Porto's and Alliko's. Part 2
SÜLEYMAN OSMAN 'Ordangele' (Munduko). born 1889-1975 (35) 1st marriage AYŞE İBRAHİM ’Gukkudi’. 2nd marriage DUDU ABDÜLKADİR ’Gatsura’
their children
1 Ayşe Süleyman 'Munduko' from Süleyman's 1st wife. Named after her mother, probably because she died while She was still a child. she married Said Ali Yusuf ’Gafgari’
children from 2nd marriage
2 Ali Süleyman Özmındık 'Trambulli/Munduko' 1920-1986 married Hatem Hüseyin ’Bendaşa’
3 Halil Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko’
4 Osman Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko’ 1927-2010
5 Kemal Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko’ married Emine İbrahim in the UK
AYŞE SÜLEYMAN 'Munduko' married SAİD ALİ YUSUF ’Gafgari’ born
their children
1 Fati Said Ali Yusuf ’Gafgari’
2 Emine Said Ali Yusuf ’Gafgari’
ALİ SÜLEYMAN 'Trambulli' 1920-1986 HATEM HÜSEYİN ’Bendaşa’
his children
1 Süleyman Ali Ösmındık 'Berber/Trambulli/Munduko'
SÜLEYMAN ALİ ÖZMINDIK ’Berber/Munduko’ (36) married SELMA HÜSEYİN ’Gatto’
his children
1 Tengiz Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko/Berber’ married Mine Halil Öztem 'Bili'
2 Ali Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko/Berber’ married Nasire Ozanalp
3 Hüseyin Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko/Berber’ married Ayşe from Vadili
4 Handan Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko/Berber’ married Serkan Halil Dede 'Pirilli
his children
1 Meliz Tengiz Özmındık
2 Ediz Tengiz Özmındık
their children
1 Selma Ali Özmındık ’Munduko/Berber’
2 Mehmet Ali Özmındık ’Munduko/Berber’
their children
1 Süleyman Hüseyin Özmındık ’Munduko/Berber’
their children
1 Bilge Serkan Dede ’Pirilli’
2 Gülsafa Serkan Dede ’Pirilli’
OSMAN SÜLEYMAN ÖZMINDIK 'Munduko' 1927-2010 (37) married EMİNDUDU İBRAHİM ’Mulatta’ 1930-2004
his children
1 Süleyman Osman Özmındık 'Munduko' married Dudu Kadir 'Gatsura' (2nd wife)
2 Hüseyin Osman Özmındık 'Munduko' married Songül 'Gaşaoli'
3 İbrahim Osman Özmındık 'Munduko' married Şansel
SÜLEYMAN OSMAN ÖZMINDIK 'Munduko' married 2nd wife was DUDU KADİR 'Gatsura'
their children
1 Osman Süleyman Özmındık 'Munduko'
2 Baylan Süleyman Özmındık 'Munduko'
their children
1 Onur Hüseyin Özmındık 'Munduko'
2 Emine Hüseyin Özmındık 'Munduko'
3 Şefik Hüseyin Özmındık 'Munduko'
ONUR HÜSEYİN ÖZMINDIK 'Munduko' married VICTORIA from the UK
their children
1 Keziban Hüseyin Özmındık 'Munduko'
their children
1 Melis Ahmet Kocayiğit
2 Ediz Ahmet Kocayiğit
their children
1 Şerife İbrahim Özmındık 'Munduko'
2 Osman İbrahim Özmındık 'Munduko'
3 Ali İbrahım Özmındık 'Munduko'
their children
1 İsmail Halil Özmındık ’Munduko’ married Hatice from Nicosia
2 Süleyman Halil Özmındık ’Munduko’
