After Elmer's Great North Parade in 2019 our project was keen to get involved again with this years #ShaunontheTyne trail to raise money for St Oswald's. Whilst it was exciting and revoked so much imagination from our young people we remembered the reasons for doing it. Which were to increase public awareness about hospice care and its importance as well as the impact on our whole community.
Our sheep was named 'Coal' by one of our young people. The young person thought Coal would be the perfect name in recognition of our Miners Heritage. Coal stands tall with pride wearing his miners hat.
Coal will return to us once the trial is over and stand pride and place next to Elmer in our garden.
We can not wait to see what trail is next....
Our Project Group decided they wanted to revamp the beauty room so they set away with a Key Fund to secure the monies.
They presented to a panel why they wanted to do this and how it would benefit the community. The panel was blown away by these young peoples confidence, interest and commitment.
They then set away sourcing materials, paint sampling, removing wallpaper and much more all whilst sticking to a tight budget.
The group revealed the beauty room at their Wellbeing Afternoon. The afternoon was excellent and went off without a hitch. They set up stalls in the hall and allows people to engage in different wellbeing activities.
Coal the colourful and creative
Our well-being
Brandon and District
Youth & Community Project
Coal looked chuffed to see all his old mates when we went to visit him in Newcastle, during the Summer.