Hüseyin Skufidi.
The Ki, Semani, Mancali, Kiduri, İtelli, Tay, Gavleş, Mavrommadi & Babi form part of this family group.
The Ki, Semani, Mancali, Kiduri, İtelli, Tay, Gavleş, Mavrommadi & Babi form part of this family group.
In the Ottoman census this family's lakab/nickname was registered as Uskufdi. [1]
İSMAIL HÜSEYİN wife’s name not known
their children
1 Hüseyin İsmail ’Skufidi’ born 1796 married Zeliha Mustafa born 1803
2 Veli İsmail ?
HÜSEYİN MUSTAFA İSMAIL 'Skufidi' born 1796, [2] married ZELİHA MUSTAFA born 1803. [3]
their children
1 Mustafa Hüseyin 'Skufidi' (Munduko) born 1829 married Ayse Mehmet born 1832 they married in 1854
2 İsmail Hüseyin. [4]
3 Yusuf Hüseyin 'Haci harra' born 1838 married Rebia Halil born 1843 they married in 1860
4 İbrahim Hüseyin ' Gavleş/Skufidi' born 1834 married Ayşe Mustafa. they married in 1864. Migrated to Turkey.
5 Rebyeli Hüseyin married 'Öksüz-Ali'
NOTE; there was an Ayşe registered in the census which is not on the above list; she was born in 1864.
MUSTAFA HÜSEYİN 'Skufidi' (Munduko) born 1829 married AYŞE MEHMET born 1832 they married in 1854. [5]
their children
1 İsmail Mustafa 'Glavyalı' born 1865 married Dudu Mehmet
2 Süleyman Mustafa ''Semani born 1873.
3 Yusuf Mustafa 'İtelli' born 1867
4 Mehmet Mustafa 'Mavromaddi' Karagözlü' 1873-1916 (born in 1874 in another document)
5 Hatem Mustafa 'Pekrina/Munduko' married Mustafa Ramadan 'Pekri/Zorno'
6 Ayşe Mustafa born 1864. [6]
7 Zalihe Mustafa
İSMAIL MUSTAFA 'Glavyalı/Munduko’ born 1865 married DUDU MEHMET ‘Ftiri’
his children
1 Mehmet İsmail 'Ki/Glavyalı’ 1886 (7)
2 Mustafa İsmail 'Gudi/Glavyalı’ born 1888
3 İbrahim İsmail 'Hasanedi/Glavyalı’ born 1890.
4 Yusuf İsmail 'Sussulli/ Glavyalı’ 1889.
5 Kadriye İsmail ‘Kadriyelu’ married Hasan Murat 'Gavleş'
6 Suleyman İsmail born 1889. [8]
MEHMET İSMAIL 'Ki'. 1886- [9] married EMİNE YUSUF ’Kina/Şufta’ 1895-1988
his children
1 Ayşe Mehmet 'Ki' married İsmail Bekir 'İkiz' 'Bili'
2 Dudu Mehmet 'Ki' 1917-2009 married Mustafa Necip
3 Nazemin Mehmet Ki married Osman 'Yorgancı'
AYŞE MEHMET ’Ki’ married İSMAIL BEKİR ’İkiz/Bili’
their children
1 Bekir İsmail ’Bili’ born 1948
2 Aliye İsmail ’Bili’
3 Şerife İsmail ’Bili’
DUDU MEHMET ’Ki’ 1917-2009 married MUSTAFA NECİP YÜCELEN ’Mudaho/Arap’ 1916-1993
their children
1 Hasan Mustafa (Yücelen) married Fatma 'Vrango' (Frango)
2 Pembe Mustafa 'Yücelen' married Şevket Sakin (from Paphos)
3 Mehmet Mustafa (Yücelen) married Jale 'Bodamo' from Famagusta
4 Fuat Mustafa (Yücelen)
5 Seval Mustafa (Yücelen) married Duygu Kara-İsmail
6 Soner ’Mavro’ Mustafa (Yücelen) born 7 May 1950 married Alsev 'Gutsugudi'
7 Emine Mustafa (Yücelen) married Hasan Naci from Köfünye village
8 Necip Mustafa (Yücelen) (born 1955) born 1955 married ? from Limassol
NAZEMİN MEHMET ’Ki’ married OSMAN RAMADAN ’Galaba/Yorgancı’ they moved to London
their children
1 Mehmet Osman ’Galaba/Yorgancı’
2 İbrahım Osman ’Galaba/Yorgancı’
3 İsmail Osman ’Galaba/Yorgancı’
4 Ramadan Osman ’Galaba/Yorgancı’
5 EmineOsman ’Galaba/Yorgancı’
MUSTAFA İSMAİL 'Glavyalı' 1888-1969 married EMİNE İSMAİL ’Topal İsmail’
his children
1 İsmail Mustafa (Tozkoparan) had no children
2 Pervin Mustafa married Mustafa İbrahım ‘Babutsaro
Their children
1 Emine Mustafa ‘Coni’
2 Tanel Mustafa ‘Coni’
İBRAHIM İSMAIL 'Glavyalı/Hasanedi’ ' born 1890 married EMİNE OSMAN ‘Gudalaridi’
