Hundreds of Family Nicknames/lakabs of Luricina.
Lakabs/nicknames were a common feature of Cypriot life. Lurucina however seemed to be at the forefront of this tradition. Between the period from the late 1700s to the 1970s, the population experienced a large growth of this culture. Some of the nicknames/lakabs were given as a result of peoples trade, habits, peculiarities or just inherited from their families. According to old timers some had meanings and others were just corrupt versions of their real names.
For example if a name was Mehmet then the nickname of Bedi, Mehmetça or Mehemmeçça etc would evolve. Seyit-Ali would be called 'Seido'. Some of the oldest lakabs of the village like Zabuni, Kavukko, Yeromero, Hrisafi, Kazmalevri, Treboyadi, Siliono and Tahura were either replaced by new lakabs or in the case of Kulaklı may have changed to a Greek version of Fgâga. Many old lakabs used Sari instead of Aspri to reflect a person's fair complexion.
The story of how the lakab 'Gatto' (Cat) came about is very interesting as the family were originally known as 'Buttari'. Apparently Osman Yusuf was hiding in the bushes while the police were looking for him. It may have been at dusk, as there was still some light, but one of the police noticed something shining through the bushes, it turned out that Yusuf Osman 'Buttari's' eyes were glittering in the dark.
Thereafter the talk was that "Da ammagya du yallizzan sandon Gatto" (His eyes were shining like those of the cat) and the name stuck. Thereafter the whole family were known as Gatto's. How true the story is can be disputed by some, but some old timers swear this to be a fact. Others like 'Gutsoveli' literally referred to the fact that a leg or arm was crippled.
In all there were over 400 lakabs during this period. It has left a legacy of a unique culture and shaped the character of the people of Lurucina like few villages in Cyprus. The multi-lingual nicknames ranging from Latin, Greek and Turkish have played an important part of Lurucina's local way of life.
As strange as it may seem to the younger generations, one thing important to know is that some have surnames today that are modernised versions of these lakabs/Nicknames. Hopefully some old timers and experts on this subject will carry out a professional research into this aspect of our culture or the history of our village shall remain incomplete. That will leave future generations with massive gaps in our knowledge on the way of life which has changed massively in the last half century.
Passing on the information from the older generations is something we all need to do before the dust covers it to the point that few will be alive to help us all understand our roots.
Sincere thanks to Andreas Yiannakou & Panicos Nikiforou in helping to translate and write many of the nicknames into the Greek script. A special gratitude to Panicos’ painstaking research into the meanings of many names which has brought a deeper understanding of why many individuals may have earned their nicknames. Sincere gratitude to Artun Gökşan ’Götsa’ for rearranging the lakabs in Alphabetical order and editing the Turkish script
Lakablar/takma adlar Kıbrıs yaşamının ortak bir özelliğiydi. Ancak Lurucina bu geleneğin ön saflarında yer alıyor gibi görünüyordu. 1700 lerin sonlarından 1970'lere kadar olan dönemde nüfus bu kültürün büyük bir artışını yaşadı.
Lakablar/takma adlar Kıbrıs yaşamının ortak bir özelliğiydi. Ancak Lurucina bu geleneğin ön saflarında yer alıyor gibi görünüyordu. 1700 lerin sonlarından 1970'lere kadar olan dönemde nüfus bu kültürün büyük bir artışını yaşadı.
Bazı lakaplar/lakablar insanların ticareti, alışkanlıkları, tuhaflıkları sonucu veya aileden miras olarak verilmiştir. Eski zamancılara göre bazılarının anlamları vardı, bazıları ise gerçek isimlerinin bozuk versiyonlarıydı.
Mesela bir isim Mehmet olsaydı Bedi, Mehmetça, Mehemmeçça vb. lakabı gelişirdi. Seyit-Ali'ye 'Seido' denilirdi. Zabuni, Kavukko, Yeromero, Hrisafi, Kazmalevri, Treboyadi, Siliono ve Tahura gibi köyün en eski lakablarından bazıları ya yeni lakablarla değiştirilmiş ya da Kulaklı durumunda Fgâga'nın Yunanca versiyonuna değiştirilmiş olabilir. Birçok eski lakab, kişinin açık ten rengini yansıtmak için Aspri yerine Sari'yi kullanırdı.
