Ottoman census records of Lurucina from 1572-1833
The Census of 12 April 1831 deals with individual names
The 1833 census deals with details of property ownership and is lower down the page. These are followed by the 1572, 1612 and 1672-73 Census reports. Found in the Istanbul National Archives
This section deals with statistics from the results of the Ottoman census of 1831. A quick glance and the stark realisation that Lurucina or Luricine/Burucina as it was registered was a completely different village at that time is crystal clear. Though the land ownership per person of the population was 21 dönüms per adult male for the Turkish ( Women were not included in the Ottoman census's) & 27 dönüms per adult male for the Greeks , the nature of farming produce was very different. Only a limited amount of olive trees and vineyards was used for cultivation. Fig trees, almonds, citrus, or fruit trees were non existent. Even the famous vineyards which our village later became famous for was limited to only 112 dönüms Muslim owned and 53 dönüms Christian owned. As the 1885 Lord Kitchener maps (on the archive material page 1) shows the growth of land used for vineyards grew massively and the 1931 census registered 1099 donums which was over 700% in a hundred years. Its clear that the predominantly new Turkish migrants of the late 1700s/early 1800s were large landowners with little skill in certain aspects of farming which they later acquired. Sadly no statistics for husbandry or other animals have been acquired, therefore we cannot verify how many may have been shepherds. though its interesting that no sheep pens were registered. The small amount of land used for vineyards could be explained in that, the new Muslim emigrant population were not particularly interested in the produce of wine. The growth of the Greek wine industry and the Turkish Cypriot enjoyment of alcohol in later years transformed this particular produce which gave the nickname of the village stafillo-horgo (vine village). Its also clear that almonds, figs, apples etc were a later addition. In addition there was not a single property that was registered as a shop. If any exchange or sales were undertaken this must have happened on a personal barter basis.
The most stark result found in this census was that there was no water well or water tank of any sort. The stream must have supplied the water needs of the inhabitants, therefore the myth that the village well founded by Lorenzia has finally proven to be just that, a myth.
This is the Turkish version of the above written English translation
Bu bölüm 1831 Osmanlı nüfus sayımı sonuç istatistikleri ile ilgilidir . Bunlara çabuk bir gözatma , Luricina veya o zamanki tescilli ismi Luricine/ Buricina olan bu köyün tamamı ile farklı bir köy olduğu yalın gerçeğini tüm berraklğı ile ortaya koyar. Kişi başına düşen toprak mülkiyeti kişi başına 21 dönüm her erkek Turk'e, (Osmanlilar, Kadinlari nüfus rakamlarina dahil etmezdi ) ve 27 dönüm her erkek Rum'a olmasına rağmen, tarım ürünlerinin doğası çok farklıydı. Zeytin ağaçları ve üzüm bağları ekim ve kullanimi kısıtlı idi .Incir , badem ,narenciye ya da meyve ağaçları ise hiç yoktu. Hatta köyümüzün sonraları meşhur olan ünlü üzüm bağları ise sadece 112 Müslümanlara ve 53 Hıristiyanlara ait olanla sınırlıydı. 1885 Lord Kitchener haritalarında (arşiv malzemesi sayfa 1) da görüldüğü gibi üzüm bağları için kullanılan araziler büyük büyüme gösterdi ve 1931 nüfus sayımında 700% artış göstererek 1099 dönüme ulaştı. Açıkca görülüyor ki , ağırlıklı olarak adaya 1700 lü yılların sonlarında ve 1800 lü yılların başlarında yeni gelen büyük toprak sahibi göçmenler yeterli olmadıkları bazı tarim yöntemlerini sonradan geliştirdiler. Ne yazıktır ki hayvancılık ve hayvan sayıları için bir istatistik elde edilmemiştir , bu nedenle çoban sayısını veremiyoruz , ancak hiçbir ağılın kayıtlı olmamasi çok ilginçtir. Üzüm bağları için kullanılan arazinin az miktarda olması , yeni Müslüman göçmen nüfusun özellikle şarap üretmeye ilgi duymaması ile açıklanabilir. Rumlarin şarap endüstrisinin gelişmesi ve daha sonraki yıllarda Kıbrıslı Türkler’in alkol keyfinde yaşanan büyüme bu özel üründe , daha sonraları köye “stafillo-horgo“ (asma köy) takma adının verilmesine kadar varacak bir değişim sağladı. Badem, incir ve elma gibi ürünlerin de daha sonradan tercih gördüğü açıktır. Ayrıca dükkan olarak tescil edilmiş bir tek konut yoktur. Yapılan satışlar kişisel bazda veya takas şeklinde gerçekleşmiş olmalı.
