Mustafa Danelli
Sadly this is the smallest family on record in Luricina. As females were registered under the men's family, and the only son of Mustafa 'Danelli moved to the village of Arnaiya. [1]
İBRAHIM MUSTAFA 'Danelli' known as Girios Mustafa married ŞERİFE HÜSEYİN born 1796. [2]
his children
1 Yusuf İbrahım Mustafa born 1819 died young. [3]
2 Şerife İbrahım Mustafa married Yusuf 'Gologa'
3 Ayşe İbrahım Mustafa married muzuro Mustafa Arnavut
4 Muslu 'Buraderi' born 1845 had no children
5 Yusuf İbrahım 'Şardalakko' born 1835 married Ayse Mustafa moved to Arnai village.
6 Ali İbrahım Mustafa born 1829 died young
[1] Records of İbrahım Tahsildar. Family of İbrahım Mustafa Danelli page 72. The first name of İbrahım was not recorded in İbrahım's records. This was found on the Ottoman census 1879, Doc No; 161-a-3 page 321.
[2] Ottoman census 1879, Doc No; 161-a-3 page 321.
[3] İbrahım was recorded as being 12 in 1831, however as another brother having the same name was recorded as born in 1835 my conclusion is that he must have died during the period 1831-1835. 1831 census records of the T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri. Book TŞR.KB.d.00040. Pages 45 ve 46. Person No; 37.