3 Çerkez Halil Özmındık ’Munduko’ married Derya Mahmut Cannur (no longer together)
4 Zekiye Halil Özmındık ’Munduko’ married Abdurrahman Gülce from Turkey
5 Ayşe Halil Özmındık ’Munduko’ married Mehmet Goççino (Kırmızı) from Sinde village
İSMAİL HALİL ÖZMINDIK ’Munduko’ married HATİCE from Nicosia
their children
1 Halil İsmail Özmındık ’Munduko’
2 Kıymet İsmail Özmındık ’Munduko’
their children
1 Emine Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko’
2 Hilmiye Süleyman Özmındık ’Munduko’
1 Umut Çerkez Özmındık ’Munduko’
2 Uğur Çerkez Özmındık ’Munduko’
ZEKİYE HALİL ÖZMINDIK ’Munduko’ married ABDURRAHMAN GÜLCE from Turkey (no longer together)
their children
1 Elvan Abdurrahman Gülce
2 Hilmiye Abdurrahman Gülce
3 Emrah Abdurrahman Gülce
AYŞE HALİL ÖZMINDIK ’Munduko’ married MEHMET KIRMIZI 'Goççino from sinde village (no longer together)
their children
1 Derhan Mehmet Kırmızi ’Goççino’
2 Devran Mehmet Kırmızı ’Goççino’
3 Halil Mehmet Kırmızı ’Goççino’
KEMAL SÜLEYMAN ÖZMINDIK 'Munduko' married EMİNE İBRAHIM 'İbrahim Dilsiz'. (39)
their children
1 Süleyman Kemal Özmındık 'Munduko' married Fisun from Piroi
2 İbrahım Kemal Özmındık 'Munduko' married Ünal from Piroi
3 Duygu Kemal Özmındık ’Munduko'
4 Hacer Kemal Özmındık 'Munduko'
SÜLEYMAN KEMAL ÖZMINDIK ’Munduko’ married FİSUN from Piroi
their children
İBRAHİM KEMAL ÖZMINDIK ’Munduko’ married ÜNAL from Piroi
their children
DUYGU KEMAL ÖZMINDIK ’Munduko’ married
their children
their children
REBYELİ OSMAN ’Gitimiri/Ordangele’ married OSMAN SEFER ’Gitimiri/Hacaro’ born 1888
their children
1 Naile Osman ’Gitimiri’ 1910-1881 married Osman İkiz
2 Emine/Dudu Osman ’Şonu/Gitimiri’ married Mehmet 'Gavleş'
3 Hatem Osman ’Gitimiri’ 1921-1991 married Mehmet Ramadan 'Pekri'
4 Raziye Osman ’Gitimiri’ migrated to the UK
5 Cemaliye Osman ’Gitimiri’ migrated to Australia
6 Ayşe Osman ’Gitimiri’ migrated to Australia
7 Fatma Osman ’Gitimiri’ married Mehmet Ali 'Kali' migrated to the UK
8 Zalihe Osman ’Gitimiri’ moved to Ortaköy
ZİLİHA ALİ ’Öksüz Ali’ born 1849 2nd wife of YUSUF HASAN ’Treboyadi/Arabi’ born 1841
No children
MUSTAFA YUSUF ’Gadabello/Kikeun’ 1829-1892 married DUDU HALİL Halil Ağa’ born 1839 They married in 1853 (40)
their children
1 Ziliha Mustafa born 1856 married İbrahim ‘Mustafuri’
2 Yusuf Mustafa 'Dayı/Gadabello' born 1858-1891
3 Ali Mustafa born 1860-1881 was disabled and half blind.
4 Halil Mustafa born 1862-1879
5 Ayni Mustafa married Bairam 'Lefa'?
6 Hatice Mustafa married Ahmet 'Damdelen'
ZİLİHA MUSTAFA ’Gadabello born 1856 married MUSTAFA İBRAHIM 'Garaoli' 'Mustafuri' (41) born 1845.(42)
their children
1 Yusuf Mustafa 'Mustafuri' born 1871.
2 İbrahım Mustafa 'Mustafuri' born 1877.