Bu nüfus sayımının en yalın sonucu, herhangi bir su kuyusunun ya da su deposunun kaydınin olmamasidir. Irmak, köy sakinlerinin su ihtiyaçlarını karşılamış olmalı , ve böylece köydeki su kuyusunun Lorenzia tarafından bulunduğunun bir efsane olduğu da kanıtlanmış oldu.
Nüfus /population--- 104 Muslims. 25 non Muslims
Hane/dwellings--- 39 (Muslim owned) 13 (Christian owned)
Dükkan/shops--- 0
Hamam--- 0
şira-hane--- 0
Mandira/sheep pens--- 0
Tarla, arsa, frahti, çiftlik,havlı, duhan, hasillak--- 2098 dönüms (Muslim owned). 621 dönüms (Christian owned)
Bağ, bahçe--- 112 dönüms (Muslim owned) 53 dönüms (Christian owned)
değirmen dolap, havuz, kuyu / wells, water tanks, water pools, water holes--- 0
ceviz ağacı/ walnut trees--- 0
Dut ağacı (Berry trees)--- 0
Fındık ağacı--- 0
harup ağacı--- 0
zeytin ağacı/Olive trees --- 130 Muslim owned & 24 Christian owned
incir ağacı--- 0
badem ağacı--- 0
limon, portokal ağacı, lemon, orange trees.--- 0
ahur, samanlık, develik.--- 0
kamışlık, kavaklık--- 0
ayva, armut, elma, nar ağacı--- 0
In the 1831-33 census the only persons registered at the census were males or persons eligible for tax. Sadly this falls short of the comprehensive information needed to identify individuals with 100% certainty. The biggest problem is the following list amounts to only 36 people, The census however registered 104, therefore the list so far falls far short of what is desirable. Fortunately as we already have the family tree records this list is just a supplement to our ever growing knowledge of our roots.
Müslümanlar. Birinci isimler baba ikinci isimler kendi adlarıdır. The first name on the original list is the fathers name. Sorry about the confusion but that's how Ottomans listed families. The literal translation is Mustafa's son Hasan. As we all know these days we would register this as Hasan Mustafa. The names highlighted are yellow is from the original translation.
T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, TŞR.KB.d.00040 numaralı defterin 45 ve 46 numaralı sayfalarında bulunan Luricina’da yaşayan Müslüman erkeklerin isimleri. Tarih: 1831
İbrahim Garaoli family
1-Mustafa İbrahim, Sipahi
2-Hüseyin Mustafa, 13 yaşında
3-İbrahim Mustafa, 30 yaşında, Sipahi
4-Mustafa İbrahim, 3 yaşında
5-Süleyman İbrahim, 4 yaşında
6-Hasan Mustafa, 25 yaşında
7-Mustafa Hasan, 1 yaşında
The Bayram Cidari family
8-Murad Süleyman, 35 yaşında The Cidari family
9-Bayram Murad, 6 yaşında
10-Mustafa Murad, 4 yaşında
11-İsmail Murad, 2 yaşında
İbrahim Mustafa Danelli in the 1879 census he was recorded as being born in 1796.
