Reed-Robbins NLP Coaching, Training & Speaking Academy
Enjoy the journey...
Address. Longwick. Bucks.HP27

These downloads are provided for my students and clients for your enjoyment only and must not be used for further distribution or for use in your own professional practice. I recorded these for my own use and have only shared them here to give you an idea of how to create your own visualisations and how to record the NLP scripts for coaching yourself.
Time Line Release-Negative-Emotions Introduction
Time Line Release-Negative-Emotions NLP Process
Put A Goal In Your TimeLine Process
Collapsing Anchors NLP Process
Finding Your Purpose Instructions
Finding Your Purpose Visualisation
Six Step Reframe - For Changing Habits and Behaviours
Tel. 0800 083 8013
Email. jess@reedrobbins.co.uk