Frequently Asked Questions
Can I see an osteopath through the NHS?
Currently, access to osteopathy on the NHS is limited, but services are becoming more widespread as commissioning authorities recognise the benefits of providing osteopathy to patients. To find out if NHS treatment is available in your area, speak to your GP and/or contact:
1. If you are in England - your local primary care trust.
2. If you are in Scotland - your local health board.
3. If you are in Wales - your local health authority.
4. If you are in Northern Ireland - your local health and social service board/group.
There is more information on who to contact in your region on the NHS website at www.nhs.uk.
Can I claim on my private medical insurance?
Many private health insurance policies provide cover for osteopathic treatment. It may be possible to claim for a course of treatment but you should check in advance with your insurance company before seeking osteopathic treatment, in order to confirm the available level of cover and whether you will need to have a referral from your GP .
Do I need a GP referral to see an osteopath?
Most patients 'self refer' to an osteopath for treatment. Although referral by a GP is not necessary, patients are encouraged to keep both their GP and osteopath fully informed, so that their medical records are current and complete and the patient receives the best possible care from both healthcare practitioners. Some health insurers will require a referral from a GP before you commence osteopathic treatment.
Do GPs refer their patients to osteopaths?
Yes. GPs refer patients to osteopaths where they believe this intervention would be beneficial. Referral guidelines are provided by the General Medical Council and British Medical Association.
Do osteopaths offer home visits?
Newent Osteopaths do offer home visits but only to very acute emergencies. We do however prefer to work from the practice, and believe that patients receive a much better treatment when they visit it. You can park immediately outside the door if you are in severe pain and find walking difficult.
Tel. 01531 822392
The Coach House, Gloucester Street, Newent
Gloucestershire GL18 1AF
The Executive