their children
1 Mehmet İbrahım ‘Hasanedi’
2 Dudu İbrahım ‘Hasanedi’
3 Zekiye İbrahim ‘Hasanedi’
4 Nazlı İbrahım ‘Hasanedi’
5 Ayşe Ibrahim ‘Hasanedi/Debrelina’’ married Hasan 'Debreli
YUSUF İSMAIL 'Sussulli' 'Glavyalı’ born 1889-1985 married DUDU OSMAN ‘İkiz’ 1906-1993
their children
1 Vasfiye 1918-2008 married Mustafa Ramadan (Aşkun) ‘Pekri/Mustambeşi 1910-1982
VASFİYE YUSUF 'Sussulli' 1918-2008 married MUSTAFA RAMADAN (AŞKUN) ‘Pekri/Mustambeşi’ 1910-1982
Their children
1 Süleyman Mustafa (Aşkun) ’Mustambeşi’ born 1939
2 Ayşe Mustafa ’Mustambeşi’ born 1937
3 Aysel Mustafa ’Mustambeşi’ 1947
KADRİYE İSMAIL ’Glavyali/Kadriyelu’ 1892-1969 married HASAN MURAT ’Muratcık’ 1988-1957
their children
1 Murat Hasan Özdoğaç ’Mişaro’ 1923-2009
2 Mehmet Hasan Özdoğaç ’Ki’
3 Resmiye Hasan 1913-2003
4 Cemaliye Hasan
5 Ayşe Hasan
SÜLEYMAN MUSTAFA 'Semani' born 1873 married EMİNE YUSUF ‘Musko’
their children
1 Mustafa Süleyman 'Semani' (Gordonbihdi) born 19.02.1905-1969
2 İbrahım Süleyman 'Semani' 1902-1988
3 Yusuf Süleyman 'Semani' 'Mancali' 10.01.1900- 1994
4 Ayşe Süleyman 'Semani' 1910-1981 married Hasan Osman 'Yorgancı' (Mezo) 1903-1991 moved to Tuzla than migrated to Australia early 1950s
5 Fatma Süleyman 'Semani' married Enver moved to Tuzla
6 Zalihe Süleyman 'Semani' married Yusuf 'Babi' 1910-1992
7 Dudu Süleyman 'Semani' married Derviş 'Mirmiko' 1915-1993
MUSTAFA SÜLEYMAN 'Semani' 'Gordonbihdi' born 19.02.1905-1969 married ŞERİFE RAMADAN ’Şarvuti’. 2nd wife was REBİA İSMAİL ’Gordonbihtena’ 1906-1988
All the children from marriage to Rebia İsmail
their children
1 Süleyman Mustafa 'Semani/Gordonbihti’ born 1902
2 İsmail Mustafa 'Semani/Kale/Gordonbihti’
3 Metin Mustafa 'Semani/Gordonbihti’
4 İbrahim Mustafa Altıner 'Doktor/Semani/Gordonbihti’
5 Behice Mustafa 'Semani/Gordonbihti’ married İsmail Hüseyin 'Sguluga'
6 Şaziye Mustafa 'Semani/Gordonbihti’ married Mehmet Yusuf 'Babi'
SÜLEYMAN MUSTAFA 'Semani/Gordonbihti’ married EMİNE MEHMET ‘Suruki’
their children
1 Mustafa Süleyman Mustafa 'Semani/Gordonbihti’
2 Sultan Süleyman ‘Semani/Gordonbihti’
3 Suzan Süleyman ‘Semani/Gordonbihti’
their children
1 Emine İsmail 'Semani/Kale’
2 İzzet İsmail 'Semani/Kale’
METİN MUSTAFA 'Gordonbihti' married ŞERİFE İSMAİL ’İsmailcık’ born 1945
their children
1 Rabia Metin ‘Gordonbihti’ in the UK
2 Emine Metin ‘Gordonbihti’ in the UK
3 Cem Metin ‘Gordonbihti’ in the UK
İBRAHIM MUSTAFA ALTINER ‘Gordonbihti/Doktor married IŞIL from Limassol
their children
1 Rabia İbrahim 'Altıner'
2 Feriha İbrahim 'Altıner'
their children
1 Hüseyin İsmail (Kurt) ’Skuluga’
2 Emine İsmail (Kurt) ’Skuluga’
3 Mustafa İsmail (Kurt) ’Skuluga’
4 Rengül İsmail (Kurt) ’Skuluga’
5 Çiler İsmail (Kurt) ’Skuluga’
ŞAZİYE MUSTAFA ’Gordonbihti’ married MEHMET YUSUF ’Babi’
their children
1 Zülal Mehmet ’Babi’
2 Rabia Mehmet ’Babi’
İBRAHIM SÜLEYMAN 'Şago'1902-1988 married KADRİYE BEKİR ’Kadriyelu/Bekiro’ 1906-2004
their children
1 Süleyman İbrahim Yapıcıoğlu ‘Mbeyi/Şago' 1932-2016
2 Bekir İbrahim Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago'
3 Kemal İbrahim Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago'
4 Cemaliye İbrahim Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' married Murat Emir-Ali Güleroğlu ‘Oloyelo’ 1918-1998
5 Emel İbrahim Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' married Kemal Hilmi Deldi