Lakab 'Gatto'nun (Kedi) nasıl ortaya çıktığının hikayesi çok ilginç çünkü aile başlangıçta 'Buttari' olarak biliniyordu. Görünüşe göre Osman Yusuf, polis onu ararken çalıların arasında saklanıyordu. Hava kararmak üzereydi, çünkü hala ışık vardı, ancak polislerden biri çalıların arasında parlayan bir şey fark etti ve Yusuf Osman 'Buttari'nin karanlıkta gözlerinin parıldadığı ortaya çıktı.
Daha sonra "Da ammagya du yallizzan sandon Gatto" (Gözleri kedininkiler gibi parlıyordu) konuşuldu ve isim takıldı. Bundan sonra tüm aile Gatto'nunki olarak tanındı. Hikayenin ne kadar doğru olduğu bazıları tarafından tartışılabilir, ancak bazı eski zamancılar bunun bir gerçek olduğuna yemin eder. 'Gutsoveli' gibi diğerleri kelimenin tam anlamıyla bir bacağın veya kolun sakat olduğu gerçeğine atıfta bulundu.
Bu dönemde toplamda 400'ün biraz üzerinde lakab vardı. Benzersiz bir kültür mirası bırakmış ve Kıbrıs'taki birkaç köy gibi Lurucina halkının karakterini şekillendirmiştir. Latince, Yunanca ve Türkçeye uzanan çok dilli takma adlar, Lurucina'nın yerel yaşam tarzında önemli bir rol oynamıştır.
Her ne kadar genç nesillere tuhaf görünse de, bilinmesi gereken önemli bir şey, bugün bazılarının bu lakabların/Takma adların modernleştirilmiş versiyonları olan soyadlarına sahip olduğudur. Umarız bazı eski zamancılar ve bu konunun uzmanları kültürümüzün bu yönüne yönelik profesyonel bir araştırma yaparlar, aksi takdirde köyümüzün tarihi eksik kalacaktır. Bu, son yarım yüzyılda büyük ölçüde değişen yaşam tarzımızda gelecek nesillere büyük boşluklar bırakacak.
Bilgiyi eski nesillerden aktarmak, çok az kişinin hayatta kalıp köklerimizi anlamamıza yardımcı olacak noktaya gelmesine kadar, hepimizin yapması gereken bir şeydir.
Takma adların çoğunun Yunanca harflere çevrilmesine ve yazılmasına yardımcı oldukları için Andreas Yiannakou ve Panicos Nikiforou'ya içten teşekkürler. Panicos'un birçok ismin anlamlarına ilişkin özenli araştırmasına ve birçok kişinin neden bu takma adları kazanmış olabileceğine dair daha derin bir anlayışa yol açmasına özellikle minnettarız. Lakabların alfabetik sıraya göre düzenlenmesi ve Türkçe harflerle düzenlenmesinden dolayı Artun Gökşan 'Götsa'ya içten teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum
Anecdotes and origins of some lakabs/nicknames.
In addition to various sources (listed on the sources page) many lakabs were found on the records of Ibrahim Tahsildar and the Ottoman census records of 1878. Hüssein Selim's help on this subject has been absolutely fantastic. I wish to thank him for his knowledge and contribution in helping with the translation of many lakabs.
By Hüssein Selim
Most of the nicknames in the village have an equivalent or meaning in Turkish or Greek. For example, Aspri (White), Mavri (Brunette/Black), Gunduro (Short), Gondo (Short), Shago (Growing in the shade), Birgo (Castle), Haranga (Secret hiding place), Batta (Mustafa), Bada (Ramadan). ), such as Bedi (Mehmet)... Besides these, as far as I know, there are nicknames that have no equivalent or meaning in either Turkish or Greek. For example, Tindi, Gunetti, Verde, Geleo, Gigeo, Skuri, Tsende, Trambulli, Fucelli, Gitimiri, Babui, Manna, Badudi, Bardiçço. We cannot know for sure who gave these nicknames to these people and why?