12-İbrahim Mustafa,
Osman Mustafa 'Osmano' family
13-İhtiyar Osman Mustafa, Osman Mustaf Osmano family
14-Halil Osman, 30 yaşında
15-Mustafa Osman, 25 yaşında
16-Mustafa Mehmet, 36 yaşında
Sari Mehmet Hüseyin Hürrem bey family
17-Hüseyin Mehmet, 30 yaşında
18-Mehmet Hüseyin, 7 aylık
19-Yusuf Mehmet, 32 yaşında
20-Hasan Mehmet, 30 yaşında
The Muslu family
21-Muslu Abdullah, the Muslu family
22-Muslu Muslu, 30 yaşında
23-Yusuf Muslu, 2 yaşında
24-Yusuf Muslu, 25 yaşında
25-İsmail Muslu 15 yaşında
26-Ali Muslu, 12 yaşında
27-İbrahim Muslu, 6 yaşında
28-Süleyman Muslu, 4 yaşında
The Mustafa Ömer 'Birini family'.
29-Mustafa Ömer,
30-Ömer Mustafa, 12 yaşında
31-Yusuf Mustafa, 1 yaşında
The Porto & Alikko family
32-Osman Ali, 30 yaşında
33-Ali Mustafa,
34-Mustafa Ali, 25 yaşında
The İbrahim Mustafa 'Paca' family (Mehmet Said efendi family tree)
35-İbrahim Mustafa, 35 yaşında
36-Mustafa İbrahim, 7 yaşında
37-Yusuf İbrahim, 12 yaşında
38-Ali İbrahim, 2 yaşında
The Yusuf Mustafa 'Silioni/Kirlangic' family
39-Yusuf Mustafa, Silioni
40-Hasan Yusuf, 13 yaşında
41-Seyidali Yusuf, 8 yaşında
42-Osman Yusuf, 25 yaşında
43-Mustafa Yusuf, 35 yaşında, Sipahi
44-Yusuf Mustafa, 5 yaşında did not survive to adult hood
45-Osman Mustafa, 3 yaşında survived
46-Mehmet Mustafa, 1 yaşında did not survive to adult hood
Hüseyin Mustafa 'Skufidi'family tree.
47-Hüseyin Mustafa,
48-Mustafa Hüseyin, 5 yaşında
49-İsmail Hüseyin, 2 yaşında
Mehmet Ismail Katri family
50-Mehmet İsmail Kadri (People who had the name Kadri at that time belonged to the order of the Kadiriye. See the history and family tree for more information)
51-Yusuf Mehmet, 32 yaşında Yusuf Mehmet Aga
52-Mustafa Mehmet, 40 yaşında Kara Mustafa Hrisafi
53-İsmail Mustafa, 5 yaşında
54-Ramazan Mustafa, 3 yaşında
55-Yetim Yusuf Veli, 7 yaşında
56-Veli Mehmet, 4 yaşında
The Mustafa İbrahim 'Öküz' family
57-Mustafa İbrahim, 25 yaşında
58-İbrahim Mustafa, 1 yaşında
The İbrahim Garaoli family
59-Yusuf İbrahim,
60-İbrahim Yusuf, 12 yaşında
61-Hüseyin Yusuf, 9 yaşında
62-Veli İsmail,
Could be the Hüseyin Uşi family?