3 Mehmet Mustafa 'Mustafuri' born 1881.
4 Halil Mustafa 'Mustafuri' born 1895
5 Dudu Mustafa 'Mustafuri' married Hasan 'Karaca'
6 Şerife Mustafa 'Mustafuri' married Osman 'Lala'
7 Rebgeli Mustafa 'Mustafuri' married Arif 'Psafya'
YUSUF MUSTAFA 'Gadabello' born 1858-1891 married DUDU İBRAHİM ’Öküz Mutafa’
no children together
1 Mustafa Yusuf 'Gayi/Dayı' 1895 (From Dudu’s) 2nd marriage
MUSTAFA YUSUF 'Gayi/Dayı' born 1895. 1st marriage EMİNE /MÜNÜSE YUSUF ’Gatsura’.2nd marriage EMİNE MUSTAFA ’Gayina/Gatsura’ 1905-1992
their children
1 Yusuf Mustafa 'Gayi' ( from Mustafa's 1st wife)
children from 2nd marriage
2 İbrahım Mustafa Kaya 'Gayi’ married Şerife Yusuf ’Lala’
3 Neriman Mustafa ’Gayi’ married Ramadan Mustafa Sakallı ’Bardiçço/Şagali’ 1928-2015
4 Rahme Mustafa ’Gayi’ married Ramadan Hüseyin Küçük ’Guççuki
YUSUF MUSTAFA 'Gayi' married HAYRİYE HASAN ’İbrahim Ağa’
no children
his children
2 Yusuf İbrahım Kaya ’Gayi’
3 Aygün İbrahım Kaya ’Gayi’
AYGÜN İBRAHIM KAYA 'Gayı' married MEHMET VELİ VELEDDİN AKINER ’Mustafuri’ migrated to the UK
no information on children
NERİMAN MUSTAFA ’Gayi’ married RAMADAN MUSTAFA SAKALLI ’Bardiçço/Şagali’ 1928-2015
their children
1 Mustafa Ramadan Sakallı 'Bardiçço/Şagalli' married Solmaz Nihat from Muratağa/Maratha
2 Arif Ramadan Sakallı 'Bardiçço/Şagalli' married Mukaddes Hasan from Balıkesir/Palaikythro
3 Serap Ramadan Sakallı 'Bardiçço/Şagalli' married Yusuf Süleyman 'Muya'
4 Ayfer Ramadan Sakallı 'Bardiçço/Şagalli' married Aziz Yusuf 'Bedasi'
5 Emel Ramadan Sakallı 'Bardiçço/Şagalli' married Nazım Kurtarıcıoğlu
AYNİ MUSTAFA ’Gadabello’ married BAİRAM YUSUF ’Gudulla/Lefa’ born 1884
their children
1 Zalihe Bairam 'Gudalla' married Hüseyin Mustafa 'Zavli/Çavuş' born 1878
2 Yusuf Bairam ’Gudalla’ born 1895 died young.
3 Murat Bairam ’Gudalla’ born 1900
HATİCE MUSTAFA ’Gadabello’ married AHMET MUSTAFA 'Damdelen' born 1863
their children
1 Mustafa Ahmet 'Damdelen' born 26,10,1893. married Hanım Mustafa ’Gatsura’ 1904-1980
2 İbrahim Ahmet 'Gurkudi/Damdelen' (Korkut), born 29,11,1900
3 Abdullah Ahmet 'Aftulla/Damdelen' born 1904
4 Dudu Ahmet 'Damdelen' married Bekir Veli 'Gaççari' 1897-1980
5 Hasan Ahmet 'Damdelen' died young. Born 1895
AYŞE ALİ ’Alikko’ married İBRAHİM MUSTAFA 'Paça' born 1796 married AYŞE ALİ ’Alikko’
their children
1 Mustafa İbrahim 'Paça, usta' born 1819 or 1824-1873 married Ayşe Hasan born 1825 they married in 1839 (43)
2 Yusuf İbrahim 'Paça/Gutso' (topal) born 1819-1890
3 Ali İbrahim 'Kel Ali' 1829-1892 married Emine Ömer born 1844. They married in 1860
4 Şerife İbrahim 'Paça' born 1829 2nd wife of Hasan Yusuf 'Arab',from 'Şiliono' family born 1818-9 (the 1879 -80 Ottoman census records him as being born in 1800, however the 1831 census recorded him as being only 13 years old (these 2 are the paternal great great grandparents of this sites creator) They married in 1845.
5 Ayşe İbrahim born 1835 married Veli İsmail 'Çuffo/Gaççari’ born 1821 they married in 1858
6 Dudu İbrahim norn married Osman 'Hacaro'.
(1) Hasan Yücelen. Akıncılar/Lurucina Türklerin Yüzyıllık Varoluş Mücadelesi. Page 27-28
(2) Records of İbrahım Tahsildar, The Alliko family pages 72-76
(3) Ottoman census 1879. Doc 164-a-1 page 327. Ref No; 5718. The 1831 census records of the T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri. Book TŞR.KB.d.00040. Pages 45 ve 46. Person No; 32 however records him as being 30 years old, this would have meant that he was born in 1801.
(4) Ottoman census 1879 Doc 159-a-1 page 317. Ref No; 5540
(5) Hüseyin was living with his brother Mustafa Onbaşı, presumably being taken care of. Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. Page 156, Family No; 65.
