Chatista/Poems/ Mani By villagers
It goes without saying that to translate a poem, Limerick or whatever we wish to call it into another language completely loses the rhyme, style and feel of what was a unique form of entertainment in Cypriot life not so long ago.
There were many people in Luricina who were good at Chatista. Sadly this skill has not passed to younger generations. Recording the Chatista is the only way of passing the past way of life to future generations. No doubt in order to truly understand one would have to be able to read Greek. In this case I have tried to record the Greek language Chatista into the phonetic Latin Script. Some have kindly come forward to help write an occasional one into the original Greek script. A few have been translated into the Turkish language with extraordinary results. translating all however seems to have been very difficult. Only a brief explanation of the poems have been undertaken. Its hoped that this will not take away the essence and beauty of these exchanges.
According to many older people, Veli Kundi often entered competitions at panayirs [1] and won on a number of occasions, therefore he was well known for his 'Chatista' and often enjoyed challenging fellow villagers. Around the early 1950s when 'Kundi' was dancing at a wedding in Luricina he noticed my father Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' walking in and decided to challenge him to a friendly exchange of Chatista. The following exchange took place
Veli 'Kundi'
galose galosorisen filemu do 'Kirlapin'
na memmu surundizesse, binnose sando hapin
Mehmet 'Kirlapo'
en boriz filemu na me bgiz, allakse do sgobossu
sandin gufin din anerghi, minisgo sto lemosu
It seems Veli 'Kundi' was not in the mood as much as usual so Mehmet decided to have another shot, sadly Kundi's response has been forgotten by Mehmet 'Kirlapo'
Mehmet 'Kirlapo'
horide file don 'Kundin" glohede sandin botsa
eho enan yero guvelon, je myazun istin goksa
Veli 'Kundi'
Καλώς σε, καλωσώρισες,
φίλε μου στο "Κιρλάππιν".
Μα μεν μου σουρουντίζεσαι,
πίννω σε σαν το χάππιν.
Mehmet 'Kirlapo'
Εν μπορείς φίλε να με πιείς,
άλλαξε τον σκοπό σου.
Σαν την κουφήν την άνεδρην,
μεινίσκω στον λαιμόν σου.[2]
My parents Mehmet 'Kirlapo' and Fatma 'Phsillu' celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in November 2011. Being in a good mood my father seemed to get a bit of his old form back and started to knock out a few 'Chatista'. ( Tsiatista) This one relates to their 60 years of marriage.
Onuzmu ulevgen ulon basdez gobellez,
je jinez emme helasin, yadi eghleba guvelez,
je dodez marazonna, je davrun da mallyammu,
ma omoz iboferna, yadi idan i thulyammu,
o jirizmu thia-daksen, je ebem-bemme mesta-ori,
je istera bandrefdiga, je diz Phsillu's din gori,
je goma sinithizumen je gamamen thisangona je angonya,
harigamen os dora mazin, eshi exinda xhronya.
Turkish version of the above poem /Yukardaki siir'in Türkcesi
Gönül verdim gızlara aklım fikrim onlarda
Gızlar bana yüz vermez, giderdim hep davara
Ben da maraz ederdim bu böyle olmaz derdim
Elimden birşey gelmez hep davarı giderdim
Babam emiri verdi beni dağa gönderdi
Daha sonra evlendim psilu gızını verdi
Bir ömür mutlu olduk 60 yıl beraberiz
çocuklarımız oldu evde torun bekleriz.. [3]
şiir:/poem by Mehmet Kirlappo
Ο νούς μου (εμέν) εδούλευκεν
ούλλον πα' στες κοπέλλες
Τζαι τζείνες εν με χέλασιν
γιατί έγλεπα κουέλλες
Τζαι τότες εμαράζωννα
τζαι τράβουν τα μαλλιά μου
Μα όμως εν υπόφερνα
γιατ' ήταν η δουλειά μου
Ο τζιύρης μου διάταξεν
τζι' έπεμπεν με στα όρη
Τζαι ύστερα παντρεύτηκα
τζαι της Ψυλλούς την κόρη.
