Attacks

Information about non-epileptic attacks

These other leaflets may be of help too


En tant que médecin je ne peux malheureusement pas m'occuper d'un forum sur ce site.

Il existe cependant diverses pages sur facebook et d'autres sites à propos des symptômes neurologiques fonctionnels et dissociatifs, qui ont été créées par des patients ayant ces symptômes. Vous pouvez y accéder aux adresses suivantes: : il s'agit d'un site écrit par un patient


Il existe aussi un blog à propos de la faiblesse fonctionnelle et un forum à propos du trouble de conversion.


Je ne fais pas partie de ces groupes et je ne suis donc pas responsable de leur contenu ou de leur précision et des informations qu'ils contiennent.


Dr Jon Stone



Cou - Information from Arthritis Research UK or NHS choices


Dos - Information from Arthritis Research UK or NHS choices


Fibromyalgie -Fibromyalgia at NHS Choices or

Information Booklet from Arthritis Research Council (1.2Mb Pdf download)



British Pain Society                     

Pain Association Scotland           

Pain Concern                               

Pain Relief Foundation                 

Pelvic Pain Support Network        

Health Improvement Scotland (part of NHS Scotland) published an important document on functional neurological symptoms in 2012.


THis is one of the first (possibly the first) document from a governmental agency which recognises the nature and extent of functional neurological symptoms and their associated disability and distress

HIS Stepped Care

Click on the document picture to access the page on the Health Improvement Scotland Website and download the document.


This document builds on NHS Scotland Neurology Standards which also specificed the importance of patients having access to correct diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment

Dissociative (Non-Epileptic) Attacks is a website launched in February 2011 all about non-epileptic attacks. Its written by a clinical team in Sheffield UK and has lots of useful information







The Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder Trust (NEAD trust) is a new organisation with a growing range of useful resources for patients including a forum.


NEAD Scotland also has useful information for patients including a live chat room and forum. Again the emphasis on this website is more on psychological factors and trauma than on my own but there is much common ground























Vestibular exercises


Dissociation / Dépersonnalisation


Wikipédia – not always reliable but as of Sep 2008 the page is helpful


the “Depersonalisation Research Unit” in London


Cliquez sur Histoires pour accéder aux récits de personnes vivants avec des symptômes fonctionnels et dissociatifs.

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