By Hasan Gazi
SURFI, “Pinto Surfi” caught my eye in the nicknames section of your site. I am his grandson and there is no one else but me. I am the only heir to this nickname. The story of this is as follows: My grandfather Surfi was sent to the grocery store to buy SURF (washing powder). He also had a twenty in his pocket. While he was going through his pocket, the twenty fell out and disappeared among the belongings and bags lined up on the floor. He searched but couldn't find it. Cefalali asked himself: "What would you buy for your twenty?" My grandfather replied: "I was going to buy SURFI"... "Well, is it worth searching for a twenty all day long?" So he started to be called PİNTO SURFI /Stingy Surfi. This is the story.
By Mehmet Veli Kirlapo
When Veli Mustafa 'Lurto' was young, he was having dinner and drink with his friends. While smoking he looked around for an ashtray. He could not find one. Noticing that there was a small tin tray he asked one of his friends “Ozmu jindo kirlapin olan" ? (pass me that kirlapin). His friends thought his use of the name was so funny that they began to call him Kirlapo.
By Ayşhe Fadel
My grandad was Kondoz. Meaning short because he was. His father was Üçokka because as a trader he weighed his produce and it was always üç okka - 3 okka. No more no less!!! Love the lakabs.
ABEYDO ADEMENOS. Χαϊδεμένος: fondling, darling: ADO / ADİNA- Eagle / Kartal AFDULLA / AFDULLİNA AGUİ AĞA- Local Chief (the name was originally used for officers of the Janissaries) AHHA AHMADES AKSİPPA-Suddenly, Quick/Atik, Çabuk. Άξιππα , Ξαφνικά ALİGGO/ALİKKO BABİ BABİRO-Geese. Πάπυρος (male) BABUTSARO-Büyük Potin / Ayakkabı. Παπούτσαρος is also very big shoe,or Babutsa for prickly pear (παπούτσα) BADA - Short name given to Ramadan's BADADO- Potato. Πατάτα BADUDİ BAŞİ BAHCALARLI- BALAVOS-Silly / Ahmak. Παλαβός BALLİGARİ-Brave / Cesur. Παλληκάρι BAMBO BAMBULOS-High Place/Raised ground like a small hill. Πάμπουλος BANDİNELLİ BARBOROS BARDİÇÇO BAŞİ-Fat / Şişman, Παχύς BATSALO -Πάτσαλος, with black and white spots BATTA - Short name given to Mustafa's. Or an old Cypriot word Vatta could also be the vessel/vase to put water BATTUKA BATURİ BBC- BBC television (it was given to this person as he always relayed BBC news in the village coffee shops) BEDASİ -Swift / Atik, Hızlı BEDE BEDEVİNO-A Bedouin BEDİ-Mehmet BEDİNO BEDİNARİ- Πετεινάρι, young or small rooster BEKİRCİK------Bekir junior BEKKİRO---------Bekir BENDAŞŞA BESLEME / BESLEMİNA CAMALU CANGİ CEBE CEFALALİ. Κεφαλάρι- Something to lay your head on, pillow or the kefalari of the bed means the side where your head is laying. CHRİSOVONDU-gold-tooth/altın dişli. Χρυσοδόντης : One with gold teeth ÇAKAR. Τσιάκκος (masculine), comes from τσιακκί (neuter) means pocketknife ÇAKKO-Brave / Cesur, Keskin. Τσιάκκος (masculine), comes from τσιακκί, neuter that means