Τωρά εμείς εκάμαμεν
δισάγγονα τζι αγγόνια
τζι είμαστε ώς τωρά μαζίν
έσιει εξήντα γρόνια. [4]
Unkown source
The following 4 Chatista/Mani's/Poems were recited by Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo'
Idan jeros je berasen,
bu ihamen jindin harin
Dora egondepsen o jeroz,
afendimu theyoz enarti na maz bari
(3 Feb 2020)
uranno je thallassa, mavra phsilla je thasi,
i niyode bu ithahame mia neya na berasi,
Do drenon eksiginisen me thothega va-onna
dravose bastin jefalin, eshi exsinda hronya
CHATISTA BY MEHMET VELI 'Kirlapo' & Veli 'Kundi'
Mehmet Veli & Veli 'Kundi' enjoyed exchanging chatista. Being great friends they often tried to outwit each other. Both have left us a sample of the way of life, culture and wit of Lurucina that should be recorded, and enjoyed by future generations.
Do petrohani en mitzi, ji Athienou meghali
eshi gobeles omorfes gosbende do riyali
Mehmet 'Kirlapo' went to his cousins Sultan 'Sultano's' wedding party in 1950?. Being 20 years old at the time he was hoping to catch the eye of a young lady and hope that a friend or relative may arrange a union, as was the custom at the time a contest of chatista/Tsiattista between relatives and friends would liven up the fun.
Mehmet 'bede du muya' never passing up an opportunity to tease the young man that the age of marrying shepherds was long gone, and that young ladies now preferred men who were in better jobs. So the usual exchange of chatista was a way to make the point.
MEHMET 'Bede du muya'
O jirizmu biladevgen, Je i manamu e belegan,
dora emaha bosduz vosguz, enduz thiyun yenegan.
Tell Muya my father is a carpenter, and my mother a nagger, and now I learnt there are no wives for shepherds
MEHMET 'Kirlapo' Omoz yaduz reshberiyez en simar-ladizmenez, brebisu mia du kerhane bu dez oghradizmenez
While we are farmers and dirty, you belong in a whorehouse captured.
As the evening went on three of Mehmet 'Kirlapo's' cousins went on the offensive to catch him out his response was the following
Enjen halumin je psumin na sas da mirasso
eyoni mia psishi ime je bosus enna ftasso
This is not bread and Hellim, to be shared, I only have one life, how many of you can I keep up with
Greek to English Translation by Feridun Toz (Fred Yusuf)
As a young man Mehmet 'Kirlapo' was a Shepherd, and though it was a 7 day job, and extremely hard in the baking Cyprus heat, it offered him a strange sense of romanticism. Sitting on the beautiful and unspoiled hillside's of Luricina [Akincilar] with his fellow Shepherd friends they would pass the time literally honing their skills in outwitting each other. Eventually he became so good that he was invited to 'panayirs' to enter competitions with neighboring villagers fighting for the honor of being the best. Panayirs were like trading markets and funfairs, originally organised by the Church to stimulate trade. Panayir is in fact derived from the word "Panaiya" referring to Mary mother of Christ. They played a big part of Cyprus life. It gave people an opportunity to bring their products to sell, meet old friends and enter competitions in an age when TVs were not so common, and interaction was the way of life.
Mehmet 'Kirlapo' soon began to make a good reputation for his sharp and quick wit. When he was about 18 -19 in 1948-9 he went to Athienou -a nearby village- with a friend in order to work. While at a local cafe a well known 'Biidi' and "Chatisti's" named Muymon began to entertain and naturally challenge anyone to catch him out. It was soon brought to his attention that an up and coming youngster from Luricina was in the crowd. Muymon deciding to prod the young man walked and up to him, but initially Mehmet being a bit over-awed by Muymons reputation decided not to respond. Muymon was having none of it, he continued with his witty 'Chatista' (Tsiattista) and eventually with his blood boiling Mehmet took up the challenge. The following exchange took place.
MUYMON Anikse re filemou gamo-mada ganise,
bemaz na hariz, bu inda horgon ise.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo' Stin Athienou eftasa eshi gane-nan mina,
ma yeno gobi-higa bu mestin Luricina.
