Reed-Robbins NLP Coaching, Training & Speaking Academy
Enjoy the journey...
Address. Longwick. Bucks.HP27

Time To Thrive
Free weekly webinar series with Jess and Nick
These weekly group online coaching/training sessions with breakthrough coaches and motivational speakers Jessica & Nick Reed-Robbins, are for everyone who wants to find a way to thrive over the coming months. If you want to feel more positive, resilient, determined and motivated, log in for some good company among like minded people.
We will only be focused on ways to feel great and thrive in this and other challenging situations. We will make this an oasis of optimism so that you can keep fully empowered while you make the next few months magnificent for yourself and your family.
We'll be teaching tools, techniques and other NLP principles to help you become permanently resilient, now and forever.
What's Coming Up This Winter?
5th Nov 2020 "Baby You're A Firework! Let's ensure you're set up for success!
12th Nov 2020 Manifesting your wildest dreams
19th Nov 2020 Creating unwavering self belief
26th Nov 2020 Thanksgiving! The magical power of gratitude
3rd Dec 2020 You don't have to be hard to be resilient
10th Dec 2020 Fulfilling relationships
17th Dec 2020 Manifesting financial abundance
7th Jan 2021 Road-mapping 2021
14th Jan 2021 Life is full of surprises...
Registration is required in ADVANCE for the sessions you want to attend.
You will then be sent the zoom link for the sessions you want to attend.

Review ALL Our Past Recordings:
We've been recording our weekly session since the first lockdown in March 2020 and you can review ALL our past content in the members area.
It's FREE and full of incredible resources!
Learn about relationships, resilience, health and healing, dealing with anxiety and much much more!
Tel. 0800 083 8013
Email. jess@reedrobbins.co.uk