pocketknife ÇAKLİ ÇAMURİ-Mud / Çamur ÇARTA / ÇARTU-Large Plate / Büyük Tabak. Τσιάρτα (feminine for the large plate). The surname in Cyprus dialect is Τσιάρτας (masculine) DAMBA DAMDELEN DANELLİ DAUDİ / DAUDU-Davud DEBRELİ DELİYO-Perfect / Mükemmel. Τέλειος (masculine) DİDO DİMA DİRİMO. Τυρίμος is a surname of some Greek-Cypriots DİTSİROS-Naked / Çıplak. Τίτσιρος (masculine) EDEMİ EFE EFENDİ FARANGA- A Narrow Straight / Darboğaz FESA-A fes-hat used to be worn during the late Ottoman period. Φεσάς, one who wears φέσι FGAGA- Ears / Kulaklı. Φκιακάς: One who has big ears FİDİRİKKO/FİDİRİKKU - Latin name Federiko. Φιτιρίκκος FİLAERDİ / FİLAERDİNA GABLANİ / GABLANU GABRO-----Tower. Powerfully built man . γάβρος GAÇÇARO / GAÇÇARİ ----the nickname in some parts of Turkey is used to refer to an obstinate or tall person (may have originated from a Turkish clan called the . Κατσιαρής, In Greek Cypriot means making a noise. Κατσιαρίζω GADABELLO---- Very Crazy / Tam Deli. Κατάπελλος GADELA GADİNA GADİRİ GAFGARİ----Καυκαρής, Καύκαρος , bald GAKİNDİRİ GALABA. An old Turkish word meaning an indecisive person. Καλαβά GALECİ- A Goal Keeper GALLEŞİ-Crafty / Kurnaz GALLİGA / GALLİCİNA------Horse Smith. Καλλικάς ‘Someone who places shoes (kallitja) on a horse,mule etc GAMBURİ-Καμπούρης –Kambur/Humpback GAMİNO GANARİ / GANARU-Καναρί - canary colour –vivid yellow: Κανάρης is a Greek and Greek Cypriot surname. Καναρίνι also a canary bird. GANELLİ. Κανελλής ? maybe from κανέλλα (cinnamon) GANGRELLO GANNU-Skinny / Zayıf. Κάννας GANULLİ GANURYA GAPSULARİ-Rifle Muzzle GARABİNNA-An Arabic word for rifle. Καραπίννα GARABUBA GARAGANNA GARAHASANİ/GARAHAŞANİ-Black Hasan/ Karahasan (given to many people who had dark complexions) GARAMUSTAFA-Black Mustafa/ Karamustafa GARAOLİ-Snail (it's more likely to have been corrupted from the original family name of Kara-Ali). Or from waive round hair –round like Karaoli. Καράολος GARAŞMAYLİ- a corruption of Kara-İsmail GARAYİ GARGABLUMİ- Garga-crow, or blumi in Greek is Nakış- Πλουμί in Greek is embroidery GARGAİ-Garga. A Crow. Κάρκας GARGAVLİ GARGAYA GARİBİ / GARİBU-Strange GAŞANO / GAŞANU GAŞAOLİ/GAŞAOLENA-Gaşha in Greek means box. Κάσια GATRİNİ GATSURA-burnt to ashes? or a reference to the burning of wheat seeds GATTO-Cat / Kedi. Κάττος GAVAZ GAVLEŞİ / GAVLEŞENA GAVUKKO GAYİ / GAYİNA GAYŞA GAZMALEVRİ GAZZO GEBE-Pregnant also given to someone who tends to be loaded with problems GELEO GELİ GELONA GEREKKO-Could mean a Greek GEZZU GİÇÇO/GİÇÇU -A pious person. Dini ve Allaha tapan bir insan GOMBUMUSTAFA