SÜLEYMAN İBRAHİM YAPICIOĞLU ’Mbeyi/Tapo/Şago' married FATMA İBRAHIM ’Şarvuti’. (2nd marriage) TEKİYE İBRAHIM ’Şarvuti’
their children
1 İbrahim Süleyman Yapıcıoğlu 'Mbeyi/Tapo' married Emine İsmail
2 Erşen Süleyman Yapıcıoğlu 'Mbeyi/Tapo' married Aydın Arif 'Kaplan'
3 Ergin Süleyman Yapıcıoğlu 'Mbeyi/Tapo'
from 2nd marriage
4 Erhan Süleyman Yapıcıoğlu 'Mbeyi/Tapo' married Emine Osman ‘Şago'
1 Fırat Yapıcıoğlu ’Mbeyi/Şago'
their children
1 Süleyman Kaplan
2 Fatoş Kaplan
1 Selen Erhan Yapıcıoğlu
2 Süleyman Erhan Yapıcıoğlu
1 Ozan Bekir Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' in the UK
2 Delvin Bekir Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' in the UK
KEMAL İBRAHİM YAPICIOĞLU 'Şago' 1st marriage of English descent name not known. 2nd marriage ŞERİFE MEHMET YAPICI ’Misigigo’
their children
1 İbrahim Kemal Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' in the UK
2 Cemaliye Kemal Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' married Cliff in the UK
3 Bekir Kemal Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' in the UK
from 2nd marriage
4 Mehmet Kemal Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' in the UK
5 Osman Kemal Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' in the UK
6 Kadriye Kemal Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago' married Onur Yusuf in the UK
CEMALİYE KEMAL ’Şago’ 1st marriage to CLIFF from the UK. 2nd marriage to JIM from the UK
their children
1 Caroline
2 Tracy
2nd marriage
3 Christopher
4 Stacey
OSMAN KEMAL YAPICIOĞLU 'Şago' name of wife from the UK unknown
their children
1 Leyla Yapıcıoğlu 'Şago'
their children
1 Devin Birini ’Susuri’
CEMALİYE İBRAHİM ’Şago’ married MURAT EMİR-ALİ GÜLEROĞLU ’Oloyelo’ 1918-1998
their children
1 1 Emir Ali Güleroğlu ’Oloyelo’
2 Kadriye Güleroğlu ’Oloyelo’
EMEL İBRAHİM ’Şago’ 1947-2004 married KEMAL HİLMİ ÇARDAK 1944-2012 from Dali
their children
1 Zafer Çardak
2 Mehtap Çardak
3 Yavuz Çardak
4 Yalçın Çardak
5 Mutlu Çardak
YUSUF SÜLEYMAN 'Mancali/Semani' 1902-1994 married MELEK MEHMET ‘Cuva/Mancalina’ 1908-1994
his children
1 Mehmet Yusuf Semai ‘Mancali/Pabgen’ 1930-1997 married Ayşe Ramadan 'Zardaganya' 1929-2016
MEHMET YUSUF SEMAİ 'Mancali' (Papgen) 1930-1997 married AYŞE RAMADAN 'Zardaganya' 1929-2016
their children
1 Yusuf Mehmet Semai 'Pabgen/Mancali' married Ülgen Necmi
2 Melek Mehmet Semai 'Pabgen/Mancali' married Behçet Zeki Usta
3 Meral Mehmet Semai 'Pabgen/Mancali' married Mehmet Ali from Turunçlu village
4 Duygu Mehmet Semai 'Pabgen/Mancali'
YUSUF MEHMET SEMAİ 'Pabgen Mancali' married ÜLGEN NECMİ ÖZYUSUFOĞLU ’Arifbillahi’
their children
1 Mehmet Yusuf Semai 'Mancali'
2 Remziye Yusuf Semai 'Mancali'
MELEK MEHMET SEMAİ 'Pabgen Mancali' married BEHÇET ZEKİ ERNAZ ‘Zeli Usta/ Gudalaridi’
their children
1 Mine Ernaz ‘Zeli/Usta/Gudalaridi’
MERAL MEHMET SEMAİ 'Pabgen Mancali' married MEHMET ALİ from Turunçlu
their children
AYŞE SÜLEYMAN 'Semani' married HASAN MUSTAFA ‘Mezeci/Karışık’
their children
1 Fatma Mezo ‘Karışık’
2 Ahmet Mezo ‘Karışık’
3 Şerif Mezo ‘Karışık’
their children
1 Tünay married Naim
2 Ayşe deceased.
3 Osman
4 Şerif married to İzzet
AHMET MEZO (LIVED İN MELBOURNE FROM1952 DIED 1999 buried at Fawkner Memorial Park , Melbourne the 3rd Mohammedan part) married Rosy from Austria.