MUYMON Sanda gunubga du neru stegume je horoda,
eyo da Lurijadiga ha-me lahdo ba-doda.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo' Messu yelasu sadanas banoduz na ksamosis,
je budo thinduz isha na do yemosis.
MUYMON Eme-nan en gathi-gommu na duz itho-biiso,
amman agusun Muymon enna yirisun biso.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo' Am-man agusis je erkunde je bga-niz da habarga,
na dreksun bu-don gollosu je boynarga.
Naturally people who were good at Chatista had a certain respect for each other, and no sooner had they finished their exchange then everyone would join in some fun. Muymon congratulated Mehmet for his abilities at such a young age and both had a chat and coffee together.
Yusuf Toz's translation into Turkish. An amazing bit of translation which left me speechless
Yeter artık be dostum nazlanmayı sen bırak
Sen hangi köyden geldin, yakın mı yoksa ırak
Athiyenu ya geldim bir kac aydır burdayım
Nereliyim sen soran , ben Lurucinalıyım
Suda sinek gibisin durur sana bakarım
Ben Lurucinalilari , yerin dibine sokarım
MEHMET 'Kirlapo'
Sakın şeytana uyma , çevirirler odunu
Onnar sana gonuşsa dolduracan o donu
Ben söylerim sözümü ihtar eder bu eller
Muymon adi olunca hepsi geri döneller
MEHMET 'Kirlapo'
Duyarkandan genneri, gorku içini yakar
Bokun götünden değil, paçalarından akar.[5]
Greek script of the above
Άνοιξε ρε φίλε μου καμώματα κανεί σε,
πέ μας να χαρείς που ήντα χωρκόν είσαι.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo'
Στην Αθηένου έφτασα έσιει κανένα μήνα,
μα εγεννοκοπήχηκα που μέσ’την Λουρουτζιήννα.
Σαν τα κουνούπκια του νερού στέκουμαι τζιαί χωρώ τα,
εγιώ τα Λουρουτζιάτικα χαμαί λαχτοπατώ τα.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo'
Μέν σου γελάσει σατανάς πάνω τους ν’αξαμώσεις,
τζιαί που το δείν τους (μανιχά) ίσια να το γεμώσεις.
Εμέναν εν καθήκο μου να τους ειδοποιήσω,
άμαν ακούσουν Muymon εν να γυρίσουν πίσω.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo'
Άμαν ακούσεις τζι’έρκουντε τζιαί πκιάννεις τα χαπάρκα,
να τρέξουν που τον κώλον σου τζιαί (που τα) ποϊνάρκα. [6]
A contest between my father Mehmet Veli and Muymon from Atheinou. late 1940's
English translation of the above with the phonetic Greek in yellow
MUYMON Anikse re filemou gamo-mada ganise, bemaz na hariz, bu inda horgon ise.
Open up my friend enough is enough will you tell us where are you from.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo' Stin Athienou eftasa eshi gane-nan mina, ma yeno gobi-higa bu mestin Luricina.
I’ve been in Athienou about a month, born and raised in Lurucina
MUYMON Sanda gunubga du neru stegume je horoda, eyo da Lurijadiga ha-me lahdo ba-doda.
You are like a fly on water, looking at you, I can bury the people from Lurucina
MEHMET 'Kirlapo' Messu yelasu sadanas banoduz na ksamosis, je budo thinduz isha na do yemosis.
Don’t be tricked by the devil, from your glance alone you will fill your pants.
MUYMON Eme-nan en gathi-gommu na duz itho-biiso, amman agusun Muymon enna yirisun biso.
Its my duty so I will say my piece, be warned, when Muymon is involved, they will turn back.
MEHMET 'Kirlapo' Am-man agusis je erkunde je bga-niz da habarga, na dreksun bu-don gollosu je boynarga.
When you hear they coming and recieve the news, your shit burns from fright through yuor arse and trousers.
Greek to English translation by Feridun Toz (Fred Yusuf)
More chatista by Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo.
