Arrangments for private blood tests
For some conditions, Dr Reece may suggest your child needs to have some blood tests. For older children, this can be done at Spire Bushey at your convenience, sometimes after the consultation, sometimes in the children's blood clinic which is held on another day.
Children aged 12 and over can have their blood tests at Spire Bushey Hospital. The samples are analysed at the Spire Laboratory so the results should be sent back to Dr Reece once they have been analysed. But it is always worth letting Der Reece know when they have been done so he can look out for the results.
For younger children, the phlebotomist at Spire will not be able to do the blood tests. In this situation, the blood clinic at Centennial Medical Centre, Elstree, has a paediatric phlebotomy service which can be used by my patients. Booking can be made by calling the clinic on 0203 327 7777.
These samples are sent to a lab in London called TDL (The Doctors' Laboratory). the centennial team usually send the results back to Dr Reece but it is worth letting him know the bloods have been done so he can look out for the results.
Further details are available at the link
Sometimes Dr Reece can arrange for your child to have the blood tests in the nurse-led blood clinic at Watford General Hospital. This may be in the children's outpatient department or on Safari Day Unit at Watford Hospital. The result will be passed directly to Dr Reece. He will contact you when he has the results available. Dr Reece will make the arrangements for the tests and the nurse will contact you to arrange an appointment. While this clinic is in an NHS facility, you will be charged a fee as a non-NHS, private patient. You may be asked to sign a form to say you are receiving the test as a non-NHS patient. You should ensure you have your insurance details and that you have authorisation and are covered for any tests You may have an excess which you will need to pay before your insurance will start to cover the cost of treatment.
Please also ensure you ask the clinic about the cost of the tests and be sure you can pay for them if your insurance will not cover them.
Clinic Times
Spire Bushey Hospital
Thursday afternoon 2-4.30pm
Healthbourne Road
WD23 1RD
Appointments telephone:
020 8901 5555
Click Here
Dr Ashley Reece • Children's Doctor

Blood tests