Their children
1 Hasan (Johnny) Mezo,
2 Sami Mezo (Sam),
3 Leyla (Lıly) Mezo Loftus,
4 Deniz ( Dennis) MEZO .[10]
ŞERİF MEZO Married to ARİF CEMAL of LARNACA, (Lıved ın Melbourne from 1952 died 2005 buried at Fawkner Memorıal Park Cemetery the 3rd Mohammedan part )
their children
1 Gülay Arif married Hasan Bağdadi their sons Deniz Bağdadi & Deran Bağdadi
2 Hülya Arif married Sermen Erdoğan (separated) their children Erol Hasan Erdoğan , Eren Arif Erdoğan
3 Cemal Arif married to Ayla Süleyman (divorced their children Şhivon Arif and Tiana Arif
4 Münever( Mini) Arif married Halim Kırcı. Their children Baylen Kırcı & Declan Kırcı.
FATMA SÜLEYMAN 'Semani' married ENVER HÜSEYİN OLCAYTUĞ ’Hacı Hüseyin’ from Larnaca
their children
1 Fikret Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
2 Zeka Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
3 Belkız Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
4 Belma Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
5 Hüseyin Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
FİKRET ENVER OLCAYTUĞ ’Hacı Hüseyin’ married YÜKSEL from Limassol
their children
1 Sel
2 Ülviye
3 Esen
ZEKA ENVER OLCAYTUĞ ’Hacı Hüseyin’ married NURAY from Civisli
their children
1 Enver Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
2 Fatoş Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
3 Osman Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
BELKIZ ENVER OLCAYTUĞ ’Hacı Hüseyin’ married OSMAN DEVECİ from Bergama
their children
1 Güray Deveci
2 Fatoş Deveci
3 Enver Deveci
BELMA ENVER OLCAYTUĞ ’Hacı Hüseyin’ married DERVİŞ BORUCU from Gazi Köy
their children
1 Hasan Borucu
2 Berna Borucu
3 Enver Borucu
their children
1 Canan Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
2 Murat Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
3 Turgay Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
their children
1 Defne Mutluoğlu
MURAT HÜSEYIN OLCAYTUĞ ’Hacı Hüseyin’ married ZÜBEYDE GÖZTAŞ from Karpaz
their children
1 Beril Olcaytuğ ’Hacı Hüseyin’
ZALİHA SÜLEYMAN ’Semani/Hulu’ 1910-1992 married YUSUF SÜLEYMAN ’Babi/Babiri’ born 1902
their children
1 Süleyman Yusuf ’Babi’
2 Mehmet Yusuf ’Babi’
3 Emine Yusuf ’Babi’
4 Raziye Yusuf ’Babi’
DUDU SÜLEYMAN ’Kara Dudu/ Semani’ 1915-1993 married DERVİŞ HASAN ’Mirmikko’
their children
1 Hasan Derviş (Başaran) ’Mirmikko’
2 Mustafa Derviş (Başaran) ’Mirmikko’
3 Muazzez Derviş ’Mirmikko’
4 Nebile Derviş ’Mirmikko’
5 Emine Derviş ’Mirmikko’
6 Sonay Derviş (Başaran) ’Mirmikko’
7 Fatma Derviş ’Mirmikko’
YUSUF MUSTAFA 'Itelli' born 1867 1st marriage to RAZİYE İBRAHIM ’Psafya’ born 1866. 2nd marriage FATMA İBRAHİM ’Bodiri’
their children
1 Mustafa Yusuf ’Itelli/Kiduri’ 1894-1983
2 Ayşe Yusuf ’Itelli/Gugu Ayşe’ married Sefer Veli 'Lao' 1900-1976
children from 2nd marriage
1 İsmail Yusuf ’Itelli’ 1914-1979
2 Emine Yusuf ’Itelli’
3 Razgeli Yusuf ’Itelli’ married İbrahım 'Şarvuti'
MUSTAFA YUSUF 'Kiduri' 'Itelli 1894-1983 [11] married RADİYE BİLAL ’Kidurina/Mudaho’ 1901-2004
