Well known Lurucinali's
I'm of the firm belief that our villager's have had a positive impact in making themselves known in the Turkish Cypriot community. How often do we hear the phrase "her tarafta bir Luricinali var". Whether its cultural, business, or media, our people have stood proudly side by side with the best. I would like to invite people to write and let me know if they know of Luricinali's who have been successful in whatever capacity or country they have settled in.
Its not just in business that our fellow Lurucinali's have excelled. James Kavas, son of Celal was a respected British actor until his untimely death due to cancer. Alper Mehmet was the joint 1st ethnic Ambassador in the UK. We have many courageous men like Seyit Mehmet Ramadan who served in the British army with distinction, and have been recognised for their contribution to the British Commonwealth. Even in Cypriot folklore with "Chatista and Biimada'' our families have contributed to the Culture of the Island. I could go on and on, but my aim is to encourage others to come forward in order that our success is passed on to future generations who rightly or wrongly may be unaware of the rich and varied talent that made Lurucina so unique.
My aim is to research and compile a list of Luricinali's in order to create a section on the families of Luricina website to honour these people who have proudly carried the name of our village to the four corners of the world. If you know anyone who you believe fits into this category please write and let me know. A 250-300 word mail will suffice. Any article put on the site will carry the name of the person sending the email. In addition I will not attempt to edit the info sent to me, therefore its important that they are kept lean and not too long. You can write your findings to familiesofluricina@gmail.com
I think its safe to say that any Turkish Cypriot let alone Lurucinali will agree that Mustafa Mehmet 'Bitirim', played a massive contribution in bringing us the fun and joy of the big screen to a people who having left their homeland needed something that would keep them in touch with their culture back home. The world was a different place in the early 1960s. No doubt the energy and pioneering spirit of people like Mustafa ensured that Luricinali's were at the forefront of our villagers ability to integrate and benefit from an environment that was completely different to the village and country they left behind.
A big thank you to Gonul for sharing with us her family history. And an even bigger thank you to Mustafa abi for all the years of pleasure he gave to our people in the early years of our migration to the UK. May he rest in peace.
THE STORY OF Sinema'ci Mustafa Mehmet 'Bitirim'
Hi,I saw the message about successful people from the village Akincilar and wanted to nominate my dad, who sadly passed away in 2004. He was Mustafa Mehmet but was also known as Mustafa Bitirim, Mustafa Galliga and in London also acquired the nickname Sinemaci Mustafa. He came to England in 1959, penniless and went on to achieve many firsts, on behalf of the Turkish community. He was the first to run the Turkish cinema clubs on both North and South London and this became a huge meeting point for all the Turkish families who invariably spent all week working in factories. This was a huge social activity for the community. Associated with this was the sale of Turkish magazines, newspapers, novels, records and 8 track tapes. Turks would come to the cinema, watch a beloved Turkish film, see their friends and relatives and catch up with news from home at a time when there was usually only one phone in a village in Cyprus, if you were lucky.
He made Turkish foods and wines available to the community by importing the goods from source in Turkey, distributing as a wholesaler and selling direct to the public from one of the first Turkish grocery shops, in Newington Green.
He is the first Turk to hire the Royal Albert Hall when he brought Zeki Muren to England for a concert in 1976 and concerts with Emel Sayin, Nese Karabocek, Baris Manco and other big names followed. He brought over Yildiz Kenter and her theatre group to perform a play for the community.
To this day I regularly come across people who have stories to tell about how he helped/supported them in one way or another. He was incredibly patriotic and was in love with Luricina/Akincilar until the end.
He was enterprising, imaginative, very hard-working, brave and had a sharp intelligence. As a child he did not have an opportunity for an education but this never stopped him chasing his dreams. I have always been proud to be his daughter.
I hope you find this of interest.
Yours sincerely,
Gönül Salih.
ALPER MEHMET (The following was taken from Wikipedia)
Alp Mehmet
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alp Mehmet (born Alper Mehmet) is a former British diplomat and one of the United Kingdom's first two ethnic minority ambassadors, along with Anwar Choudhury.
Mehmet arrived in the United Kingdom from Cyprus in 1956 when he was aged eight. He was educated at Parmiter's Grammar School in the East End of London, and at Bristol Polytechnic. On graduation from Bristol, he became an immigration officer (1970–79) and then an entry clearance officer in Lagos, Nigeria (1979–83). In 1983, he entered Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service, serving in Romania, Germany and Iceland (twice) and leaving in 2008. When he was appointed as Ambassador to Iceland in 2004, he became one of the first two British ambassadors from ethnic minority backgrounds to be appointed (the other being Anwar Choudhury, who was appointed High Commissioner to Bangladesh). He sits on the advisory council of MigrationWatch UK.
Aslen Akıncılarlı olan ve yaşamını İngiltere’de sürdüren Dr. Mel Mehmet, İngiltere Kraliçesi 2. Elizabeth’in 2013 Hizmet ve Onur Listesi’ne girerek MBE nişanı almaya hak kazandı.
Mehmet, Kraliçe 2. Elizabeth’in her yıl topluma önemli hizmetleri geçen başarılı kişilere verdiği Hizmet ve Onur Listesi’nde bu yıl MBE nişanı (İngiliz İmparatorluğu Üyesi anlamına gelen bir çeşit şövalyelik unvanı) alan tek Türk oldu.
Dr. Mel Mehmet, ödülünü 10 Nisan Çarşamba günü Windsor Kalesi’de yapılacak özel bir törenle Kraliçe 2. Elizabeth’in elinden alacak.
Kuzey Kıbrıs kökenli başarılı genç işadamı, sahibi olduğu easitNETWORK adlı özel araba paylaşım şirketi ile topluma ve çevreye duyarlılığından dolayı bu ödüle layık görüldü.
Dr. Mel Mehmet’in 9 yıl önce kurduğu easitNETWORK şirketi, aynı bölge ve şehirlerde yaşayan insanlara işyerlerine giderken ortak araba paylaşımı hizmeti sunuyor.
Hem daha ekonomik hem de trafik sorununu azaltan bir yöntemle ulaşım olanağı sağlayan şirketin 300 bin üyesi var. Şirket ayrıca otobüs, tren ve bisikletli ulaşımda da kolay ve çevreye duyarlı uygun ulaşım olanakları sağlayarak topluma hizmet veriyor.
KIBRIS’a konuşan Mel Mehmet yıllar önce bu işe başladığında kimsenin bu yöntemleri ciddiye almadığını söyledi ve şöyle devam etti:
“Bu işe para kazanmak için başlamadım. Sosyal sorumluluk bilinciyle çevreye duyarlı ulaşım metotları geliştirerek insanların farklı alternatifler düşünmesini teşvik etmek istedim.”
Anne ve babası Luricina’dan (Akıncılar) yıllar önce İngiltere’ye gelen Dr. Mel Mehmet, geçtiğimiz aralık ayında Kraliçe’nin ofisinden kendisine gönderilen mektupla 2013 Hizmet ve Onur Listesi’ne girdiğini öğrendiğini ancak inanamadığını söyledi. Büyük mutluluk duyduğunu ifade eden Mehmet, bu ödülün kendisi için büyük bir onur olduğunu sözlerine ekledi