WW2. İkinci Dünya Savaşına Katılan Lurucina’lılar
This page is dedicated to the World War 2 Lurucina veterans who volunteered to serve in the Cyprus Regiment and Cyprus Volunteer Force. Though 42 men from Lurucina were registered as part of the 19.829 Cypriots who fought for the British and other Commonwealth nations in the World War against Nazism, there were in fact another 2 namely Seyit Ali Mehmet Ramadan and Hasan Mehmet Ramadan. Brothers of the Martyr Corporal Hussein Mehmet Ramadan serial number CY1217 (twin brother of Hasan) on the list who sadly lost his life and was buried at the Ancona war cemetery where he still lies. May they all rest in peace.
The information compiled and published by Petros Papapolyviou (an academic and historian at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia), has written a number of works on the service of Cypriots in many wars. He is an accomplished historian. The enormity of the task beggars belief. With 870 pages which includes their army serial, date of enlistment etc is a must for anyone interested in this field of research. The book is written in Greek but thanks to a good friend Anthony Georgiou he offered to translate into English and send me the list for the benefit of using it on the ''families of Lurucina website''.
In Anthony's own words ''I hope it may be of assistance to you, and something interesting for the people of Louroujina to further research. The British hold further detailed individual personnel files for each of these soldiers, and by furnishing name, date of birth, army number (e.g. CY4742) etc, they are able to provide a copy of the whole file to relatives/next of kin for a charge. I obtained a similar file for my late grandfather and it provided a wealth of detail of his involvement in WWII - about 30 pages on his service, postings, interment as a POW, original enlistment form etc''.
Τhe book is known as "Οι Κύπριοι εθελοντές του Β' Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου: τα μητρώα, οι κατάλογοι και οφόρος του αίματος" Publisher: Πολιτιστικές Υπηρεσίες του Υπουργείου Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού. Author: Πέτρος Παπαπολυβίου. ΙSBN:
In English, the book details are: "The Cypriot Volunteers of the 2nd World War: the registers, catalogues and blood sacrifice", publisher: Cypriot Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Author: Petros Polyviou
On behalf of the people of Lurucina I would like to thank Anthony for this most valuable information which no doubt will open the door to another aspect of our village and families history
Ismail Veli 'Kirlapo'