63-Hüseyin İsmail, 35 yaşında
64-Mustafa Hüseyin, 2 yaşında
65-İsmail Hüseyin, 2 yaşında
Unidentified family. may have left the village
66-Hüseyin Mustafa,
67-İbrahım Hüseyin, 25 yaşında
Öksüz Ali from the Porto & Alikko family tree
68-Yetim Ali Yusuf, 8 yaşında
69-Mustafa Yusuf, 2 yaşında
Unidentied family. may have left the village
70-Hüseyin İsmail,
71-Yusuf Hüseyin, 25 yaşında
Mehmet Ismail Kadri family. (Ismail Gaccari)
72-İsmail Mehmet, 40 yaşında
73-Mehmet İsmail, 10 yaşında
74-Süleyman İsmail, 8 yaşında
75-Veli İsmail, 2 yaşında
The Mehmet Said family
76-Ramazan Mehmet, 40 yaşında
77-Mustafa Mehmet, 35 yaşında
78-Mehmet Mustafa, 3 yaşında,
79-Yusuf Mustafa, 8 aylık
The Topal Hasan Hüseyin 'Gutso-Hasano' family
80-Topal Hasan Hüseyin,
81-Yusuf Hasan, 25 yaşında
82-Ramazan Topal Hasan, 23 yaşında
83-İbrahim Topal Hasan, 40 yaşında
84-Hasan İbrahim, 6 yaşında
85-Seyidali İbrahim, 4 yaşında
86-Hüseyin Topal Hasan, 40 yaşında, sipahi
87-Hasan Hüseyin, 3 yaşında
88-Ali Hüseyin, 9 aylık
89-Mustafa Topal Hasan, 33 yaşında
Unidentified family. may have left the village
90-İbrahim Süleyman, 28 yaşında
91-Hüseyin İbrahim, 1 yaşında
The Süleyman Yusuf 'Zabuni' family
92-İbrahim Süleyman, 20 yaşında
93-Yetim Osman Süleyman, 8 yaşında
94-Yetim Hüseyin Süleyman, 7 yaşında
95-Yusuf Süleyman, 30 yaşında
96-Süleyman Yusuf, 1 yaşında
Mustafa 'Çıkırıkcı' family tree
97-Mustafa Süleyman, 30 yaşında
Ismail Sari 'Tahura' family
98-Dilenci Mehmet İsmail,
99-Dilenci Mustafa İsmail,
100-İsmail Dilenci Mustafa, 25 yaşında
This family may have belonged to the Ismail Sari 'Tahura' family but no other reords of them have been found. It may be that they had no other children, therefore the family tree was cut short
101-Hasan İsmail,
102-Şerif İsmail, 25 yaşında
Not certain which family these persons belong to.
103-Mehmet İbrahim, 23 yaşında
104-Hasan Mehmet, 3 yaşında
The list of the Greek speaking members of our community. Please note that the second from last gentleman (name unknown) on the list is registered as being a hundred years old, born in 1731,
Bu liste Köyün Rum isimlerini verir. Dikkat edin ki listenin sonundan ikinci olan erkek yüz yaşında olduğunu belgelendi, yani 1731 doğumlu
Names of the Greek inhabitants of Lurucina in the 1831 census. The name of the village in the census was written as Burucina
Dimitrinin oğlu Marko elli yaşında. Born/doğduğu tarih 1781
Dimitrinin oğlu Vasili kırk yaşında Born/doğduğu tarih 1791
Anastasinin oğlu Hristoğli. otuz yaşında. Born/doğduğu tarih 1801
oğlu Milna? bir aylık.