These two are a reference to the fact that at 82 the energy and health is not as good as it used to be.
Sta broda bolemusamen thihos bolemo-fothga,
dora emmaz eminasin me sherga me bothga.
Basta sanithgya barpado,
mesto neron imbleyo,
da brodinamu bu egamma,
thimmu-meda je gleo.
Thimume jindin zoyin bu imun bastus thegaksi
thene orpissa dundin zoyin na-laksi
A bit of a dig to his wife for her moaning. All in good humour.
I lossasu arkinisen je mashede midamu,
brosbahis medo galon na spasis da myalamu.
Sandin lihusan ebahez bu din gradun brobanya,
bastin kellemu se dravo eshi exinda xronia
Your tongue is bothering me, are you trying to blow my brain
Like a mother just given birth in post labour pain, I carry you on my head for 60 years
Greek to Turkish translation by Feridun Toz (Fred Yusuf)
Aresgidiz na-ime thrihtos, je na horo don diho,
enimboro o ftohos bile na sindiho
She likes me to be stay silent,
and stare at the wall,
unable to even talk or speak
Greek to Turkish translation by Feridun Toz (Fred Yusuf)
Indan na gamo na yino me dundin yidonummu
nivgede je honyazede je bernimu don nummu
What can I do, I am with my neighbours
and you get up and shout and take my mind away
Greek to Turkish translation by Feridun Toz (Fred Yusuf)
aghbisadin bu gargyaz,
je manadiz malonni
helidin na shereda,
je na din gamaroni.
Don nummu mestin jefalin
egamezdo alevrin,
obuz je na baz je na stahis,
do grima-mu nas evri.
Meran ulevgede bola,
din nihdan je jimaste,
je odi saz lalo dora,
banda na da athimaste.
Thoksazodo afendimu,
bu me gamen cholakin,
ya senan ime beri-ergoz
bos eshiz doson merakin.
Sigonume do broyin,
je horisa din glatsan,
odi abarghi ston dunya,
en ulla medin ratsan
Basta gungrin je siyera,
egarfonna din sponda,
indan na gamumen dora,
ereksamen I ohdonda
En panayiri je berna
i yerimi neyodi
En fevgi isteri zoi,
je na ksanarti brodi
Emenan edromaksamme stena je mahalathes
drauth-ya ge biimada lalosas gyo shil-yathes
an exchange between a gypsy woman named Nergiz and Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo'
Na bgyaho din tsa-erammu
je narto boji gondassu
yadi horo je nevgismu
na spasso da myalassu
Do stoman bu drau-isen
notho bora russoso
enan bendo-liron russon
an ertis na su thosso
The following 4 Chatista/Mani's was recited by Mustafa Muzzafer Dayi who was well known for his skill as an expert on chatista.
Sigonede bu do broyin,
sandis thulan na bgasi,
skeftede inda gavenen
na baii na cikyasi.
Σηκώννεται που το πρωίν
σαντίς δουλειάν να πιάσει
Σκέφτεται ίντα καφενέν
να πάει να τζιοιθκιάσει.[7]
Ston skoliyon bembizdon
rammada na mahi,
je o ahahi-reftos ene mahen
me A me U na rafi
Do alpa bos en ghauraz e horendon je yelan,
je abo mitsiz e thenedun odi bos enethelan
lalisdu nakon asheron du ghamalu na sissi
ama belon don ivramen berkimu na spothisi
Ay oglum sana dedim
tembelligi birakasin
da benim gibi okuyup adam olasin.[8]
The following catista are from various unknown individuals. We owe NEBILE SAMI 'GOTSA' ( NEBILE RAMADAN) a massive gratitude for remembering to recite them. BEKIR OSMAN 'BITHIGO', was kind enough to write and share them.
