Recent Publications, Podcasts and Articles
Families Magazine
Dr Reece has written two articles for the NW London Families Magazine on:
• Gastroenteritis in children - click here
• Gastro-oesophageal Reflux in babies and young infants - click here
Daily Mirror
Dr Reece was quoted in an article in the Daily Mirror listing "10 symptoms not to ignore in your child". Originally published in 2013, it was re-printed in 2017 and taken up by a number of local press too.
• The article is available here.
• Local press - Liverpool Echo
Jewish Chronicle
An editorial in the lifestyle section of the 'JC'.
• "Does Bubbe know best about health" is available here.
British Medical Journal write up June 2020
A patient safety initiative Dr Reece devised was featured in the BMJ.
The article is available here.
Ashley occasionally hosted the 2 Paeds in a Pod podcast available here.
He also appeared on the Student BMJ Podcast, Sharp Scratch, on the use of jargon in medicine available here.
Archives of Disease in Medicine
Ashley has a number of papers and original articles published in the main paediatric journal.
Reece, A., Ubhi, T., Craig, A. and Newell, S., 2001. Positioning long lines: contrast versus plain radiography. Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition, 84(2), p.F129.
Reece, A. and Klaber, R., 2012. Maximising learning on ward rounds. Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education and Practice.
Wimalendra, M., Reece, A. and Nicholl, R.M., 2004. Renal fungal ball. Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition, 89(4), p.F376.
Sinitsky, L.L. and Reece, A., 2013. P13'Effort of Breathing'is Not an Important Parameter in a Paediatric Early Warning Scoring System. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 98, p.A6.
Yip A, Reece ACan ingesting local honey reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) in children and young people? Archives of Disease in Childhood 2024;109:71-73.
Dr Ashley Reece • Children's Doctor