Anastasi oğlu Pedri kırk yaşında. Born/doğduğu tarih 1781
Yorginin oğlu Kostanti 45 yaşında. Born/doğduğu tarih 1776
Anastasinin oğlu Kipriyagu 35 yaşında. Born/doğduğu tarih 1786
Pedrinin oğlu Yorgi. 27 yaşında Born/doğduğu tarih 1804
Pedrinin oğlu Kostanti kırk yaşında Born/doğduğu tarih 1791
Kostantinin oğlu Pedri iki yaşında. Born/doğduğu tarih 1829
diğer oğlu Kipriyagu 6 aylık
Mihailin oğlu Nikola 30 yaşında Born/doğduğu tarih 1801
Mihailin oğlu Pedri Mide 25. Born/doğduğu tarih 1806
Pedrinin oğlu Mihali 1 Born/doğduğu tarih 1830
Yorginin oğlu Kostanti 45. Born/doğduğu tarih 1786
Kostantinin oğlu Pedri 10. Born/doğduğu tarih 1821
diğer oğlu Yorgi 7 Born/doğduğu tarih 1824
diğeri Yanni 5 Born/doğduğu tarih 1826
diğeri Luizi 3 Born/doğduğu tarih 1828
diğeri Mihail 1 Born/doğduğu tarih 1830
Luizinin oğlu Mihali 27. Born/doğduğu tarih Born 1804
Anastasinin oğlu Mihail 25 Born/doğduğu tarih 1806
Yorginin oğlu Pedri 77 Born/doğduğu tarih 1754
Yorginin oğlu Anastasi 85 Born/doğduğu tarih 1746-
Anastasiniin oğlu Kostanti 55. Born/doğduğu tarih 1776
oğlu Haralambu 3. Born/doğduğu tarih 1828
diğer oğlu Kiryagu 1 Born/doğduğu tarih 1830
yakini ....... ?. 100 yaşında (Belge anlaşılmadığından dolayı bu köylümüzün ismi çıkarılamadı, As the document was damaged it has not been possible to identify the name of this person, his year of birth/doğduğu tarih would have been in 1731)
Hristofinin oğlu Mihail. 80. Born/doğduğu tarih 1751
Nufus sayimin tarihi 12 Nisan 1831 (date of census 12 April 1831)
kodu TŞR_KB_d_00043_0100 ve 0167 numaralı sayfalar. 0100 isimlerin yazdığı sayfalar. 0167 tarihin yazdığı sayfa.
Records of the 1833 property owners. 1833 mal sahiplerin isimleri
Due to the lack of lakabs on the list it was hard to know exactly who the individuals were. Looking at the first 2 generations and checking the 1831 T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, TŞR.KB.d.00040 numaralı defterin 45 ve 46 numaralı sayfalar, and comparing the 1833 list of Muslim names, It was possible to work many of them out. The Numbers given are those that they were registered in the 1831 census. I have highlighted the known family names in yellow in order to make them more recognizable to readers. I apologize if any mistakes have been made in this most difficult identification.
Başbakanlık Osmanlı arşivlerininML.VRD.TMT.d.16152 numaralı defterinin 49-52. Sayfaları. Luricina köyü. 1833 yılı.
Hüseyin Mustafa. Emlakı: 1 oda, 50 dönüm tarla, 4 dönüm bağ, 5 dönüm harman yeri (possibly Huseyin Skufidi Person No; 66)
Mustafa Mehmet .Emlakı: 1 oda, 40 dönüm tarla, 3 dönüm bağ, 40 keçi, 1 öküz, 30 zeytin ağacı, 1 dönüm harman yeri. (either Kara Mustafa Mehmet Kadri 'Hrisafi, or Mustafa Mehmet Said 'Kazmalevri'. Person No's; 52 &77)
İsmail Mehmet.Emlakı: 1 oda, 60 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 3 dönüm bağ, 10 keçi koyun, 6 zeytin ağacı, 2 harman yeri (Ismail Mehmet Gaccari, Mehmet Katri family. Person No; 72)
Yusuf ve kardeşi Veleddin ?Veli. Emlakı: 1oda, 15 dönüm tarla, 3 dönüm bağ, 60 adet koyun. The only Veli & Yusuf close to each other on the 1831 census was an orphan boy Yusuf, and a Veli with no other family. But their surnames do not match. Person No's; 55 & 56
Yusuf Mehmet. Emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 14 dönüm bağ, 50 koyun, 7 zeytin, 1 harman (Yusuf Mehmet 'Aga'. The Kadri familyPerson No; 51)
Osman Ali .Emlakı: 1 oda, 20 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 2 dönüm bağ (Osman Ali Kuri from the Porto & Alikko family)
Yusuf Süleyman .Emlakı:1 oda, 60 dönüm tarla, 2 dönüm bağ, 1 öküz, 10 koyun, 2 zeytin, 2 harman ( Yusuf Süleyman 'Kavukko'. Person No; 95)
Mustafa Muslu .Emlakı: 1 oda, 60 dönüm tarla, 2 dönüm bağ, 1 öküz, 1 harman (Akai, from the Muslu family? )
İbrahim Süleyman. Emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 5 dönüm bağ, 40 koyun, 1 öküz, 5 zeytin, 2 harman ( İbrahim Süleyman 'Camuri'? person No; 90)
Murat Süleyman. Emlakı: 1 oda, 30 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 1 harman (Murat Süleyman Cidari Person No; 8)
İsmail Mustafa. Emlakı: 1 oda, 50 dönüm tarla, 3 dönüm bağ, 1 öküz, 1 dönüm harman yeri, 10 koyun. There were only 2 Ismail Mustafa's recorded in 1831. One was only 5 years old however.(person No; 53 from the Mehmet Kadri family). The other was recorded as a dilenci, a beggar, (person No; 100) Its unlikely either could have owned such a large amount of land and animals. Unless 'dilenci was simply a nickname from his family. This is purely speculative a bit of an unsolved mystery.