(6) All the dates with the exception of Dudu are from the same footnote as No 4. Page 156 Ref No's 65. Dudu's information from Hüssein Selim.
(7) Interview with Hüssein Selim
(8) Emir-Ali birth was found on The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. Page 156, family No; 65.
(9) All the details of this family were added during a personal interview with Hüssein Selim (great grandson of Mustafa & Dudu.
(10) See footnote 7
(11) See footnote 7
(12) See footnote 7
(13) See footnote 7
(14) Details from Michelle Murat
(15) Information on this family from Sevim Kelosman (now Lisa Sevim Dawson) via face book message.
(16) Dates from The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 156, family No; 65.
(17) Much of the information on this family tree seems to have been missing from Ibrahim Tahsildar's records. Fortunately due to Hüssein Selim and Veli Cufoğlu many more names were added.
(18) Ottoman census 1879. Doc 164-a-1 page 327. Ref No's; 5711 & 5712.
(19) Reference for this family see footnote Number 15
(20) The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 168, family No; 97. Yusuf Emir Ali was also recorded in the 1879 census as being born in 1868. Doc No; 164-b-1 (328) person number 5711
(21) The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 168, Family No; 97
(22) see footnote 20.
(23) Much of this family was on İbrahım Tahsildar's records, ''The Alikko & Kuri family pages 72-86. Veli Cufoğlu filled in most of the missing names during personal and mail correspondence.
(24) The information on this family by personal interview with Bekir Mehmet Kavaz 'Bekircik' & Leman Yusuf.
(25) Records of İbrahım Tahsildar the Alikko & Kuri families pages 72-86
(26) Records of İbrahım Tahsildar the Alikko & Kuri families pages 72-86
(27) The T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri. Book TŞR.KB.d.00040. Pages 45 ve 46. Person No; 89.
(28) (28] Ottoman census 1879 Doc No; 162-a-2 page 323
(29) The nickname of ''Öksüz-Ali' was simply given as Ali was in fact orphaned as a child. The 1831 records of the T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri. Book TŞR.KB.d.00040. Pages 45 ve 46. Person No;86 recorded him as ''Yetim Ali Yusuf''. His brother Mustafa (person No; 2) and Ayşe ( being a female was not recorded in the census) were either living on their own or looked after by relatives. No other details are given.
(30) See footnote number 18
(31) The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 157, family No; 68. if the information on date of births is correct Hüseyin Ali would have been 15 years old when his son Ali was born.
(32) Records of Hüseyin Kocaismail (email 18,11, 2011.pages 18-19) & Veli Cufoğlu in personal interviews.
(33) As was often the case many years of birth from one census to another were contradictory. Osman was recorded as having died at 30 years old. Presumably this was recorded in 1906. The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 157, Family No; 68.
(34) Şehit Aileleri ve Malul Gaziler Derneği. Volume 4 page 82
(35) This family details were completed by Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' during a personal interview
(36) Kemal Yusuf 'Bududa, Behice İbrahim ‘Sglinigo’
(37) Kemal Yusuf 'Bududa & Behice İbrahim ‘Sglinigo’
(38) information given during personal interviews with Kemal Yusuf 'Bududa, Behice İbrahım 'Sglinigo' & Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo'.
(39) İnformation from Cavidan Veli and Mehmet Veli ‘Kirlapo’
(40) Ottoman census 1879. Doc 159-a-2 page 317. Ref No's; 5545 & 5546
(41) Most of the Mustafuri families are from İbrahım Tahsildar's records of ''the Garaoli family'', pages 160-184. The missing gaps were completed from the records and personal interviews with Veli & Arzu Cufoğlu.
(42)The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 174, Family No;115
(43) Ottoman census 1879. Doc; 151-a-1 page 301. This census records Mustafa Ibrahim as being born in 1819, however the 1831 census records him as ‘’7 years old '’ . Strangely in 1879 the record of their marriage shows that he was married in 1839 and 20 years old. The 1831 census was much closer to his birth year, which means he was only 15 when married. It’s a very contradictory situation to say the least.
All information and contents on this site are the copyright of. Families of Lurucina.
Designed, constructed, maintained and owned by Ismail Veli Kirlapo.
Copyright © 2011
Ismail Veli. familiesofluricina@gmail.com