Key personnel

Steve Marriott is Managing Director of both DEPtech Ltd and DEParator Ltd. He has a degree in Physics from the University of Durham and an MBA from the Open University. He has held various roles in industry; for the last 20 years these has been with companies in the scientific equipment industry, including leadership roles at Bibby Scientific and Biochrom.
Kai Hoettges has a degree in chemical engineering (Hochschule Fresenius, Idstein, Germany) and a PhD in microfluidic devices at the University of Surrey. He has developed technologies for characterisation, separation and assembly of cells and nanoparticles using dielectrophoresis (DEP) and AC electro hydrodynamics. He is named on six patents.
Mike Hughes has over 30 years experience in DEP, producing 2 books, 5 patents and over 80 scientific papers. His expertise covers DEP technology for the analysis, separation and concentration of cells, bacteria and viruses; fundamentals of cellular biophysics; novel approaches to cellular diagnostics; and application of DEP on the nanoscale. He obtained MEng and PhD degrees from Bangor University.
Investment, Licensing & Distribution
DEPtech is a rapidly expanding company with interesting in both manufacturing and diagnostics. We are always keen to talk to any commerical entities who would be interested in working with us, either as investors, commercial partners or distributors.
Please get in touch via info@deptech.com, or use the form.