KAFA- Head KALE-Goal or Castle KALEA KALİ KAMİLCİK- little Kamil KÂMİLO-Big Kâmil. Καμηλος KANARYA-A Canary KAPLAN-Tiger KARABARDAK (GARABARDAK)-----Black Glass / Cup KARACA. Καρατζιάς? KARAGANNA (GARAGANNA) . Kara is black and kanna is a cane. Metaphorically it's someone with long black legs, Καρακάννας KARANFİL-Carnation KARAYİ (GARAYİ) KARTAL-An Eagle/Ado KASİNO------Casino KAVAZ (GAVAZ)-A bodyguard/guard KAVUKKO (GAVUKKO) KAZUMİ KELEŞİ-Large head / Büyük kafa, someone with a large head or, Keletjis a stubborn person LAGYOBİ LAİPPİ LALA -Çocuk bakımcısı, eğitim ve öğretimiyle görevli kimse: someone who cared for children, normally a teacher LAO-A Hare/ Yabani Tavşan. Λαός LAURGANO LAUTACİ MACİDİRİ MAGARUNYA-Makarna / Macaroni. Μακαρούνιας MALAGA/MALAGU. Silly / Delilik Eden MALLARİ MANCALİ / MANCALİNA-Door Step MANCİBA. Μάτζιπας MANDAKO MANDAYİ / MANDAYİNA MANİ–A corrupt version of the name Osman, or Osmani in Greek Cypriot MANİÇÇO / MANİÇÇU MANNA /MANNİNA MARATALI MARKOS. Μάρκος MASARİ. Μάσαρι MAŞRAPPA - a Tankard MATSA / MATSENA MATTAGA MATTAGİOLİ MAVRİ-Black / Siyah. Μαυρής MAVROMMADİ-Black eye / Karagözlü. Μαυρομμάτης MAVROMUSDAGO- black mustache MAVRUBİ MAYMUNİ- a monkey MBEYİ MECA MEDO MEHEMMETÇA / MEHEMMEÇÇİNA--Mehmet MEHEMMETTA-----Mehmet MEYHANECİ- an innkeeper MİDİLLU MİMMİ MİNELLA--Midwife? Or Emine NAFİ NALOSU NASİBİ / NASİBU- from the name Nasip OLOYELO------ A person who often smiles ONBAŞI ----- Corporal. Όμπασιης ORDANGELE PAÇA. Ππασιάς PANÇO PAPGEN PAŞİ PAŞO / PAŞENA----- Paşha PEKRİ could be someone who likes to drink. Ππεκρής RACİ HOCA RAHMELİ--------Rahme RAMADİ REZANİ SAKUDİ SALİ SARDDA SARGA. σαρκά– Old broom made from straw SASETTİ / SASETTİNA SASİ SAVARİS SDİLLO / SDİLLENA-A post/ Direk. στύλλος, pillar SELİMİ SEMANİ SETTARİ SGAMBİLİ. σκαμπίλης. Σκαμπίλι is a game with playing cards SGENCİ SGİTSA. Σκίτσα - Sketches / Drawings Σκίτσας SGLİNİGO. Σκλινίτζι (sklinitzi), is a plant that grows at the sides of a river or where there is much water. SGORDALLİ – Σκορταλλός – Skortallos – A small bird of Cyprus. It has a tuft of feathers on its head and it builds its nest on the ground SGULUGA-Worm /Gurt. Σκούλουκος in GC SGURİ / SGURİNA-A Latin/Greek word for dusk/dark. Σκούρος - Skouros ŞAHALLU ŞABATTİ ŞAGALLİ ŞAGO-Gölgede büyüyen/growing in the shadow. Σιακός ŞAHALİ ŞAHALLU ŞAHİ / ŞAHİNA ŞARABU-Wine / Şarap ŞARMATTA-Noisy / Gürültülü ŞARVUTTİ ŞEFGO. According to a family member, Ramadan Özyalçın, his father told him that due to his position as head (ŞEF in Turkish) or boss, people simply called him, ŞEFO or ŞEFGO. As a result the nickname became part of his identity. ŞEKERU-Sugar, sweet / Şeker, tatlı ŞELUKKA
TAHİRO- Tahir TAHUREDİ– A pious person/ Dini bir kişi TAO GORİ TARİ may have originated from a person wearing lined or checked clothes. Şetârî / şeştârî :Çizgili kumaştan giysi, TAYİ TAYMA TİKKİRİ TİKKU TİNDİ TOKKOLA TOMAS TOPAL-Lame TOSUN-Fat / Şişman OR Bullock / Male Cow TOZZİ---Dust / Toz (In Italian the word Tozzi means one who is rather short and stout. İtalyanca’da Tozzi kısa boylu ve sağlam bir kişi anlamına gelir) Ττόζι This family originated from a cavalry Sipahi