their children
1 Celal Mustafa 'Kiduri' born 1938 married Fatma Mehmet 'Gatsura'
2 Yusuf Mustafa 'Kiduri' 1935-1996 married Fatma Mustafa ‘Tuna’
3 Mürüde Mustafa 'Kiduri 1924-2001 married İsmail Mustafa
4 Vasfiye Mustafa 'Kiduri' born 1930 married Yusuf İbrahım 'Kile'
5 Emin-Dudu Mustafa 'Kiduri 1929-1997 married Mustafa Osman 'Musti'
6 Ayşe Mustafa 'Kiduri' married Yusuf Osman Tari' 'Bizzimbi'
CELAL MUSTAFA 'Kiduri' born 1938 married FATMA MEHMET (Mehmetça) born 1937
their children
1. Radiye Celal married Hasan Ahmet ‘Sasetti’.
2. Rengül Celal married İbrahim Tosun
their children
1 Celal Hasan (Özakıncı) 1980-1990
2 Figen Hasan (Özakıncı)
their children
1 Celal İbrahim
2 Ebru İbrahim
3 Ozan İbrahim
YUSUF MUSTAFA 'Kiduri' 1935-1996 married FATMA MUSTAFA ‘Tuna’
their children
1 Mustafa Yusuf 'Kiduri'
2 Emine Yusuf 'Kiduri'
3 Hatem Yusuf 'Kiduri'
4 Radiye Yusuf 'Kiduri'
their children
1 Rüstem Akan Yücelen (in the UK)
2 Yusuf Akan Yücelen (in the UK)
3 Fatma Akan Yücelen (in the UK)
4 Emine Akan Yücelen (in the UK)
their children
1 Filiz Özer
2 Mustafa Özer
MÜRÜDE MUSTAFA ’Kiduri 1924-2001 married İSMAİL MUSTAFA ’Sgambili/Taka’ 1917-2000
their children
1 Veli İsmail ’Sgambili’
2 Mustafa İsmail ’Sgambili’
3 Yusuf İsmail ’Sgambili’
4 Müren Ismail ’Sgambili’
VASFİYE MUSTAFA ’Kiduri’ born 1930 married YUSUF İBRAHİM ’Kile/Dima’
their children
1 Perihan Yusuf ’Kile’
2 Persil Yusuf ’Kile’
EMİN DUDU MUSTAFA ’Kiduri1929-1997 married MUSTAFA OSMAN TARİ ’Musti’
their children
1 Osman Tari ’Büyük Ozzie/Musti’
AYŞE MUSTAFA ’Kiduri’ married YUSUF OSMAN 'Bizzimbi/Tari'
1 Rahme Yusuf ’Bizzimbi’ married Seval Ahmet Seydali 'Sasseti'
2 Osman Yusuf 'Ozzie/Bizzimbi'
AYŞE YUSUF ’İtelli/Gugu Ayşe’ married SEFER VELİ 'Lao' 1900-1976
his children
1 Derviş Sefer 'Cambulat' moved to the UK
2 Fatma Sefer 'Cambulat married Cemal Yusuf 'İngiliz'
3 Sevinç Sefer 'Cambulat'
İSMAİL YUSUF 'Itelli' married HATEM BEKİR ‘Kelle’
their children
1 Mustafa İsmail Özalemdar 'Itelli' married Dervişe Hasan ’Cangi’ 1933-2012
2 Veli İsmail Özalemdar 'Itelli' married Sevilay Salih ’Şık Salih’
3 Burhan İsmail Özalemdar 'Itelli' married Raziye Yusuf ’Babi’ 1945-2014
4 Bekir İsmail Özalemdar 'Itelli' 1st marriage Persil Yusuf ’Kile’. 2nd marriage Fatma Oral ’Gatto’
5 Mürgen/Meyrem İsmail 'Itelli' married Osman Yusuf Alyanak
6 Aysel İsmail 'Itelli' married İsmail Murçak
MUSTAFA İSMAİL 'Mustafa Terzi/Itelli/Semani' married DERVİŞE HASAN ’Cangi’ 1933-2012
their children
1 İsmail Mustafa Özalemdar 'Mustafa Terzi’
2 Şerife Mustafa 'Mustafa terzi/Itelli/Semani'
3 Hasan Mustafa Özalemdar 'Mustafa Terzi’
4 Hitay Mustafa 'Mustafa Terzi/Itelli/Semani'
ŞERİFE MUSTAFA 'Mustafa terzi/Itelli/Semani' married HÜSEYİIN YUSUF ’Yusufcuki’
their children
1 Derşen Hüseyin’ Yusufcuki’
2 Ayşen Hüseyin’ Yusufcuki’
VELİ İSMAİL 'Itelli' (Özalemdar) married SEVİLAY SALİH ’Şık Salih’
his children
1 Salper Veli ’İtelli’
2 Derhan Veli ’İtelli’
BURHAN İSMAİL 'Itelli' (Özalemdar) married RAZİYE YUSUF ’Babi’ 1945-2014
His children
1 Ercüment Burhan Özalemdar ’İtelli’
2 Yusuf Burhan Özalemdar ’İtelli’
3 Egemen Burhan Özalemdar ’İtelli’
BEKİR İSMAİL 'Itelli' (Özalemdar) 1st marriage PERSİL YUSUF ’Kile’. 2nd marriage FATMA ORAL ’Gatto’
his children
1 İrsan Bekir Özalemdar ’İtelli’
2 Erkin Bekir Özalemdar ’İtelli’(from 2nd marriage)
their children
1 Zafer Özyanak ’Gada’
2 İsmail Özyanak ’Gada’
3 Ersoy Özyanak ’Gada’
4 Halil Özyanak ’Gada’
5 Erkan Özyanak ’Gada’
AYSEL İSMAİL ’İtelli’ married İSMAİL MURÇAK from the city of Van in Turkey
their children
1 Narin Murçak
2 Şirin Murçak
their children
1 Efe Şahin
their children
1 Mehmet Dinler
2 Aysel Dinler
RAZGELİ YUSUF ’İtelli/Gelona’ married İBRAHİM RAMADAN ’Şarvuti’
their children
1 Ramadan İbrahım 'Şarvuti' married Şerife Arif.
2 Yusuf İbrahım 'Şarvuti'
3 Taner İbrahım 'Şarvuti'
4 Fatma İbrahım 'Şarvuti' was Süleyman 'Şago's' 1st wife
5 Tekiye İbrahım 'Şarvuti' was Süleyman 'Şago's' 2nd wife
6 Şerife İbrahım 'Şarvuti' Married Hüseyin Nasib
Mehmet Mustafa '/Mavromaddi/ Karagözlü' is registered as being born in 1873 [12] on the Ottoman archives page 1. An important thing to bear in mind is that many individuals were often registered when an official visited the village, therefore the registration of births could possibly have been a year or 2 earlier. If the family were accurate in giving information to the officials then 1873 could be accurate, this system however led to mistakes, therefore the age of individuals was not always 100% accurate.
