Private Outpatient Clinic
Dr Ashley Reece • Children's Doctor

Dr Reece can see children with their parents/carers at Spire Bushey Hospital on Thursday afternoons between 2.00 and 4.30pm.
Other times or evenings may be available. However it is not usually possible to see Dr Reece in an emergency of with an acute problem. He does not see children who are acutely unwell at Bushey. He would suggest you take your child to see your GP, or if you are very concerned, go to your local Emergency Department.
If you wish to make an appointment, please contact Spire Bushey Hospital Consultant appointment booking line on 020 8901 5555.
If you wish to ensure Dr Reece is the right Paediatrician for your child's problem, please call his secretary on 07949 278 315 or send an e-mail to
Dr Reece does not have a Private Clinic at any other hospital.
A word about allergy.
Dr Reece has over 18 years experience of in looking after children with allergic conditions. He runs a full allergy service in the NHS at Watford and Hemel with his colleagues including other paediatric consultants, a Staff Grade Doctor, a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Senior Nurses performing skin prick tests, taking blood and overseeing oral food challenges on the Day Unit. Unfortunately in the private sector at Spire Bushey Hospital skin prick testing and a safe food challenge facility is not available for children. Dr Reece could assess certain allergies (usually with a history of immediate allergic reactions) at a consultation and arrange a blood test for specific blood allergy proteins which may be possible in some cases, but any further diagnostics or challenges would not be possible privately. It is always worth contacting Dr Reece to discuss your concerns because testing or challenges in the hospital are not always needed.
Private Practice
Clinic Times
Spire Bushey Hospital
Thursday afternoon 2-4.30pm
Healthbourne Road
WD23 1RD
Appointments telephone:
020 8901 5555
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