family. The name may have been given to the fact that the horse usually leaves a lot of dust while galloping. This of course is speculative as the reason for the nickname is not known. Many in this family have large stature’s and are tall individuals. ÜÇOKKA--- A measure of weight before the introduction of the kilo. The original nickname was Üçok which may have its origins in a Turkish/Turkoman clan named the ’ÜÇOK'lar (the 3 arrows) VARDA VECİ / VECİNA VELİ USDA / VELİ USDİNA VELONA-----Needle/ine. Βελόνα VERDE- verdura/green in Italian YAHUDİ / YAHUDİNA. Γιαχούτης YAKULA YALLİTSİ---shining/parıldak YALLURA --Refers to a blue eyed and fair haired individual. Γιαλλούρα (female), Γιαλλούρης (male) YANNAKKO / YANNAKKU from the name Yiannakos (Γιαννακός) YANNİTSARO--Yeni-ceri/Janissarie . Γιαννίτσαρος YAPICI YASENA ZABİDİ / ZABİDU---Zabit ZABUNİ ZAMBARİ ZANO ZARDAGANYA ZAVLİ. ζαβλί – something that has burned to ashes ZEHRU--Zehra | ALİGUNNİ ALİ KALİ ALUBO/ALUBİNA-Fox/Tilki. Αλουπίνα. (feminine). Αλεπού ARİF BİLLAHİ / ARİF BİLLAHENA ARİFO / ARİFU ARKONDİ-Rich / Zengin. Αρχοντας ARNAUDİ-Albanian / Αλβανός ASPRİ -White / Beyaz, Ασπρής AVCI-Hunter AZGARİ AZGUNİ-Hypa-active BEYA BİALİ-Derives from the name Ali BİDE-pitta. Πίττα BİHİGO----- Baboon. Πίθηκος BİLİ BİNDİ BİNYAO BİRGO / BİRGU- Kale / Fort. Πύργος BİRİNDİ BİRİNİ--------One / Tek BİROYADU---Someone from Piroi/Piroili . Πυρογιάτης BİSSİ- BİSSURGODİ-Someone from Bissuri village. Πισσουρκότης BİTİRİM- BİTORDO BİTTA BİTTAGA-Flat / Ezilmiş. GC: Πιττάκας, the word comes from pitta BİZZİMBİ. Πεζίμιν, ? something to play with, also: game BODİRA BODİRİ / BODİRU-Small Glass / Küçük Bardak, Ποτήρι BOHURLU----- from the village of Abohor BORDO / BORDU BOTSİ------Small Bottle, Ποτσίν BÖYLE BRAİMULLİ -----a corrupt version of İbrahım BRİMBİ----- BUDUDA BULLİCİ BURİ BURUNDİ BUTTARİ BUZZİ------ Hernia / Çatlak BUZZOMANİ CIDIK CIKDI CİCİ CİDARİ CİDRİNO CİLİ / CİLİNA CULLİ ÇATAN ÇAVUŞİ DU BİLİ-- ÇEMBERLİ ÇERKEZO-Çerkez / Circassian. Τσιερκέζος ÇIKIRIKCI-someone who is a bone clicker. Clicks bones into place ÇUFFO / ÇUFFU DRAĞANOCİMBİ DRAMBULLİ-Dwarf / Cüce?? DRAMBUKKO DRUNGO DUMBALO. Τούμπαλλο . after you hit your head a toumballo appears (round swollen tissue) DURNO / DURNENA DURZİ Genç veya boylu olmayan bir kişi. Τουρτζίν: Young or not very tall ENGLEZZO / ENGLEZZU EŞHEO FRANGO / FRANGU Φράγκος. some people in the old days were called Frangos because they were the first one to wear Frangika (modern clothes) ie they wore trousers – pantelonia instead of the traditional vraka FTİRİ-------Flea / Bit? Φτύρης – Someone who may have fleas on his head. FUCELLİ / FUCELLENA-----Door Knob? GOMMATGAZMENO GİDANNO GİDARMİ GİDİGOLA GİGEO GİGİ-Petit / Cute GİKKİ GİKKO GİLLO GİNEZZO / GİNEZZU. Κινέζος , named after someone who may have eastern/Chinese type eyes or features GİNGİ / GİNGU