MEHMET MUSTAFA 'Mavrommadi, Karagözlü' 1873-1916 (1874 in another document) married RAZİYE MURAT 'Geli' 1876-1958
their children
1 Mustafa Mehmet 'Mavrommadi/Tay' born 1903-1973 married Ayşe Hasan 'Mirmikko' 'Tayna'.1909-1999
2 İbrahım Mehmet 'Gavleş' born 1909-1999 Sultan 'Badina'.
3 Murat Mehmet 'Geli' 1916-1987 married Cemaliye Hasan 'Lordo'. [13]
MUSTAFA MEHMET 'Mavrommadi,Tay' born 1903-1973 married AYŞE HASAN 'Mirmikko/Tayna'. 1909-1999 [14]
their children
1 Emine Mustafa 'Taogori' born 04.02.1930-1995 married Yusuf Osman 'Gato' (Sguluga)
2 Mehmet Mustafa 'Tay' born 30.11.1931 married Şaziye from Nicosia
3 Hasan Mustafa 'Tay' born 18.09.1936-2006
4 Oral Mustafa 'Tay' born 09.04.1945-2018 married Şerife
5 Soner Mustafa 'Tay' born 19.11.1946 married 1.Sermin İbrahim 'Cici' 2. Athanasia
EMİNE MUSTAFA 'Taogori' born 04.02.1930-1995 married YUSUF OSMAN 'Gato/Sguluga’
their children
1 Aysel Yusuf ‘Sguluga’ 1950-1999
2 Osman Yusuf ‘Sguluga
3 Mustafa Yusuf 1952-1983
MEHMET MUSTAFA 'Tay' born 30.11.1931 married ŞAZİYE HASAN born 1932 from Nicosia
their children
1 Salih Mehmet Karagözlü ‘Tai’ born 05.04.1956 married? children Mustafa, Mehmet, Seycan & Levent from his Russian wife
2 Ayşe Mehmet Karagözlü ‘Tai’ born 20.3.1957 married Salih. Children Bekir, Mehmet
3 Munevver Mehmet Karagözlü ‘Tai’ (twin) born 1959 children Emine and Bili
4 Gülin Mehmet Karagözlü ‘Tai’ (twin) born 1959
5 Mustafa Mehmet Karagözlü ‘Tai’ born 1961-1998 one child,Şaziye
GÜLİN MEHMET KARAGÖZLÜ ’Tay’ born 1959 married YUSUF İBRAHİM ’Şarvutti’
their children
1 Hüseyin
2 Şerife
3 Raziye
HASAN MUSTAFA 'Tay' (Mavromadi) born 05 .10.1936, - 02. 06.2006 married SÜREYYA from Nicosia
their children
1 Mehmet-Salih Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
2 Mustafa Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
3 Süleyman Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
4 İmren Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
5 Tiben Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi ) triplet
6 Tiven Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi ) triplet
7 Liven Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi ) triplet
8 Murat Hasan Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
ORAL MUSTAFA 'Tay' ( Mavromadi ) born 09.04.1945 1st marriage ŞERİFE ŞABAN. 2nd marriage SÜREYYA from Nicosia
their children
1 Döven Oral Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
2 Deşen Oral Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
3 Ayşe Oral Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
4 Mustafa Oral Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
Children from 2nd marriage
5 Şerife Oral Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
6 Soner Oral Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
7 Orhan Oral Karagözlü ( Mavromadi )
SONER MUSTAFA 'Tay' born 19.11.1946 married 1 ŞERMİN İBRAHIM 'Cici/Mustafella’1948-1999. 2 ATHANASIA
their children
1 Ayşe Soner Karagözlü ( Mavromadi ) from 1st marriage Şermin
2 Emine Soner Karagözlü ( Mavromadi ) from 1st marriage Şermin
3 Leyla Soner Karagözlü ( Mavromadi ) from second marriage Athanasia
İBRAHİM MEHMET 'Gavleş/Karagözlü' 1909-1999 married SULTAN RAMADAN 'Badina'. 1912-2003[15]
their children
1 Mehmet İbrahim 'Gavleş' born 1935 married Hüsnüye
2 Nebile İbrahim 'Gavleş' born 1937 married Fikret Nasib
3 Melek İbrahim born 1940 married Süleyman Garip 'Axipa'
4 Ramadan İbrahim 'Gavleş/Pars born 1942 married Süheyla İbrahim 'Gingi'
5 Murat İbrahim born 1945 married Havva 'Pileli'
6 Tuncer İbrahim 'Bissi' born 1948 married Affet
7 Fevzi İbrahim 'Tüncer' born 1950
8 Raziye İbrahim born 1953 married İbrahim Rıfat
MEHMET İBRAHİM 'Gavleş' 'Karagözlü' born 1935 married HÜSNÜYE HASAN ’Gulle’
