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net co2 'taker-outers' while living a simple, inspiring & luxurious life

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results for 2014 (& next game we're playing) in short 3 minute video:

solar panels generated 5854 kw/h from jan 1st 2014 to 31st december 2014.  

revenue from them was approx. £2,600 for the year.


solar thermal payment through the renewable heat incentive scheme finally arrived this year. it is set at just over £200 p.a. for 7 years.


surprisingly, electricity use goes DOWN with arrival of 2nd electric car!!  due to tesla charging being free all over the place and because we have the model s we can schedule better when we charge the leaf so almost all of its charging is done from solar.  wonderful.


did our final 886 petrol miles in the prius this year.  haven't been at a petrol station since april. covered 12385 electric miles this year, 8059 of those in the tesla in 6 months. all free.

co2: MINUS 11.534 tonnes co2 as a family & business combined (MINUS 3.845t co2 per person)  


brian & amy have offset their lifetime emissions previously with and

we still export our electricity to ecotricity and use their renewable electricity product and green gas product.


water:  52.61 cu. m as a family & business (48.05 litres per person per day)

brian also 'offset' his lifetime water usage with water aid after investigating cost of projects at 'drop 4 drop' website.


landfill: 24.10 kg as a family & business (8.03 kg per person)

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