GİOLUGUSEYİ (GYOLUGUSEYİ) GİONELLO (GYONELLO) GİTİMİRİ GİTSİ / GİTSENA GOBELLA GOCAGARO-Old / Yaşlı GOÇÇİNO-Red /Kırmızı. Κότσινο, Κόκκινο in Greek GOFTİROS. Κοφτερός - Kofteros – Very sharp GOLOGA-A large marrow / Kabak. Κολόκα GOLOMUSDAHO GOMBO. Κόμπο, a knot Κόμπος GONDO-Short / Kısa. Κοντός GONDOLİSİ GONDOZZİ. Κοντοζής GORDONBİHDİ / GORDONBİHDENA GOROVGALİ / GOROVGALU-Someone from Gorovya?? GOSİENYİNA literally 21 GOŞŞADİ / GOŞŞADU someone from Goşşi GÖTSA GRİVAS-A Greek name. Γρίβας. Literal translation is a gray horse . It originates from the Italic word grigio meaning gray. GUBANİ GUBİ GUÇUKKİ / GUÇUKKENA GUDALARİDİ GUDALLA. A ladle (large spoon) Κουτάλα GUDUZ GUFO / GUFU-Deaf / Sağır. Κουφός GUGO / GUGU- A shelter / roof made from canes Κούκος GUKKUDİ----- A hermit, someone who stays at home all the time? Κουκκουτής GULAKLI GULEA GULLO GULLUBİ GUNDİTSA GUNDURO-Short person / Kısa boylu. Κούντουρος. GUNETTİ GUTTUBA GUTUMBİ GURGULLİ GURİO GUSBO GUSELLA GUŞA GUŞUNU GUTSOVELİ GUTSOVELO GUTSUGUDİ-Karaböcek / Cockroach. Κουτσουκούτης, comes from κουτσουκούτα cockroach) GUTSULLO / GUTSULLU--A fresh crooked vine stem? κουτσούλλα. But κούτσουλλος koutsoullos GUTTUBA. Κουτούμπας GUVARA GUZZU GYOLUGUSEYİ GYONELLO HOROZ-A rooster HOPYAZ HOROZ----------A rooster HOSTRA----Hidden, Χώστρα HUBİ HULU HURRUMBİ--Corruption of the name Hürrem bey (The family is reputed to have originated from Antalya, Turkey) HRİSAFİ-Gold / Altın Χρυσάφι (someone who is wealthy or may own a lot of gold, Kara Mustafa 'Hrisafi was actually a very wealthy landowner) Χρυσάφι is gold but the name that comes from it, is Χρυσάφης HRİSOVONDU------Gold teeth /altın diş. Χρυσοδόντης
KELİ. Κέλης or Κκέλης - Kelis Bald Man KELLE-Head / Kafa. Κκελλέ KEMİK- Bone KENEDİ- someone who looked like President Kennedy KERLO Kİ KİDİOLİ KİDURİ / KİDURİNA KİHHİ KİLİNCİRO. Gypsy. Κκιλίτζιρος KİNA KİKKİ (GİKKİ) KİRLAPPO. Κίρλαππος comes from dirty ashtray/Kirli kül tablası KLEVER KOLACI KOLOKA (GOLOGA)-Large Marrow /Büyük Kabak. Κολόκα KU / KUNENA KUDİ KULAKLI (GULAKLI)-Large Ears KULEA (GULEA) KULLO ? (GULLO / GULLE) Kulle in Turkish means tower KUNDİ / KUNDİNA KURİ KUSUNA KUVARO (GUVARO) KÜSLER LAUZARDA LEFA LEVENDİ-Handsome, Courteous /Yakışıklı. Λεβέντης LONDO LORDO / LORDENA- A Lord. Λόρδος LUGA-A Greek name Λούκας LURTO MİNNOŞ / MİNNOŞENA- Adorable MİRMİKKO MİSİGİGO / MİSİGİGU MİŞARO- Lizard MONO / MONİNA--Single / Tek. Μονός MONOFİLLİ/MONOFİLLENA-Single leaf/Tek yaprak. Μονόφυλλος MOSOLİNİ - A person who looks like Mussolini, Μουσολίνι MUDAHO / MUDAHU MUDAHOS DU FESA MUDRA-Face / Surat. Μούτρα MULLAKKO-Fat & Slow / Şişman, Ağır MULLA MULLATTA MULLİ MUNDUKKO MURAÇÇİ MURADO-A name Murat MUSDAFELLA MUSDAFURİ --Mustafa MUSDAHİ MUSDAKKA------Given to some people who were named Mustafa but more likely indicates a person with a large moustache, Μουστάκας