Reed-Robbins NLP Coaching, Training & Speaking Academy
Enjoy the journey...
Address. Longwick. Bucks.HP27

Jessica Robbins
At the age of 19, Jessicas dream of becoming a competitive Martial Artist was seemingly destroyed when she was diagnosed with a degenerative disease in her spine, shortly after winning the British Taekwondo Technical Championships. Consequently, she went to Uni and followed an academic path.
Years later, she woke up to find herself stranded, far from the life she had dreamed of. Six stone overweight, struggling with the constant pain of a back disease, in a job she hated and was unsurprisingly depressed.
In 2004 she discovered NLP and used this incredible psychology to transform herself and her life in just 6 months. She took control of her life, gaining in confidence and self-esteem and used NLP to lose weight. She became a performance coach so she could help other people achieve their dreams. Jessica now coaches athletes, performing artists and trains business professionals from around the world.
Jessica is driven by passion and curiosity to discover the limits to what is possible. In 2006, she used NLP to cure her own spinal disease and was finally pain free, after almost 10 years of constant pain. The realisation of what could be achieved with her techniques, lead her to help others take control of their health. Soon after, she returned to her Taekwondo training. In Dec 2007, she won Bronze at the British Championships and then again in September 2008.
Jess sets many playful and exciting goals for herself, and has already achieved many of them, such as presenting her own TV show on BBC3, working with Olympic athletes and has built a successful training business. The publication of her first book in 2007 was also the fulfilment of a lifelong dream. Jessica has trained under the expertise of Dr.Wyatt Woodsmall, one of the very first and most renown NLP Trainers in the world. She in turn, now trains NLP to individuals and organisations internationally.

Nick Reed
Nick Reed is a peak performance coach and trainer, specialising in helping people be, do and have the success they deserve in all aspects of their life. He trained as a master level practitioner of the performance psychology, with Jessica Robbins and through his passion for making a difference in peoples lives and an appetite for NLP, he rapidly became a member of the senior training team for Jess Robbins Performance Solutions.
He now teaches NLP to members of the public and organisations including EDF Energy, Vodafone, Everything Everywhere, TNT, Essex County Council, Travis Perkins and Comic Relief. He is also the lead assistant at Super Power School, the Jessica Robbins flagship transformational event.
Nick is a committed cyclist and all round sportsman and enjoys using his own experience to coach and train other athletes in his success principles. Before becoming a coach, Nick enjoyed running a successful plumbing and heating business but his life completely transformed after discovering NLP. He had suffered from sleeping problems for years that traditional treatments were unable to resolve. Eventually, this drove him to seek a more powerful solution in the form of NLP, which after just a short time, resolved the issue allowing him to embrace life at a whole new level. He then used the tools to transform all areas of his life including finances, relationships and health so that he could live the life he dreamed of.
After experiencing the powerful changes that can be achieved, Nick is now passionate about making a difference to everyone he meets. He leads by example and is constantly expanding his own comfort zone as well as deepening his knowledge and skill set in all areas of personal success.
Together, Nick and Jess will guide you through your own unique and personal experience on the practitioner course to ensure you get as much out of the course as you possibly can. They will support and encourage you every step of the way and make it as fun, entertaining and inspirational as possible! Change can be FUN!
A Great Team!
Tel. 0800 083 8013
Email. jess@reedrobbins.co.uk