Sources/Kaynaklar and acknowledgements.
The following sources were used for information in preparing this site
Family tree records of Ibrahim Tahsildar (Horolo)
Excerpta Cypria. Published in 1908 by Cambridge University.
The Turks in Cyprus by Ahmet Gazioglu, 1990.
Historic Cyprus by Rupert Gunnis, 1936.
Cyprus by Sir Harry Luke, 1957.
Names & locations of Cyprus lost in the depths of 2500 of history, by Dr Ata Atun
postmarks of Cyprus, by M.A. Poole,1971.
Kıbrısta Turk nüfusu . Ahmet Aydoğdu, 2004.
Cyprus Census by the British Colonial administration, 1881.
Cyprus census by the British Colonial administration, 1931.
Biblion du phsithisman 1921 by the Cyprus information office.
Biblion du phsithisman 1931 by the Cyprus information office.
A heritage of 400 years by Kıbrıs Vakıflar İdaresi
Akıncılar (Lurucina) Türklerin Yüzyıllık Varoluş Mücadelesi By Hasan Yücelen 'Mudaho'
Orhan Seyfi Arı Şiirler ve basın
Place of Refuge, a history of the Jews in Cyprus, by Stavros Pantelis
Maps of Abraham ORTELIUS, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum , Antwerp 1574 . Latin .
The collection of Bjorn Larsson. Maritime timetable images.
A Reading in the History of the Maronites of Cyprus From the Eighth Century to the
Beginning of British Rule Guita G. Hourani
Lord Kitchener's maps of Cyprus (drawn in 1882, and published in 1885)
Dept of Lands & surveys 1923.
The Community Council of Voroklini (History section)
Lefkoşa Tapu Dairesi / Nicosia Land Registry
Haşim Altan's. Kıbrıs'ta Türk Malları
P.R.I.O. (Peace Research Institute Oslo)
Milli Arşiv ve Araştırma Dairesi. Girne/Kyrenia
1879 Osmanli nufus rekorları
T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri, TŞR.KB.d.00040 numaralı defterin 45 ve 46 numaralı sayfalarında bulunan Luricina’da yaşayan Müslüman erkeklerin isimleri. Tarih: 1831
The Republic of Turkey. Prime Ministerial Ottoman archives. Book TŞR.KB.d.00040 Pages 45 and 46 of the Muslim male population of Lurucina. 1831
The National archives of Ottoman records. Istanbul, Turkey.
Şehit Ailelerı ve Malul Gaziler Derneği.
"The Cypriot Volunteers of the 2nd World War: the registers, catalogues and blood sacrifice", publisher: Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Author: Petros Papapolyviou.
Ottoman policy and administration in Cyprus after the conquest by Halil Inalcik
History studies. International Journal of History.
''The Archaeology of Past and Present in the Malloura Valley,'' edited by Derek Counts, P. Nick Kardulias, and Michael Toumazou, 2012.
Cyprus 1542. The great map of the Island by Leonida Attar.
Edited by Francesca Cavazzana Romanelli & Gilles Grivaud
Published by the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.
The following historians work has been researched by Ersu Ekrem. Though he himself is not from Lurucina, his fascination on the research of Lurucina has prompted him to assist in any way possible. I cannot thank him enough.
Mustafa Hasim Altan. Mühimme Defteri (Mühimme book) XIX.
İskan Defteri ( Settlement Book) Republic of Turkey Prime ministerial Archives , Kamil Kepeci Defter ( Kepeci Book ) No 2551.
A special thanks to Ibrahim Tahsildar's 'Horolo' family for sharing their records of the early parts of the family tree. it must alos be noted the Huseyin 'Geleo' also had a record of the original family trees of Lurucina. Its my understanding that together with Ibrahim, Huseyin & Mr Yusuf Yusuf 'Ku' upgraded to include many younger generations. I can only hope that my own additions with the help of countless individuals named below (Apologies for any missed names) has helped enhance our knowledge of our roots.
A massive thanks to the family of İbrahım Tahsildar, Alper Mehmet and Hüseyin Koca-İsmail who provided records of many family trees.and to the following people who's material, and moral support gave me the courage and energy to complete the work.
Ersu Ekrem and his son Ekrem Cağan Ekrem who at 22 years of age designed the website www.familiesofluricina.moonfruit.com. Which assisted in collecting information from countless individuals. Ersu and Ekrem both spent endless hours in educating me on the usage of the computer. Accepted no pay for their efforts. Their support was, and is a model of what friendship is all about. In case anyone asks, they are not from Luricina.