Hüseyin Hasan .Emlakı: 1 oda, 85 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 9 koyun. ( Hasan Hüseyin Topal person No; 86. born 1791)
Mustafa Mehmet. Emlakı: 1 oda, 20 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 5 koyun, 2 dönüm bağ, 1 zeytin, 1 harman
Hüseyin Mustafa. Emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 2 dönüm bağ, 1 harman
Yusuf İbrahim. Emlakı: 1 oda, 120 dönüm tarla, 2 öküz, 6 dönüm bağ, 8 koyun, 6 zeytin, 2 dönüm harman (Yusuf İbrahim Garaoli person No; 59 )
Yusuf Hasan. Emlakı: 1 oda, 1 öküz
Muslu Ali. Emlakı: (The Muslu family)1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 6 dönüm bağ, 40 koyun, 2 öküz, 10 zeytin, 1 harman
Osman Yusuf (The Silioni family). Emlakı: 1 oda, 40 dönüm tarla, 1 dönüm bağ, 1 öküz
İbrahim Hasan. Emlakı: 1 oda, 50 dönüm tarla, 5 koyun, 1 öküz, 4 dönüm bağ, 5 zeytin, 1 harman
Veleddin İsmail. Emlakı:1 oda, 30 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 1 harman
Ali Mustafa. Emlakı: 1 oda, 60 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 30 koyun, 1 dönüm bağ, 1 harman
Hasan İsmail. Emlakı: 1 oda, 15 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 50 koyun, 1 dönüm bağ, 1 harman yeri
Ramazan Mehmet. Emlakı: 1 oda, 40 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 2 dönüm bağ, 5 keçi, 5 zeytin, 1 harman
İbrahim Süleyman. Emlakı: 1 oda, 30 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 8 koyun, 2 zeytin
Yusuf Mustafa .Emlakı: 1 oda, 40 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 5 zeytin, 6 dönüm bağ, 1 …. Değirmeni, 1 harman yeri ( Yusuf Mustafa Silioni. Person No; 39).
Hüseyin İsmail. Emlakı: 1 oda, 2 dönüm tarla
Mustafa Yusuf. Emlakı: 1 oda, 30 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 5 koyun, 2 dönüm bağ, 3 zeytin, 1 harman ( Mustafa Yusuf 'Silioni'. Person No; 43)
Mustafa Süleyman. Emlakı: 1 oda ( Of uncertain family origin. Person No; 97 born 1801)
Hüseyin Mehmet. Emlakı: 1 oda, 60 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 2 dönüm bağ, 4 koyun, 1 zeytin, 1 harman
İbrahim Hüseyin. Emlakı: 1 oda, 26 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz
İbrahim Mustafa. Emlakı: 2 oda, 100 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 6 dönüm bağ, 20 koyun ve keçi, 1 harman yeri ( İbrahim Mustafa Garaoli person No;3. born 1801)?
Mustafa Hasan. Emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 2 dönüm bağ, 1 harman
Mustafa Ömer. Emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 11 zeytin, 2 dönüm bağ, 5 koyun, 1 harman yeri, Aytotro köyünde tuz kaynağı, 6 zeytin. ( Mustafa Ömer 'Birini' family. Person No; 29).
