Dr Reece is registered with most popular Health Insurance companies. Do let his secretary know if your company is not listed and you wish to see Dr Reece.
Most insurance companies require a referral from a General Practitioner before authorising the consultation.
Please be aware that if your Insurance Company declines to cover the consultation, you will be liable for the fee.
You will also be liable for any excess payments not covered by your policy.
Dr Reece's secretary will raise a bill to your Insurance Company directly as long as she has the Policy number and Authorisation code. If these are not provided or are unavailable, you will be invoiced directly.
Dr Reece does not have an agreement for 'special' fees with any of the insurers and to date each insurer has agreed to honour his consultation fees for new and follow-up appointments. The fees are the same whether insured or self-funding. As such there is a fair and equal fee structure for every patient.
If an individual insurance policy has any restrictions on cover, an excess level below which fees are not covered or other terms (such as onset or time of symptoms, or requiring a GP referral) then the family is liable for any shortfall in those circumstances.

Dr Ashley Reece • Children's Doctor

Insurance Companies
Insurance Companies and Registration numbers