Bu do stenon-dis ereksa je dayizen da vudya
je haminison do goshinon je lalemmu drau-tha
Da yasemin ine esomu, jallu fakun i gloni
je agusando bos se aghaba esgasan i yidoni
Iyadin meda gochina ge iba odi ine bana-iya
ge baragalun don theon na stahi nadin iya
Do silionin egatsen banosdin gafgarun
ji gafgarua e shetanondo ge ginon e drauan
Ibadis narti ge en irten ge-narti emme vrisgi
ge da babutchadis ille ge o gobosdis minisgi
efeksen i Anadoli je bu na ksimerosi
je bu aghabin argisen na bay nadin merosi
je enan filin na dis thosi
Inda din helo din omorfgan je da berisogali
je da nihtarya di thimis, je na da gradun Ali
Ela re Hitler ya na this Gibreya baligarya
bu ehdibun du Yermanu sta stihi du Londarya
ce lambron na gabsi eshi baligarya
Ismaili's o Seid-ali's bon droyi do pilavin
je heli avga diyanida na blethun mesdo layin
Amca Sufda gamnisu dudoz o glaros na su don buliso
amman su gamni Bemudo ine barasgevi na don baro sto bazarin na don buliso
je da riyalya bo dosa na bghaho biso
offu offu muzuru du Morfu,
egamez je bellana ya gyo mila gorfu
Halasa mavro, halasa je jimadusa
boles manayes egames ce mavra e horusan
The following 4 Chatista/Mani's was recited by Mustafa Muzzafer who was well known for his skill as an expert on chatista.[9]
Sigonede bu do broyin,
sandis thulan na bgasi,
skeftede inda gavenen
na baii na cikyasi.
Ston skoliyon bembizdon
rammada na mahi,
je o ahahi-reftos ene mahen
me A me U na rafi
Do alpa bos en ghauraz e horendon je yelan,
je abo mitsiz e thenedun odi bos enethelan
lalisdu nakon asheron du ghamalu na sissi
ama belon don ivramen berkimu na spothisi
Ay oglum sana dedim
tembelligi birakasin
da benim gibi okuyup adam olasin
The following chatisto was was an exchange between a Greek lady and Veli Kundi at a competition at a Panayir in Larnaca
Espira do horafimmu, ce evvalado sisamin,
baragalose filemu Kundi na mu biz bosa gucha na gami
(an another version of the above)
saranda skales thi-ola espira do sisamin
athis i kseris da bola, bosa gucha na gami
Annen galo-gamumenon je erti enan bodamin,
osa astri eshi o ughranoz, dosa gucha na gami. [10]
Turkish translation. Türkce çevirisi
Yabanci kadin'nin sorusu
Tarlamı çapaladim , bir avuç sısam ektim
Söyle bana be Kundi, negadar hasad ederim
Veli Kundi' cevap verdi
Tarlan güzel sürülsün, dere daşarak gelsin
Yildizlari bir say bak o gadar hasad edersin. [11]
recited by ???
Don Zimbrikon je don Kundi enna duz gadagobso,
je na duz gamo pasturman, je du Hitler na duz bepso
Original Poet not known
Theemu ce sihhoramu
gopse ta grimadamu
stin oran du thanadumu
stin bordan tu gnimadumu
na men da evro mbostamu. [12]
Unknown source. [13]
O boshi bu ornihes bashes, gamya yidonisa midadu
din nihdan bay je bgyanidez, dudi en i thulyaduz,
ahus o asihoridoz bay je blimeraduz,
andrebume je o ithiyoz, na o milo midaduz.
Galon zevgarin do egama, je vuthga je gatselez,
heli nan mesto gavenen harkya na bezi je rame na droi garamelez
Muzaferi to Gashaoli
Hondron gubai su egama me enan mistaromenon,
garchissu endez ehelez, beridu bu enan ksenon
Androulla Shati is from Dali and is the daughter of Kadji who had a shop at the bandobuliyo. She has enjoyed the Tsiattista and Biimada so much that she has lent her support for thisreserach. She herself is a master of this ancient tradition and her following Tsiattista/Chatista is a joy to read. No doubt the talent of our village folk still seems to inspire people to this day. If only our younger generation could read and understand Greek, then this aspect of our culture will live on. If this research helps to inspire and preserve this tradition then we should all be happy that our ancestor's talent for Tsiattista and Biimada will never be forgotten.