Mustafa Mehmet. Emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 2 dönüm bağ, 3 keçi, 3 zeytin, 1 harman, karısının malı 7 zeytin ağacı. (either Kara Mustafa Mehmet Kadri 'Hrisafi, or Mustafa Mehmet Said 'Kazmalevri'. Person No's; 52 &77)
Hasan Mehmet. Emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 5 dönüm bağ, 1 öküz, 20 koyun, 5 zeytin, 1 dönüm harman
İbrahim Mustafa. emlakı: 1 oda, 80 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 2 dönüm bağ, 40 koyun, 1 tosun, 1 harman yeri. There were 4 individuals by the same name in the1831 census. One was only 1 years old. The remaining were from the Garaoli, Danelli and one unidentied individual
Hasan Hüseyin. Emlakı:1 oda, 100 dönüm tarla, 10 dönüm bağ, 30 koyun, 10 zeytin (Hasan Hüseyin Topal person No; 80 )
Yusuf Mehmet. Emlakı:1 oda, 60 dönüm tarla, 1 öküz, 1 dönüm bağ, 5 koyun, 2 zeytin
Mustafa İbrahim. ('Mattaga'. From the Garaoli family?) Emlakı: 2 oda, 50 dönüm tarla, 2 öküz, 60 koyun, 5 dönüm bağ, Limya köyünde 25 adet zeytin ağacı.
As some of our ancestors were from the Sipahi cavalry class I thought a description of who and what they were would be helpful. The Sipahi's were equivalent to the European Knights.
The Ottoman people had rights to the land but the Sipahi's a unique kind of military aristocracy and cavalry portion of the military, also lived on the land with the farmers and collected tax revenues, usually in-kind, to subsidize the costs of training and equipping the small army, dedicated to serving the sultan. Was there a reason for all these Muslim families to have settled in Lurucina during the same period? It's possible of course that certain elements, possibly the Christian or Latin members of the population joined in rebellion, and after being subdued the Sipahi families were rewarded with land for serving the Sultan faithfully? No doubt expert historians of Cyprus would know of these events in more detail, but that's not to say they bothered with researching individual families like our roots in such detail. In order to understand the role of Sipahi's a few independent sources would suffice to answer the role of these cavalry men during the Ottoman Empire.
The following is from the Encyclopedia Britannica.
"Sipahi, occasionally spelled spahi, feudal cavalryman of the Ottoman Empire whose status resembled that of the medieval European knight. The sipahi (from Persian for “cavalryman”) was holder of a fief (timar; Turkish: tımar) granted directly by the Ottoman sultan and was entitled to all of the income from it in return for military service. The peasants on the land were subsequently attached to the land and became serfs. The sipahis provided the bulk of the Ottoman army until about the mid-16th century. From then on they were gradually supplanted by the Janissaries, an elite corps composed of infantrymen paid regular salaries by the sultanate. In part, this change resulted from the increased use of firearms, which made cavalry less important, and from the need to maintain a regular standing army. The sipahis were completely discredited during the War of Greek independence (1821–32), and the timar system was officially abolished in 1831 by Sultan Mahmud II as part of his program to create a modern Western-style army".
The Military Architecture describes them as Sipahis which were the Turkish equivalent of the European armored knights. These troops were largely accustomed to fighting on horseback and their strength lay in their mobility as mounted archers. Their light weapons and armour were designed for hit-and-run tactics.
Since Kapikulu Sipahis were a cavalry regiment it was well known within the Ottoman military circles that they considered themselves a more superior stock of soldiers than Janissaries, who were sons of Christian peasants from the Balkans (Rumelia), and were basically slaves bound by various laws of the devşirme.