Tina Kemran, Ramadan Ismail 'Fesa', Andreas Menlaos, Hayal Mehmet Kavaz, Andreas Menelaos, Şerife 'Şheri' and Hasan Yusuf, Hüssein Selim, Soner Karagözlu 'Mavromadi', Celal Kavaz, Kemal and Behice 'Ado', Mehmet and Sevilay Çarman 'Çarta', Leman and Bekir Mehmet 'Bekircik', Furiye Hüseyin Kara-İsmail & Zühtü Ramadan (Götsa/Gökşan) Yusuf Toz 'Tozzi', Eren Nasip Senior, Ramadan İsmail 'Fesa', Hüseyin Koca-Ismail, Emine İbrahım, Veli Cufoğlu, Mehmet Kavaz, Mustafa İbrahim 'Culli' ( Denizer) Hasan Avezer, Deniz Hoüssein, Lisa Sev Dawson, Osman Bekir 'Bihigo' and his friend Ekrem Cavit Oztürkler, Serpil Mehmet 'Gatsura', Hicran Alaz 'Hijjy', Feride and Hüseyin Paça, Deniz Huosein, Fred Yusuf, Sheniz Mullali (the late Murat 'Kelleci's daughter), Gürsoy Didem Savim, Gönül Salih, Mustafa Gelener. Martyn Ahmet 'Minnos', Anthony Georgiou, Yusuf Ahmet, Sermen Erdogan and many more who whether by telephone, mail or in person contributed in one way or another.
Last but not least my parents Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo' and Fatma Mehmet 'Phsillu' who's massive help and moral support from start to finish never yielded for one moment. And off course my wonderful wife and sons whose patience and support during this period encouraged me to carry on.
The distance of Australia, Cyprus, Turkey and the UK between the many people above was no obstacle to our closeness. The age of modern communication that has brought us all together deserves a mention in-itself.
Thank you one and all
Ismail Veli 'Kirlapo'
The website was launched on 14 August 2011. At the time of launch I invited people to cooperate in helping to support and build information in helping us to uncover our roots. Since the call, I have been assisted by many intellects, historians and anyone with details however small from the many people from our village who have their own research on our village.
The response from ordinary people has been fantastic, as a result I have been adding, editing and updating information constantly.
As a result we have in a short period of time traced the vast majority of family trees to their original place of origin. We have added Ibrahim Tahsildar's records, which were so generously shared by Alper Mehmet. A particular thank you also to Necip Yucelen who is the brother of Hasan Yucelen for giving me permission to share Hasan's excellent research on our village history, and of course Hussein Selim abi for giving me Hasan's book for inspection. A depth of gratitude is owed by all of us to the dedicated support of countless people.
Who would have guessed when we began our research that we would learn that the Gatsura, Paça and Yakula family originated from Silifke? Or the Kavaz, Bedasi, Galaba's, Lao, Fesa's, Kara-İsmail's, Pekri's and Barbaros first from Manisa in Turkey, on to Dali then Lurucina? Or that Tahura, Giço, Gutsulli from Turkey? The Çamuri, Kafa, Muya from Kalopsidya, The Şilioni, Gato's 1st from an unknown Arab country, on to Pirga then Lurucina? The Garaoli's, Tozzi's from Köfünye and possibly Karaman, Turkey? The Mulla's, Böyle's from Hürrem bey who came from Antalya. The Porto's, Efe's, Aligunni from Dali? From The Bosnaks from Bosnia. The Arnauti's from Albania These are all exciting finds.
It's beginning to look like the vast majority of Turkish Lurucina goes back at most eleven generations. It is possible of course that there may have been some Turkish people in Lurucina before the 1750s but one look at the roots of the family trees and the conclusion is that most of us are relative newcomers.
According to Nazim Beratli the Cypriot historian who has possibly done the most comprehensive study of the origins of the Ottoman Turkish Cypriots there were two large waves of Turkish migrants to Cyprus. One from 1572 and a second between 1700 and 1750. Naturally there was an ongoing steady stream. But its the second wave that we need to concentrate on as all the evidence to date points to our ancestors settling in Lurucina from the second wave. There may be some who may have historic evidence to contradict this claim. If they have, then I would be the first to welcome any family lists/names prior to the period in question. One thing we all know is that our ancestors knowledge of Greek plus many Latin words have been incorporated into Lurucina's local culture. The conclusion is that our families amalgamated with the existing local Greek or partially Latin origin people so well that Greek became their first language. At the same time they fiercely clung to their ethnic roots.
Some may say how could they speak Greek better then Turkish and not be originally Greek. The answer is simple. We have lived in the UK only 40-50 years and yet many of our youth use English as their first language while many cannot even speak Turkish. Let's not forget that this is in an age of high literacy, massive access to Turkish TV, Media, Turkish school's, Clubs, Football and other sports activities and endless Ballo's. Compare that era with the 1700-1800s which saw most people confined to illiteracy, minimal number of schools, complete detachment from central government, and for most village folk hardly any knowledge of the outside world other then what certain officials related to them. Against this background the people of our village only concerned themselves with survival and local harmony. No doubt they passed on the oral history of their families and origins with pride. This gave them a sense of continuity, strength and comfort in the sound knowledge that in-spite of all the problems of day to day issues one thing would be certain. Their past was a guide to their future.
If at the end of our search we attempt to understand, recognise and know who, and where our ancestors originated from, than their gentle shadow will hang over us in the sound knowledge that they have not, and will not be forgotten.
Ismail M Veli 'Kirlapo'.

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