Dr Ashley Reece • Children's Doctor

NHS Practice
Ashley is employed by the West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He spends most of his time at Watford General Hospital. For over 10 years he ran the Children's Emergency Department (CED) which is the Paediatric A&E Department at Watford. He has a special interest in paediatric allergy in his NHS practice. There are currently no private facilities for children within this department. Local General Practitioners can refer children with urgent issues to CED to be seen by the Paediatric team on call. Parents can self-present to be seen by one of the Emergency Department Doctors.
Ashley is the Director of Medical Education at West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospital NHS Trust with responsibility for the education and training of all the Doctors in Postgraduate training and those who are locally employed at the Trust. He led the project to change the Trust's name to include 'Teaching' in it's title in 2021.
Ashley has several NHS outpatient clinics each week at Watford General and Hemel Hempstead General Hospitals. General Practitioners can access these via the Electronic Referral System booking portal.
Dr Reece's NHS secretary's contact details are: 01923 217 248 or westherts.paediatrics@nhs.net.
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