
Osteopaths consider the biological, psychological, and social factors that cause ill health and create a treatment plan tailored to an individual’s unique physiology and needs. This usually includes manual therapy, as well as advice around exercise, diet and lifestyle.
Osteopaths are highly trained professionals with particular expertise in the musculoskeletal system – the muscles, joints and their relationship with other systems of the body. Hands-on therapy by osteopaths helps to improve mobility, relieve tension, increase blood flow and optimise physical function. It includes manipulation of the joints, spine and connective tissues, as well as massage and stretching of muscles and ligaments.
Who do osteopaths treat?
People often visit osteopaths for back, neck, joint and muscle pain, for short-term issues such as sports injuries and for help with conditions such as migraines, headaches or digestive issues. But many patients visit osteopaths on a regular basis to help manage chronic conditions such as arthritis and to maintain their overall wellbeing. This is because osteopaths are highly people-focused, taking the time to understand every patient as an individual
Osteopathy is one of 14 Allied Health Professions. AHPs are a diverse group of autonomous practitioners with their own regulating bodies, who deliver care across a range of settings.
This is a significant development that enables wider professional engagement and provides you with further opportunities to work as an osteopath within the NHS as well as in other settings.
click of the treatment links on the right to see more details .
About osteopathy
The Executive
The Coach House, Gloucester Street, Newent
Gloucestershire GL18 1AF
Tel. 01531 822392