The following Tsiattista were recited by Androulla Shati to Ismail Veli
Tou filou mou tou Ismail pou zi is ta Londina,
Areskun tou ta tsiattista Ets'omorfa tzie terkasta,Tzie grafo tou, po tzina.
Egio ime i Dalitou kori tou Khadji me to namin.
Tzie miazo tou stin exipnaan, os to telefteo dramin.
Yi'afton tzie grafo tsiattista esenan na ta pepso,
Gia na gelasoumen nakurin tzie na se horattepso.
Androulla's witty tsiattista is again self evident. In this one she is talking about Fenerbahce's win 1.0 over AEL Limasol.
Sheroume pou vrethikamen, pou ginamente fili.
Ederen mas, I Fener Bahce, epses tin Aelara
Tzie piaan mas ta klamata tzie kapious, I pellara.
Ma gio gia fourpous en ixero tzie den dio bakira.
Lalo mono, doxa si o theos, gia oula tzina pou pira.
To minima pou sou epepsa, efien kata lathos
Yiat’imoun polla viastiki
Thkialoismeni xistitdi,
Me vouros tzie me pathos.
Eylepa ta aggonouthkia mou, ekamna tes doulies mou,
Tzi’en iha mian stalami na pepso tes efges mou.
Efhoume na eperases kala to bayrami
Na men ishe polles vroshes, anemous tzie tsunami.
Eyio tin Agglian xero tin pos kathi mera vreshi
Ma san to humour to Eggleziko, is ton dunian, en eshi.
Laloun ta ouli tzie yeloun gia na perna tzi’i ora
Na xianousin ta dertia tous, na sherounte to tora.
Polla filia kai stin yeneka sou
The following poem was written by Fatma Gazi and shared with the kind permission of Mr Soner Arifler [14]
Köyüme Sesleniş
Eteğinde kucağında
sarıp sarmaladın beni
kıymetini bilemedim.
Sokağında harmanında
büyüdü çocuklar
seslerini duyamadım.
Aşk şarkıları söylendi
bağında bahçende
Ak taşın, toprağın
gözlerimi kamaştırdı
Seyrektir kara gözlün
ay yüzlü insanların mavi yeşil gözlüdür
fark edemedim.
Lurucinalı mısın diye sorarlardı
oysa adın alnımızda yazılı
Ilık rüzgarınla
yürekten çağırıyorsun
hissediyorum; tüm yeşilindeki çiğ damlaları
içimdeki gözyaşlarımdır.
Fatma Gazi
Mart 2002
9 Mart 1960 Lurucina doğumlu olan Fatma, Hasan Gazi (Surfi) ile evlidir. Fatma ile Hasan'ın biri kız diğeri erkek iki çocuğu var.
Baba adı: İsmayıl Bekir Barbaros.
Anne adı: Dudu Barbaros.
Annesinin babası: Hasan Yannitsaro.
Annesinin annesi: Fatma Yannitsaro.
Babasının babası: Bekir Barboro.
Babasının annesi: Sultan Barboro.
[1] Panayirs were agricultural and business fairs often organised to promote sales of local produce. These were often also used to encourage competitions, and other forms of entertainment.
[2] Greek translation by Yiannis Komodromos
[3] çeviri: translation by Yusuf Tozzi
[4] Greek translation by Yiannis Komodromos
[5] Turkish Translation By Yusuf Toz (Türkce çeviri YUSUF TOZ tarafından edildi)
[6] Greek translation by Fanis Patsalides. (Rumca çeviri Fanis Patsalides)
[7] Greek translation (Rumca çeviri ) by Yiannis Komodromos .
[8] Shared by Huseyin Selim.
[9] Shared by Huseyin Selim.
[10] shared by Mustafa (Culli) Denizer.
[11] Turkish Translation By Yusuf Toz (Türkce çeviri YUSUF TOZ tarafından edildi)
[12] Shared by Huseyin Selim.
[13] Shared by Hussein Selim
[14] Copyright © 2000. Soner Arifler's Home Page. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 29/09/2002
e-mail: sarifler@mycyprus.net