their children
1 İbrahim Mehmet Karagözlü
2 Hasan Mehmet Karagözlü
RAMADAN İBRAHİM 'Pars' 'Karagözlü' born 1942 married SÜHEYLA İBRAHİM ‘Gingi’
their children
1 İbrahim Ramadan Karagözlü ‘Pars’
2 Müjde Ramadan Karagözlü ‘Pars’
3 Sumru Ramadan ‘Gingi’ was adopted by Enver 'Gingi'
their children
1 Parscan Karagözlü ’Pars’
2 Yağmur Karagözlü ’Pars’
EMİNE RAMADAN ’Pars’ married CANER ÇOLAKOĞLU from Cihangir/Abohor
their children
1 Berkay Çolakoğlu
2 Sılay Çolakoğlu
SÜMRÜ ENVER ’Gingi’ married ÖZGÜR TEZKAN from Stavrogonno
their children
1 Katriye Tezkan
2 Enver Tezkan
3 Havin Tezkan
MURAT İBRAHİM KARAGÖZLÜ ’Mavromadi/Gavleş’ born 1945 married HAVVA from Pile
their children
1 İbrahim Karagözlü ’Mavromadi/Gavleş’
2 Münüse Karagözlü ’Mavromadi/Gavleş’
TUNCER İBRAHİM 'Bissi' 'Karagözlü' born 1948 married KIYMET YUSUF ’Gondo’
their children
1 İbrahim Tuncer Karagözlü
2 Duygu Tuncer Karagözlü
FEVZİ İBRAHİM KARAGÖZLU ’Mavromadi/Gavleş’ born 1950 married AYCAN HASAN ’Masari’
their children
1 İbrahim Fevzi Karagözlü
2 Sultan Fevzi Karagözlü
NEBİLE İBRAHIM 'Gavleş/Mavromadi’ born 1937 married FİKRET NASİB ASILKANLI ’Mirmikko’ born 1935 married their children
1 Nasib Fikret (Asılkanlı) his children Fikret
2 İbrahım Fikret (Nasibler) his children Leyla-Jean & Luke
3 Şerife Fikret (Asılkanlı) married Hüseyin R Kozanoğlu
MELEK İBRAHIM 'Gavleş/Mavromadi’ born 1940 married SÜLEYMAN İBRAHİM GAZİ ’Aksippa/Garip’ 1938-2015
their children
1 İbrahim Garip (Gazi) ’Aksippa’
2 Aynur Garip (Gazi) ’Aksippa’
RAZİYE İBRAHİM 'Gavleş/Mavromadi’ born 1953 married İBRAHİM RİFAT ’Gargablumi’
their children
1 Emine İbrahim ’Gargablumi’
2 Müsteyde İbrahim ’Gargablumi’
3 Sultan İbrahim ’Gargablumi’
MURAT MEHMET KARAGÖZLÜ 'Geli' born 1916-1987 married CEMALİYE HASAN 'Lordo' born 1927-28?
their children
1 Mehmet Murat Karagözlü ‘Geli’ 04.11.1952 - 03.07.2022 married Anne from Ireland
2 Hasan Murat Karagözlü ‘Geli’
3 İbrahim Murat Karagözlü 'Geli/Jimmy'
MEHMET MURAT KARAGÖZLÜ ‘Geli’ 04.11.1952 - 03.07.2022 married ANNE from Ireland
his children
1 Cemaliye Mehmet Karagözlü
2 Leyla Mehmet Karagözlü
3 Murat Mehmet Karagözlü
his children
1 Murat Hasan Karagözlü ‘Geli’
2 Ceylan Hasan Karagözlü Geli’
3 Cemaliye Hasan Karagözlü Geli’
4 Ayşe Hasan Karagözlü Geli’
İBRAHİM MURAT KARAGÖZLÜ ‘Geli’ 1st marriage Theresa from the UK. “nd marriage from the village of Mora
their children
1 Cemaliye İbrahim Karagözlü ’Geli’
2 Ayşe İbrahim Karagözlü ’Geli’
3 Murat İbrahim Karagözlü Geli’
children from 2nd marriage
4 Ceykan İbrahim Karagözlü Geli’
5 Şanel İbrahim Karagözlü Geli’
YUSUF HÜSEYİN Uskufdi ('Haci-harra') was the 2nd son of HÜSEYİN MUSTAFA 'Skufidi'
YUSUF HÜSEYİN 'Uskufdi' 'Haci-harra' born 1838 married RABİA HALİL born 1843 they married in 1860. [16]
their children
1 Süleyman Yusuf 'Haci-harra' born 1867 married Emine Süleyman ’Truko’
2 Zeliha Yusuf 'Haci-harra' born 1865
SÜLEYMAN YUSUF 'haci-harra' born 1867 married EMİNE SÜLEYMAN ’Truko’
their children
1 Yusuf Süleyman 'Babi' born 10,01,1900 married Zaliha Süleyman ’Semani’ 1910-1992
2 Mehmet Süleyman 'Gavles'
3 Rebyeli Süleyman ’Lauzardina’ married İsmail 'Lauzarda'
YUSUF SÜLEYMAN 'Babi' born 10.01.1900 married ZALİHA SÜLEYMAN ’Semani’ 1910-1992
their children
1 Süleyman Yusuf 'Babi' birth ? died in 2000
2 Mehmet Yusuf 'Babi' married Şaziye Mustafa ’Gordonbihti’
3 Emine Yusuf Babi married Mehmet 'İskeleli'
4 Raziye Yusuf Babi 1945-2014 married Burhan İsmail 'İtelli'
SÜLEYMAN YUSUF 'Babi' birth ? died in 2000 married ŞERİFE OSMAN ’Ganari’ died in 1991
their children
1 Zerin Süleyman 'Babi'
2 Emine Süleyman 'Babi'
3 Yusuf Süleyman 'Babi'
EMİNE SÜLEYMAN ’Babi’ born 1961 married ERAN YUSUF BESEN ’Gudalaridi’ 1961