MUSDAMBEŞİ MUSDİ ----Mustafa MUSGLİ MUSKO / MUSGU-A flower, nice scent. Μούσκος MUSLU MUSURDA MUTRA MUYA-Fly / Sinek. Μούγιας MUZZAFERİ-----A name Muzzafer NEGROHAFDİ-----Gravedigger / Mezarcı. Νεκροθάφτης NİHDA-Night / Gece. Νύχτα NOÇO OTANGUDİ OTTAMİ ÖKÜZ-Bull PEMBURU PİRE--Flea. Pire gibi, Very agile PİRİLLİ--Marble. Ππιρίλλης PORTO PSAFGYA PSİLL /PSİLLU-A straw fly or Psillos means tall. Ψύλλος RİALA-An old Ottoman coin/Eski Osmanlı parası. Ριαλάς, the coin is ριάλα RİFATTO - Rifat ROVİTTA RUSSO-Ginger haired, fair or Ρούσος, red haired SGURUMUNİ. Σκουρουμούνης SİLİMİ / SİLİMU SİLLİRGA SİNEK 'muya'------a fly SİNESTERİ SİSTİLLİ. A tidy person. he/ she/ it tidies up. SİYE SKORDO-Garlic/Sarmısak. Σκόρτος SKUFİ. Σκουφί – a small ‘’hat’’ to cover their head SKUFİDİ. Original Ottoman archives record this nickname as ''Skufedi'' SKULLO. Σκούλλος SOKRADİ-Socrates Σωκράτης. It may have been given to someone in the village who displayed an intellectual mind. STRAOMERO - Blind Ömer / Kör Ömer STUPOMADİ. Στουππωματί SULUMANİ- Süleyman SURFİ-comes from the washing powder "Surf" (Surf Çamaşır tozu) SURUKİ SUSİ ŞEMMEDO-Corrupt name for the name Mehmet ŞERİFALLA ŞERİNYA ŞİLİONO - Kırlangıç, (A Swallow bird?) Σιηλιόνι is the bird in GC. The name was given to a cavalry Sipahi family in the village. It may be argued that the flight pattern of this bird in swooping, diving, twisting, and rising flights could indicate the swiftness and agility of the cavalryman in question. The family in question is the paternal ancestor of the creator of this site. ŞİRADİ /ŞİRADU--------Widower / Dul. Σιηράτη in GC ŞİMŞAK -----------Lightning. In this case the name was given to a photographer, his constant use of the camera brought comments of ''şim şak'' similar to click click by the sound of the flash. ŞUBİ ŞUFTA TRAKO TREBOYADİ TRUKKO TSALİ, Τσιαλής TSAYERA-Chair maker / Sandalyeci. Τσαεράς. TSENDE- Bag / Çanta, Τσέντα TSİTSİ TSURO, GC Τσούρος, Male Goat TURABİ. Ττουραπής TURÇİ-Turk/Türk, Τουρτζίν TURLUMBİ TURULLİ
UŞİ. A very strange nickname as there is an area in the city of Lozan with this name (the real name is actually, Ouchi but the Turks pronounced it Uşi so as not to confuse it with the Turkish pronunciation). In fact the treaty of Uşi was signed by the Ottomans with the Italians in 1912 which ended the Ottoman rule of Libya. VİDİNNİ VİZZAGO. Βύζακος, Big stone VOSKOS. Βοσκός - Shepherd VOVOS / VOVU VRANGO / VRANGU. Βράγκος or Φράγκος, see FRANGO YASSİ YASUMULLO YENİÇERİ---a Jannisarie, Γεννίτσαρος YEROMERO. Old Ömer / İhdiyar Ömer YEROMUHDARO. The Old Muhdar / İhdiyar Muhdar YORGANCI / BABLOMADAS----- A person who makes quilts. Παπλωματάς YUSUFCUKKİ---- Yusuf YUSUFİGO---Yusuf ZİMBRİKKO ZİZZİRO / ZİZZİRA Cigada, Ζίζιρος ZMAYİLO--İsmailo ZMAYİLOKKO ZMAYLEDA / ZMAYLEDENA---- Feminine version referring to an İsmailo's wife ZORNO |