Diagnosis. Electrically.
It's not a surprise that cancer cells behave differently to normal, healthy cells at the same site. What is a surprise is that the differences include changes to the electrical signature of the cells.
Oral cancer is in the top-ten most common lists worldwide (in India it's no.1), but survival rates haven't improved in decades. Part of the reason is that cases aren't identified early enough in primary care - but the time something definitely looks like cancer, it's too late. On average, a visual inspection is about 70% accurate; what is needed is a quick, easy, low-cost and accurate test that doctors and dentists can use to identify those needing treatment at an earlier stage.

We used a 3DEP to tell the difference between over 100 brush samples taken from patients with oral cancer and healthy control subjects, using our MDV diagnostic marker. we found that the 3DEP could identify cancer with 92% accuracy, and identify healthy with 95% accuracy - see the plot on the right for the results. And, samples were taken using a brush and posted to the analysis lab, and still worked days after taking. This would work in the GP's surgery or the dentist's ... even at home.
We have also used the same technique to detect bladder cancer, which is similar to oral cancer at a cellular level, but is the most expensive cancer to manage due to the need for lifelong, invasive monitoring for recurrence. When we applied our technique, we found very similar statistics. And there are other diseases that can be detected by this method - in fact, some that can only be detected by this method; we're keeping some under wraps for now.