Whereas the Sipahis (both Tımarlı and Kapıkulu) were almost exclusively chosen amongst ethnic Turkic landowners, they made great strides of efforts to gain respect within the Ottoman Empire and their political reputation depended on the mistakes of the Janissary. That minor quarrels erupted between the two units is made evident with a Turkmen adage, still used today within Turkey, "Atlı er başkaldırmaz", which, referring to the unruly Janissaries
Gilles Grivaud the French researcher in the book, ''The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley, edited by Derek Counts, P. Nick Kardulias, and Michael Toumazou, 2012''. have helped our knowledge on the local history surrounding Lurucina. Their information gives us some informative details of the villages and populations around Lurucina in the last years of Venetian rule. The details may be from the 1562 or 1565 records.
the few villages mentioned.
Malloura 81
Athienou / Atirne 61
S Zorzi (Petrofan ? ) 1
Damidia / Damalia) 31
Lympia 88
Louroujina / Lorthina 186
Potamia 66
Dhali 158.
One of the most interesting records which gives us an opportunity to make some comparisons with the village under the Venetians is the first tax valuation carried out on Lurucina ( Named Lorthina at the time ) by the Ottomans in 1572. This is because of Halil Inalcik's research in 1969 of his Ottoman policy and administration in Cyprus after the conquest.
The following information is on page 21 table 2.
Population Ispenje
Households 24 Adult males 27
Batchelors 3 Total tax 810
Widows 0
Wheat 900
Barley 1,050
Flax -
Cotton -
Fruits 975
Olives 55
Beehives 10
Cocoons -
Garden produce -
Sheep-tax 20
Pig-tax 40
Fines & other dues 95
From properties without heirs etc 75
Rural guardianship -
Mills -
Total; 4,030.
The Jizye (Military exemption tax) for Lurucina was about 26-27% of the total tax paid by the Christians in the first Ottoman census. The burden of having to work at least 2 days a week for their Venetian Lords was reduced to one day; this must have been a great relief for the people of Lurucina as the extra day gave them the opportunity to concentrate on their own crops. Another advantage soon became apparent, as the landless peasants were allowed to keep the land they worked on a ''perpetual lease,'' with the right to pass on their holdings to their sons, this in effect turned the peasants into land owners. Title deed registrations did not come into effect however until the mid 1800s. A sworn testimony by at least 2 witnesses and the local Imam or priest was sufficient to prove ownership of land.
Lurucina's tax liability for 1572.
Jizye Total of all taxes percentage of tax average tax burden
collected in kind per adult male
1,620 5,704 54 210
Judging from the above tax payers population we can come to a rough estimate that the women were in equal number and perhaps half the population may have been children. Some disabled, or old men were of course exempt. With Turkish settlers still not in large numbers a fair guess for 1572 would be that the people were predominantly Christian.
Information below is from the 1672-73 Ottoman census A-03618 Numarali Cizye Defteri 1672-73 (Hicri yil 1083-84 Ekim kasim) karye-i Lurocine, Lefkosa. Yekun Hane 38
Names of the main home owners and Cizye tax payers of the village. The 38 main homeowners name below
Petro Baba Bali and Baba Petro Baba Anistas were probably the village priests
Dimitri Kuki
Istorye Istorye
Snalisa Hirbako
Snalisa Perolimo
Istorye Kelino
Mayusil Hristodiye
Perolimo Bali
Prolimo Guril
Yorgimi Hristodulo
Kesiris Perolimo
Perolimo Peneri
Yuandro Nikolo
Perolimo Kesiris
Benardi Kerigiko
Anistas Kerigiko
Anistas Hirbako
Perasuga Huvaf
Hristodulo Guril
Bati Petro
Kerigiko Kesite
Nikolo Yuvandro
Perolimo Yorgi
Yorgimi Yorgi
Benardi Kerigiko
Prolimo Benaliya
Bati Anistas
Havaf Perolimo
Guril Pe kolo
Kesiris Bati
Yorgi Agino
Perolimo Agino
Peneri Bali
Nikolo Penero
Kerigiko Luviro
Kerigiko Nikolo
Perolimo Agino
Petro Mayusil