their children
1 Şerife Besen born 1986 married Ruhel Uddin from Bangladesh. Children Ilyas 30.12.2016. Aleena 05.06 2021
2 Yusuf born 1988 married Medina from Bangladesh
MEHMET YUSUF ’Babi’ married ŞAZİYE MUSTAFA ’Gordonbihti’
their children
1 Zülal Mehmet ’Babi’
2 Rabia Mehmet ’Babi’
EMİNE YUSUF ’Babi’ married MEHMET from Larnaca
no information on their children
MEHMET SÜLEYMAN 'Gavleş' 'Babi' married EMİN-DUDU 'Şonu' 'Gitimiri' birth?died 1968
their children
1 Süleyman Mehmet 'Gavleş' married Rahme Mehmet
2 Osman Mehmet 'Gavleş' (Kaya) married Gülcan İsmail ’Aligunni’
3 Ayşe Mehmet 'Gavleş married Yusuf Şükrü
4 Rabia Mehmet 'Gavleş married Hasan Ozan
their children
1 Mehmet Süleyman 'Gavleş'
2 Sultan Süleyman 'Gavleş'
OSMAN MEHMET KAYA 'Gavleş' married GÜLCAN İSMAIL ’Aligunni’
their children
1 İsmail Osman Kaya 'Gavleş' born 1970 married Fatma Kolay from Konya, Turkey
2 Naile Osman Kaya 'Gavleş' born 1972 married Orhun Kemal Şah ’Mehmetça’
3 Emine Osman Kaya 'Gavleş'1968-2008
İSMAİL OSMAN KAYA ’Gavleş’ born 1970 married FATMA KOLAY from Konya, Turkey
their children
1 Izim Kaya ’Gavleş’
2 Osman Kaya ’Gavleş’
NAİLE OSMAN KAYA ’Gavleş’ born 1972 ORHUN KEMAL ŞAH ’Mehmetca’
their children
1 Gülcan Şah ’Mehmetça’
2 Cansu Şah ’Mehmetça’
their children
1 Mehmet Şükrü
2 Fatma/Fatoş Şükrü
their children
1 Adem Şükrü
2 Suzan Şükrü
their children
1 Emine Osman ’Efendi/Musko’
2 Ayşe Osman ’Efendi/Musko’
RABİA MEHMET 'Babiri/Gavleş' married HASAN OZAN
their children
1 Cem Hasan Ozan married Ayşe Osman Serdengeçti ’Aligunni’
2 Fikret Hasan Ozan married Meryem from Balıkesir, Turkey
their children
1 Rabia Ozan
2 Fatma Ozan
FİKRET HASAN OZAN married MERYEM from Balıkesir, Turkey.
their children
1 Hasan Ozan
2 Ayşe Ozan
REBYELİ SÜLEYMAN ’Babiri/Lauzardina’ married İSMAİL YUSUF ’Lauzarda’ born 1885
their children
1 Derviş İsmail ’Lauzarda/Polis’
2 Süleyman İsmail Lauzarda/Kubani’
(1) Ottoman census 1879. Doc; 150-a-1 page 299. Ref 5223
(2) The 1831 T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri. Book TŞR.KB.d.00040. Pages 45 ve 46. Person No; 63 lists this person as Hüseyin İsmail. Though speculative, no other matching names have been found among the 104 recorded Muslims. His grandson was also named İsmail which is an indication that perhaps his full name was Hüseyin İsmail Mustafa. Again this is speculative.
(3) Ottoman census 1879, Doc 163-a-3 page325. Ref No; 5700.
(4) Must have died young as no other record of his existence has been found. The 1831 T.C Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivleri. Book TŞR.KB.d.00040. Pages 45 ve 46. Person No; 65
(5) Ottoman census 1879. Doc; 150-a-1 page 299. Ref 5223
(6) Not found on İbrahım Tahsildar's records, only on Doc; 150-a-1 page 299. Ref 5227
(7) The Milli arşiv ve araştırma dairesinde 67 numarada kayıt. 1889,1890,1893,1897,1906 kayıtlar. page 135, family No; 8.
(8) See footnote number 5.
(9] must have been born after the death of his brother Mehmet as he carries the same name
See footnote number 5.
(10) The information on the Mezo family were shared by Sermen Erdoğan. Email 16,03,2015.
(11) Information on this family from Mehmet Veli 'Kirlapo'
(12) Ottoman census 1879,150-b-1 page 299 & 150-b-1 page 300 Ref 5223.
(13) The dates of this family were given by Soner Karagözlü (Mavromadi) in a personal interview.
(14) All the dates and names of the younger generation of this family were given by Karagözlü (Mavromadi) in a personal interview.
(15) All the dates and names of the younger generation of this family were given by Soner Karagözlü (Mavromadi) in a personal interview.
(16) Ottoman census 1879, Doc No; 163-a-3 page 325. Ref; 5696 & 5697.